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    • 1、职场英语职场英语300句句1 LESSON 3 .1 LESSON 45 职场英语职场英语300句句 Lesson 3 精彩口语过山车精彩口语过山车 1. I think Im qualified for the position . 我认为我能胜任这份工作 用法用法:I think Im qualified for the position . ok , I would like to give you a chance . I have much experience in that field so I think Im qualified for the position . you are so confident. 补充补充 :There can be no doubt that(毫无疑问)she is qualified for the job. In my estimation , the applicant should be well qualified for this job. 2. I really enjoy my work . 用法用法: how is y

      2、our new job ? I really enjoy my work . you look good . I am happy for you . thank you .I really enjoy my work . I think Ive chose the right job this time . 补充补充 : Im having fun . Its very rewarding. 表示很有成就感 I find my job interesting. 3. Why did you leave your last job ?(常问句型)(回答可以从个人发展角度) 用法用法: we have a question now. Why did you leave your last job ? its simple . I dont like the job. I used to work in a company and I quit the job (辞职)last month. Why did you leave your last job ? would you mind

      3、telling us the reason? 补充补充: why did you leave your position ? Why do you want to change your job ? Why are you leaving your present job ? 4. The job pays well . 用法用法: the salary is very low I heard that youve got a new job . do you like it ? sure, The job pays well . it seems that you are living a rather comfortable life. why not ?The job pays well . and I dont need to save money for anyone . 补充补充: I have a large income. How is the salary ? 5. We have 10 paid holidays(带薪休假带薪休假) a year . 用法用法: W

      4、e have 10 paid holidays a year . I envy you . (great !) 补充补充: we have two weeks of paid vacation every year. We have five days of vacation with pay every year. 6. Can you make it on Saturday ?可以改到星期六吗? 用法用法: Can you make it on Saturday ?I have an urgent matter to deal with . no probem. Nancy ,I think Im so busy to meet you today. So what time is convenient for you? Can you make it on Saturday ? ok , Ill call you beforehand(提前). 补充补充: Could we plan it for another day ,such as Saturday? Lets do it

      5、 on Saturday. Some other time. 7. I think so .我想是吧 用法用法: do you think you can finish this task within one week? I think so 补充补充: I believe so . I suppose so . So they say. 8. Let me check my schedule . 用法用法: how about meeting next Monday ? Let me check my schedule . mary, can you spare me several minutes this afternoon? Let me check my schedule . 补充补充: let me confirm my schedule. Whats on the schedule for today ? This is the schedule for tomorrow. 9.We will contact(联系联系) you within one week . 我们

      6、将会在一周之内通知你。 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 用法用法:when can you give your final decision ? We will contact(联系) you within one week. thats all. We will contact(联系) you within one week. thank you . 补充补充: we will notify you of our final decision within three days . We will let you know the result within four days . We will get in touch with you by the end of this week . 10. Im looking forword to it . 用法用法: whats the result? Im looking forword to it so is everyone here. 补充补充: we look forward to your reply. We look

      7、forward to hearing from you soon. I am looking forward to your visit next week. Lesson 4 1.I dont understand what youre saying . 用法用法:-I dont understand what youre saying . 我不明白你在说什么 -dont play dumb. 别和我装傻啦。 补充补充:I didnt catch your meaning. =I cant see what you mean . 我不明白你的意思 Im confused. 我有点迷惑。 I dont understand what youre trying to say .我不知道你想要说什么。 2.Youre wasting your time .你在浪费时间。 waste ones energy 浪费精力 用法用法:- I am working with these reports. I think Mr.Smith will like it. -Youre wasting yo

      8、ur time. He will never read your reports. -Im considering how to persuade Mr.Geller to accept our proposal(提议). -I just heard that Mr.Geller has already turned down(拒绝,驳回) our proposal.Youre wasting your time. 补充补充:Youre just running around in circles. 你是在瞎忙活 It was a waste of my effort. =All my effort went down the drain. 白费我的力气 3.Do something !想点办法吧! 用法用法:-Do something ! -Lets have a brainstorming(头脑风暴). 让我们讨论一下吧 -I cant bear it anymore. Do something ! - Maybe we can write a letter to the gene

      9、ral manager and tell him what happened. 补充补充:please do something about it. Youve got to do something. You should do something about it. 4.Lets figure things out together .让我们一起想想办法吧。 用法用法:-Lets figure things out together . -yes. Many heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶过一个诸葛亮 补充补充:lets finish it somehow. 我们总要想办法完成。 Lets all get together and act as one.=Lets work together as a team. 我们要团结一致 5.Do me a favor ? Need a hand? 需要帮忙吗? 用法用法:-Are you free now? Do me a favor ? -Im sorry but Im quite busy now. -Whats the matter? Cut it short. 长话短说 -Do me a favor ? -again? I dont have any money now. Ask someone else. 又来了?我现在没钱,找别人吧。 补充补充:Could you do me a favor? May I ask a favor of you? 6.I cant get along with him. 用法用法:-I cant get along with him. -He is really a strange man. -Do you get along well with your new colleagues. -Pretty well except Nick. -whats wrong? -hes so weird(古怪) that he seldom


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