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新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文 答案解析[在原文后面]

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    • 1、WORD格式整理版Book 2 听力原文整理Unit 1Listening Understanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1 W: Its time for “International Clock Talk”(国际时间交谈)! Time to discuss how you feel about time! M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar1.Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是针对某件事情的原因提问

      2、2 W: It annoys me the way my foreign friends treat time.M: I just read a book about this problem! Its entitled2 International Clock Talk. Q: Which problem is the book about?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主题3 M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad! W: Thats the way they are. While youre here, youll have to get used3 to it.Q: What advice does the woman give the man?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是对整个对话的理解4 M: Have you noticed differences between our cultures? W: Sure. In my country, people dont care about t

      3、ime very much. Here, you take it seriously4.Q: How do people in the womans country feel about time? 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中they对待时间的态度5 W: Can you explain why youre always five minutes late for conferences(会议)?M: Oh, Im sorry. In my country, people are often late. Q: Why is the man late for conferences?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中he的某种行为或态度的原因6 W: What do you appreciate most about life in Germany?M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with latecomers. Q: What does the man like be

      4、st about life in Germany?解析:A B俩个选项涉及对话中he的态度,C D俩个选项涉及对话中Germans对待迟到的态度态度,注意听懂对话和问题才能进行选择7 M: Iv heard that Chinese people are very relaxed about time. W: That used to be true. Nowadays, people are increasingly bothered by lateness.Q: According to the woman, how have Chinese people changed?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主体对时间或迟到的观点8 M: Why did you walk out of the restaurant abruptly(粗鲁地,突然地)? We had just started talking5. W: Just started? We were there for two hours! In my country, meals take 15 minutes!Q:

      5、Why did the woman walk out of the restaurant so abruptly?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问对话中she 做某件事情的原因9 W: What did Mon think about her trip to Russia? Im so looking forward to6 hearing about it. M: She didnt say much. When I picked her up7 at the airport this morning, she was just eager to get home to see Dad. She just said the food was great there. Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问两个对话者的关系10 M: Its only 6:30, and youre done! I wont finish work till 10. You are very ef

      6、ficient. W: Well, Tom finished two hours earlier than me. Thats a sign of efficiency(效率) in my country.Q: How many hours earlier did the woman finish her work than the man?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问时间,学生在听时应注意各个时间所涉及的行为及各个时间之间的关联注释:1 similar:相似的 be similar to2 entitle: 1) 给(书、剧本等)提名;定名;e.g. The author entitled his book On Poetry. 作者把自己的书定名为论诗 2) 使有权做,给予的资格;entitle sb. to do e.g. This ticket entitled you to a free seat at the concert.凭这张票你可以免费听音乐会3 use to 1) 过去经常;e.g. I used to stay up late when I was si

      7、ngle. 我单身时经常熬夜2)习惯于;be/get used to doing/sth.e.g. While you are in China, you will have to get used to Chinese custom. 你既然在中国,就得习惯中国的习俗4 take sb. or sth. seriously 认为某人或某物很重要,认真对待某人或某物e.g. Its no kidding. You need to take it seriously.这不是玩笑,你要认真对待5 start start to do sth. or start doing sth.开始做某事, start 后面接不定式和动名词没有明显的区别6 look forward to 中的to 是介词,后面需跟动名词,即 look forward to doing7 pick up 1) pick sb. up 用汽车搭载或接某人 e.g. Ill be at the North Railway Station,10 oclock tomorrow morning, would you please

      8、pick me up then. 我将于明天早上10点钟抵达火车北站,届时你能接我一下吗 2)a. pick sb./sth. up 举起或抬起某人或某物,拿起,拾起 e.g. My husband picked up my son and put him on his shoulders. 我丈夫抱起孩子并把他放到肩膀上 b. pick sb./sth. up 见到,听到(尤指借助仪器) e.g. Could the equipment pick up the signal from the satellite? 这设备能收到卫星发射的信号吗? 3)pick sth. up 通过实践学会(外语,技术等);得,染(疾病);听到、打听到(消息), e.g. It natural for child to pick up parents accent.孩子很自然就会学到父母的口音 He is interested in picking up rumors.他乐于打听各种谣言Understanding a Long ConversationNow you will hear a long c

      9、onversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.M: You travel a lot. Which people do you think are the most time-conscious?W: I think its probably the Swedes.M: Really, what makes you say that?W: Well, on my last trip to Sweden, I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am. I got to the street at 6:27, but the taxi had already left.M: Thats a little hard to believe. Is it true?W: Absolutely, everything runs on time there. Theres no room for mistakes. Everyone is very time-conscious!M: They must seem very stiff and serious!W: Sure, but once you get to know them, you find kind, caring people b

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