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英译汉 试题a卷

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  • 上传时间:2019-07-18
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    • 1、 学年第二学期期末考试试卷 级 专业 翻译 试卷(A卷)命题 审核 审批 班级 学号 姓名 题号 一 二 三 四 总得分 阅卷人 得分 。Multiple Choice Questions (10 points,1 points for each) Directions: This part consists of five sentences, each followed by four different translations labeled A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is the most equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 订 线 得 分 阅卷人 1. There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral. A.油可以分为三大类:动物油,植物油,矿物油。 B.油可以分为三给:动物油,植物油,矿物油。 C.油可以分为三组:动物、植物、矿物油。 D.有油三大类:动

      2、物油,植物油,矿物油。 2. No other country is so dependent on a single lifeline. Egypts very soil was born in the Niles annual flood. A.任何别的国家都不像埃及这样依赖着唯一的一条生命线。埃及的非常之土地也是尼罗河洪水每年泛滥而带来的。 B.任何别的国家都不像埃及这样依赖着简单的条生命线。埃及的土地是尼罗河洪水每年泛滥而带来的。 C.任何别的国家都不像埃及这样依赖着唯一的一条生命线。就连埃及的的土地也是尼罗河洪水每年泛滥而带来的。 D.任何别的国家都不像埃及这样依赖着唯一的一条生命线,其土地是尼罗河洪水每年泛滥而带来的。 3. His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. A.他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚,要不然他那十分自信的神气和略为高

      3、傲的派头真会使人害怕。 B.他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚,要不然他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派 头真会使我害怕。 C.要不是他和热情真挚的握手,他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头真会使我害怕。 D.他和我握手,热情,真挚,他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头不会使我害怕。 4. Two little boys in particular caught our attention A.两个小男孩特别注意我们。 B.两个特别的小男孩子尤其引起我们的注意。 C.两个穿着特别的小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。 D.两个小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。 5. Two hundred pounds of muscle and sinew, created by hard work and clean living had melted to a hundred and sixty-odd; his former clothing flagged about him. A.他的体重曾经重达二百磅,但辛勤的干活加上清贫的生活,使他消瘦下去,只剩下一百六十多磅,过去的衣服穿在身上显得又肥又大。 B.他的体重

      4、曾经重达二百磅,但辛勤的干活加上清贫的生活,使他的肌肉和肌健只剩下一百六十多磅,过去的衣服穿在身上显得又肥又大。 C.辛勤的干法加上规矩的生活,使他的体重曾经重达二百磅。可这一身盘肉后来消瘦下去,只剩下一百六十多磅,过去的衣服穿在身上显得又肥又大。 D.辛勤的干法加上规矩的生活,使他的体重从二百磅减少到一百六十多磅。过去的衣服穿在身上像旗子一样逛逛荡荡的。 6. 狭义上下文可以分为 。 A.句法上下文和词汇上下文 B.段落上下文和语义上下文 C.句子范围和语言单位 D.句子范围和语言环境 7. 的差异可以说是我们在汉译英方面研究的主要内容。 A.句子结构 B.词性转换 C.文化差异 D.语法 8. 所谓翻译,是翻译 ,而不是翻译 。 A.语句;意思 B.意思;词句 C.词句,段落 D.段落;词句 9. 英语不喜欢重复,如果一句话里或相连的几句话需要重复某个词语,则用 来代替,或以其他手段避免重复。 A.名词 B.动词 C.连词 D.代词 10. 就句子结构而言,一般说来, 。 A.汉主语多用并列结构,英语也多用并列结构。 B.汉语多用并列结构,英语多用主从结构。 C.汉语多用主从结构,

      5、英语也多用主从结构。 D.汉语多用主从结构,英语多用并列结构。 。Phrase Translation (20 points,2 point for each) Directions:Put the following phrases into Chinese. 订 线 得 分 阅卷人 11. Industrial Revolution 12. legal title 13. popular science 14. mineral deposit 15. court of appeals 16. internal combustion engine 17. arena 18. self-assurance 19. applied entomology 20. noise pollution 。Translation Improvement (20 points, 2 points for each) Directions: Each of the following translations has one or more inadequacies. Improve the given

      6、 translations. Example: 原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate. 译文:阿德莱德享有地中海型气候。 改译:阿德莱德属地中海型气候。 订 线 得 分 阅卷人 21. 原文:Im filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. 译文:当我想到我的生活因它所联系的而变得无法比较,我就感到非常兴奋。 改译: 22. 原文:Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals. 译文:在创建英国运河体系的过程中,有两件事是非常突出的。 改译: 23. 原文:The first great rush of population to the far west was drawn to the mountainous regions. 译文:大规模迁往极西地带的移民,被驱赶到山区。

      7、改译: 24. 原文:Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in ways not yet fully understood. 译文:然而现代的人们用连他们自己也不完全清楚的方法改变了尼罗河。 改译: 25. 原文:Arbitration will take place in Beijing in case no agreement can be reached through consultation. 译文:如果不能通过协商解决的话,仲裁将在北京发生。 改译: 26. 原文:He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. 译文:他耸了耸他的肩,摇了摇他的头,他的两眼看着天,一句话也不说。 改译: 27. 原文:He was like a cock, who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 译文:他像只以为太阳升起来就是为了听他叫的公鸡。 改译: 28. 原文:She t

      8、ried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery. 译文:她尽力纠正丈夫的抢劫行为。 改译: 29. 原文:I welcome the opportunity created for Hong Kong by the election of Mr. Tong Chee-hua as chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR. 译文:我欢迎董建华先生当选香港特别行政区行政长官为香港带来的新的机遇。 改译: 30. 原文:She recognized the absurdity of dealing with these people through intermediaries. 译文:她认识到通过中间人跟这些人打交道的愚蠢性。 改译: 。Paragraph Translation (20+ 30= 50) Direction: Translate the following two passages into Chinese. 订 线 得 分 阅卷人 31. One day, on

      9、 the road the couple found a wallet with 2,500 dollars in it - a sum of money the poor family badly needed. The husband suggested, however, that the money be handed over to the police station. And the wife agreed after a “wavering second.“ Soon the wallet was claimed by the loser. According to the conventional practice in the United States, the owner of the wallet should the wallet owner left the police station without giving a cent. The police felt very disappointed and regretful, and therefore informed the press of the whole story, which then became publicly known through newspaper and TV reports. 32. Owing to the energy crisis and sky-high

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