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    • 1、Wee-Sing儿歌和妈妈一起唱系列04英语辅导:www.dd- 1、Pease Porridge Hot热豆粥Pease porridge hot豌豆粥很热Pease porridge cold豌豆粥很凉Pease porridge in the pot豌豆粥放在锅子里Nine days old放了九天Some like it hot有人喜欢热的Some like it cold有人喜欢凉的Some like it in the pot有人喜欢在锅里放着的Nine days old放了九天的Pease porridge hot豌豆粥很热Pease porridge cold豌豆粥很凉Pease porridge in the pot豌豆粥放在锅子里Nine days old放了九天Some like it hot有人喜欢热的Some like it cold有人喜欢凉的Some like it in the pot有人喜欢在锅里放着的Nine days old放了九天的2、Betty Botter贝蒂波特Betty Botter bought some butter;贝蒂波特买了一些

      2、黄油But, said she, this butters bitter!她说:“但是这黄油是苦的”If I put it in my batter果我把它弄成面糊It will make my batter bitter.面也会苦But a bit of better butter有些较优质的牛油Will but make my batter better.会让我的面糊更好。Then she bought a bit of butter然后她买了一小块黄油Better than the bitter butter,比黄油好点点Made her bitter batter better.她面糊更好了So twas better Betty Botter所以贝蒂波特好了bought a bit of better butter.买了一些更好的黄油。3、Jack Sprat杰克斯普拉特Jack Sprat could eat no fat.矮子可以吃不胖。His wife could eat no lean.他的妻子可以不吃瘦肉。And so between them both, you

      3、see,所以你看他们两个,They licked the platter clean.他们舔干净了盘子Jack Sprat could eat no fat.矮子可以吃不胖。His wife could eat no lean.他的妻子可以不吃瘦肉。And so between them both, you see,所以你看他们两个,They licked the platter clean.他们舔干净了盘子4、See-Saw,Margery Daw跷跷板,玛琼琳朵See Saw Margery Daw跷跷板,玛琼琳朵Jacky shall have a new master杰克就要有一个新主人了He shall earn but a penny a day每天他只得到一便士Because he cant work any faster因为他不愿多卖力气干活儿See Saw Margery Daw跷跷板,玛琼琳朵Jacky shall have a new master杰克就要有一个新主人了He shall earn but a penny a day每天他只得到一便士Because

      4、he cant work any faster因为他不愿多卖力气干活儿5、Pat A Cake做蛋糕Pat-A-cake, pat-A-cake bakers man!做个蛋糕,面包师做个蛋糕!Bake me a cake just as fast as you can.快快为我做个蛋糕。Pat it and prick it and mark it with B.轻轻拍一拍,再把它竖起来,上面还有个B.Put it in the oven for baby and me,把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃!For baby and me, for baby and me.给我和宝贝吃,给我和宝贝吃。Put it in the oven for baby and me.把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃。Pat-A-cake, pat-A-cake bakers man!做个蛋糕,面包师做个蛋糕!Bake me a cake just as fast as you can.快快为我做个蛋糕。Pat it and prick it and mark it with B.轻轻拍一拍,再把它竖起来,上面

      5、还有个B.Put it in the oven for baby and me,把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃!For baby and me, for baby and me.给我和宝贝吃,给我和宝贝吃。Put it in the oven for baby and me.把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃。6、Three Little Kittens三只小猫咪Once three little kittens they lost their mittens,从前有三只小猫丢了他们的手套,And they began to cry,于是他们开始哭,Oh,mother dear,“哦,亲爱的妈妈,We sadly fear our mittens we have lost.我们为已经丢失了的手套感到很伤心。”What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens!“什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!Then you shall have no pie.那么你们将没有馅饼了。”Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow.喵,喵,喵,喵。Once t

      6、hree little kittens they lost their mittens,从前有三只小猫丢了他们的手套,And they began to cry,于是他们开始哭,Oh,mother dear,“哦,亲爱的妈妈,We sadly fear our mittens we have lost.我们为已经丢失了的手套感到很伤心。”What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens!“什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!Then you shall have no pie.那么你们将没有馅饼了。”Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow.喵,喵,喵,喵。7、Little Tommy Tucker小托米塔克Little Tommy Tucker小托米塔克Sings for his supper.在为晚餐歌唱What shall we give him?我们应给他什么呢?White bread and butter.面包和黄油How shall he cut it Without a knife?我们没有刀,怎么切呢?How wil

      7、l he be married Without a wife?就如没有妻子怎么结婚呢?Little Tommy Tucker小托米塔克Sings for his supper.在为晚餐歌唱What shall we give him?我们应给他什么呢?White bread and butter.面包和黄油How shall he cut it Without a knife?我们没有刀,怎么切呢?How will he be married Without a wife?就如没有妻子怎么结婚呢?8、Lucy Locket露茜的钱袋Lucy Locket lost her pocket,露茜把钱袋丢了Kitty Fisher found it;基蒂费舍尔找到了Not a penny was there in it,里面一分钱也没有Only ribbon round it.只有丝带。Lucy Locket lost her pocket,露茜把钱袋丢了Kitty Fisher found it;基蒂费舍尔找到了Not a penny was there in it,里面一分钱也没有Onl

      8、y ribbon round it.只有丝带。Lucy Locket lost her pocket,露茜把钱袋丢了Kitty Fisher found it;基蒂费舍尔找到了Not a penny was there in it,里面一分钱也没有Only ribbon round it.只有丝带。9、Little Jack Horner小杰克赫纳Little Jack Horner sat in the corner小杰克赫纳坐在角落里Eating his Christmas pie吃着圣诞派He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum伸出大拇指,挖到一李子And said What a good boy am I!说:“我真是个好男孩儿!”Little Jack Horner sat in the corner小杰克赫纳坐在角落里Eating his Christmas pie吃着圣诞派He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum伸出大拇指,挖到一李子And said What a good boy am I!说:“我真是个好男孩儿!”Little Jack Horner sat in the corner小杰克赫纳坐在角落里Eating his Christmas pie吃着圣诞派He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum伸出大拇指,挖到一李子And said What a good boy am I!说:“我真是个好男孩儿!”10、Little Miss Muffet玛菲特小姐Sat on a tuffet坐在土堆上Eating


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