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    • 1、 联想记忆 联想记忆1能力able a. 有能力的; ably ad.能干的;unable a.无能力的be able/unable to do sth有(无)能力干某事;ability n.能力; enable vt.使能够,促使enable sb to do sth 使某人能干某事;disability n.无能,伤残;inability n.无能;disable vt. 使残废;使丧失能力;disabled a.伤残的the disabled 残疾人take care of the disabled关心残疾人一言巧记Sometimes the disabled are able to do what we normal people are unable to do.有时残疾人能做我们正常人不能做的一些事。联想记忆2 出国abroad ad. 到国外,在海外at home and abroad 国内外;learn/master a foreign language 学习(掌握)一门外语;aboard adv. 在船(车、飞机)上=on board; board n.木板,甲板 b

      2、lackboard n 黑板 boarding school 寄宿学校;broad a. 宽阔的 a broad sea宽阔的海洋,broad shoulders宽阔的双肩;broadcast v. n. 广播;播音绕口令:1. Be on board if you want to go abroad! Look, our road is so broad. 想出国就快快上(车)。看,我们的道路多宽广。2. Why write on the blackboard and why not broadcast?为什么写在黑板上而不广播?联想记忆3 出席absence n. 缺席 absent a. 缺席的;缺少的 be absent from the meeting 缺席会议;present a.1)出席的,到场的;2)目前的,现在的 be present at出席(会议等),present situation目前的形势;present n.礼物; presence n. 出席;存在 vt. 赠送;介绍;上演;提出 at present=now=nowadays 现在 late a. 迟的

      3、,晚的,新近的 be late for 干某事迟到 later on=afterwards 后来lately =recently ad. 最近,近来 (常用于完成时) recent a. 最近的 ;latest a.最新的;delay vt. 推迟=put off; delay doing sth =put off doing sth推迟做某事一言巧记The absent-minded boy is absent from the meeting though he knows he must be present at it with a present.那个心不在焉的男孩没有出席这个会议,尽管他知道他必须带礼物参加。联想记忆4 接受accept vt. 接受,认可;acceptance n.接受,接纳;acceptable a.可接受的receive vt. 接收;接见,接待reception n. 接待, 招待会, 接收a warm reception热情的接待, good reception 收听效果好 received=accepted 公认的;refuse vt. 拒绝,

      4、谢绝; refuse to do 拒绝做refusal n. 拒绝 ;reject vt.拒绝,抵制 n.被抛弃之人(物)经典搭配:receive education 受教育 receive an award for 获奖 receive students 招收学生receive guests 欢迎客人 receive a blow遭受打击 a received/accepted view 公认的观点an accepted theory= a received theory 公认的理论一言巧记This is a received view though you refused to accept it. 这是一个公认的观点,尽管你不接受。联想记忆5 机会access n 通道;机会;权力;accessible a. 易接近的,易达到的;right n. 权力;右边;a. 右边的;正确的 adv. 刚好;chance n. 机会 vi碰巧; opportunity n 机会;challenge n./ vt. 挑战;向.挑战challenging a. 富有挑战性的,挑逗的 a chal

      5、lenging job 富有挑战性的工作一言巧记Youve no right to drive us out ,for we have access to this lecture-hall and we wont miss suc h a good chance now that we have grasped the opportunity. 你没有权力驱赶我们出去,因为我们进入报告大厅的通道。我们是不会错过这个机会的,既然我们抓住了这个机遇。联想记忆6 计算account n 报道;张目;理由; v. 说明;叙述;认为;总计on account of=because of 因为count v. n. 计算;有价值;重要Every second counts.每一秒钟都很重要。countless a. 无数的,数不清的 countable a. 可数的;counter n. 计算器;柜台*countable noun 可数名词*uncountable noun 不可数名词 discount n.折扣;vt.打折扣 at a discount 打折扣at a 40%discount

      6、那台电视机打折40%绕口令: Without a counter I cant count so many counters on account of those people around me who always account or count me very stupid. (account vt=count vt 认为)没有计算器我数不清这么多的柜台,因为我周围的人总认为我很蠢。联想记忆7 精确accurate a. 正确的,精确的an accurate report of the affair 事件的准确报道accurately ad. 正确地,精确地; correct a. 正确的 vt. 纠正correct mistakes 纠正错误exact a. 精确的;严密的an exact figure精确的数字an exact science一门严密的学科exactly adv. 精确地;严密地;正好经典搭配to be accurate 正确地说 to be exact 精确地说 to be more exact 更精确地说 correct mistakes 纠错 cor

      7、rect children 惩戒小孩 not exactly 不完全,不一定绕口令:The time by my watch is correct and my watch is exactly half past eight. You know my watch is always accurate. 我手表的时间是对的:刚好八点。你清楚我的手表一直很准。联想记忆8 声音accent n.口音; voice n. vt. 嗓音;表达;sound n./ v. 响声;听起来;noise n. 噪音noisy adj. 嘈杂的;whistle n. vi.口哨声;汽笛声;吹口哨;scream n./ vi.尖叫声;尖叫*yell n./ vt. 叫喊声,吼叫声;吼叫;shout v./ n.呼喊,呼叫shout at the top of ones voice 声嘶力竭地叫喊 *weep n./ v. 哭声;哭叫; laughter n. 笑声;pronounce vi. 发音pronunciation n. 发音; stress n. 重音,压力; v. 强调;aloud ad. 出声

      8、地;大声地 read aloud读出声loud a. /ad. 大声的;speak in a loud/low voice 大声(低声)说 loudspeaker n. 扬声器, 扩音器loudly ad.大声地;嘈杂地 一言巧记The boy did scream loudly near the stream just now becaue he didnt like the cream which his mother steamed for him.这个男孩刚才确实在小溪附近嚎叫,因为他不喜欢他妈妈给他蒸的那个奶酪。联想记忆9 控告accuse vt. 控告;谴责accuse sb of sth 为某事控告某人accuser n. 原告 the accused 被告 charge v. 控诉;要价;充电charge sb with sth 为某事控告某人n. 充电;主管in charge of 负责;主管in the charge of在的管理下 arrest vt. n. 逮捕 judge vt. n 裁决;裁判;sentence vt. 宣判 crime n. 罪行 do(c

      9、ommit) a crime 犯罪 prevent a crime预防犯罪 criminal n.罪犯steal v. 偷, 窃取, 偷盗steal sth from sb偷某人东西rob vt. 抢劫rob sb of sth抢某人东西guilty a.犯罪的robber n. 抢劫犯burglar n. 夜贼thief n. 贼, 小偷evidence/proof n. 证据,证词give false evidence作伪证innocent a. 清白的,无罪的be innocent of a crime无罪an innocent child天真的孩子一言巧记The thief stole a wallet from a chief and was charged with his theft. 那个贼偷了首长的钱包,因此被控告有盗窃罪。联想记忆10面积acre n. 英亩(=40.47公亩或6.07亩), 地产, 大片田地area n. 面积;地区meter n.米a square metre 一平方米a cubic meter 一立方米centimeter n. 厘米millimeter n. 毫米kilometer n.公里(kiologram n.公斤)inch n.英寸foot n. 英尺(=12 inches=1/3yard);足 on foot 步行footprint n. 脚印yard 码;院子经典搭配be on foot 在着手中 on ones feet 站起;恢复健康;(经济上)独立fall on ones feet 幸免于难 rise to ones feet 站起来at ones feet 在某人的支配下 have cold feet 害怕,临阵畏缩 联想记忆11 吸引absorb vt.吸收;承担;吸引(知识)


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