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英语自考 口译与听力模拟试卷b

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  • 文档编号:93202570
  • 上传时间:2019-07-18
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  • 文档大小:57.50KB
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    • 1、 高等教育自学考试英语专业口译与听力教程模拟试卷 (B卷) Part One Listening ( 1*20=20 marks) Listen to the conversation twice and finish the following questions. 1. How many countries has the woman been to ? A. About fourteen. B. Twenty-eight. C. Around forty. D. Over fifty. 2. Which place does the woman seem to like most? A. The west coast of Canada. B. A British seaside resort. C.The Rocky Mountains. D. A quiet, unspoilt place in Asia. 3. Considering that traveling can be dangerous at times, what does the woman do? A. S

      2、he travels only to safe places. B. She usually hitchhikes during the journey. C. She very often travels by day. D. She avoids travelling alone as much as possible. 4. Which of the following is true about the woman? A. She stayed in a prison in Norway. B. She was robbed on a train in Hungary. C. She was once arrested in Germany. D. She chose to go to the Middle East to cover the war. 5. Why does the woman want to keep traveling? A. She wants to enjoy mil climates and a hectic life. B. She feels c

      3、ompletely alive while shes traveling. C. She can have a lot of experience with others. D. Both B and C. Listen to the conversation twice and finish the following questions. 6. What was Brian doing when Kelly arrived? A. Dreaming. B. Studying. C. Losing touch. D. Reading. 7. Why is Brian so tired? A. Hes been reading a boring book. B. Hes been losing touch with reality. C. Hes been drifting off. D. Hes been up late studying. 8. What did the girl in the dream do? A. She sat with Brian in the garde

      4、n. B. She gave Brian a pink rose. C. She brought Brian some refreshments. D. She said that Brian looked rested and refreshed. 9. Why was Brian surprised and a little anxious about the cookies? A. Because he didnt like cookies. B. Because he wasnt sure who brought the cookies. C. Because he was losing touch with reality. D. Because the girl in the dream brought the cookies. 10. What does Brian think he needs right now? A. To share refreshments with the girl in the dream. B. To share refreshments

      5、with Kelly. C. To share refreshments with Freud. D. To share refreshments with a lovely lady. Listen to the description of Katherine and Jean twice and write down their positive and negative qualities. Katherine: Positive: 11. 12. 13. Negative: 14. 15. 16. Jean: Positive:17. 18. Negative:19. 20. Part Two Interpretation (2*20=40 marks) Listen to the following sentences once and put them into Chinese. 21. Secure tenure can help stabilize communities, improve living conditions, and promote local in

      6、vestment in shelter, infrastructure and business. 22. At this workshop, water leaders from around the world recommended an improved water management policy to prevent water shortages from affecting urban populations and to reduce the inefficient use of urban water resources. 23. Naturally, besides these strict rules, retail jewellery shops and stores throughout the world have to comply with local laws and trading standards laid down by Government departments. 24. Now the official trading and bus

      7、iness currency of eleven European countries, the Euro wont be the official cash currency in those nations until January 1st, 2002. 25. Any list of the most frequently cited strengths of Princeton would include the following: the quality of its academic program, its unusual status as a world-class research university, the significant role accorded to independent work, a highly participatory student body involved in a broad range of extracurricular pursuits, and its strong sense of community. 26.

      8、The World Wild Fund for Nature is a non-governmental organization that specializes in protecting animals, in particular; but in general terms, tries to protect wild life and plant and everything that has to do with the natural environment. 27. I have intensified our effort on all fronts in this battleapprehending terrorists wherever they are and bringing them to justice. 28. We are telling the entertainment industry that we expect them to be responsible for what they put on the market. 29. We ca

      9、n only imagine the variety of applications that will be possible in the future when GPS technology becomes even more mature in the future. 30. Although Internet phone technology has only been with us for three years, it shows vast potential for future development. Listen to the following sentences twice and put them into English. 31. 从汉代起,西安就已经是一座在中外国际交流中十分重要的城市。著名的丝绸之路始于此地。 32. 世界银行的使命是建立一种机制,为恢复和发展经济提供长期所需的外汇。 33. 落后的教育和人才的缺乏是中国成功实施西部大开发战略的最大障碍。 34. 联合国儿童基金会将在2001-2005年间向中国提供200万美元的援助。 35. 上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。这项工程将采用德国的技术。 36. 面对旅游市场的需求,中国以培养翻译导游人员为主要特点的旅游教育应势而生。 37. 北方交通大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学。 38. 自从1949年建国以来,我国一直重视发展体育事业,在所有各种赛事中都取得了优异的成绩。 39. 我以全体运动员的名义,保证为了体育的光荣和我们各运动队的荣誉,以真正的体育道德精神参加本届奥林匹克运动会,尊重并遵守运动会的各项规则。 40. 在亚洲奥委会代表大会上,中国以43票赞成,22票反对,6票弃权当选为第十一届亚运会主办国。 Part Three Interpretation (10*2+20=40 marks) Listen to the following paragraphs twice and put them into

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