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(宜宾专版)2019届中考英语总复习 第3部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型3 完形填空(精练)练习

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:93184539
  • 上传时间:2019-07-17
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:298.50KB
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    • 1、题型三完形填空A(21世纪英文报)Its a sunny day and Timo is taking part in a school activity in his daughter Jennifers class.Suddenly,Timo hears someone _1_“Where is my money?” Mrs.Black,the class teacher said.“I _2_ a $5 bill on the table.But it disappeared when I came back _3_ the bathroom.”“Dad,I saw Tom _4_ at the table just now,” Jennifer told Timo _5_ a low voice.Timo walked quietly to Tom and asked gently,“Hey,did you see a bill on the table?”“I didnt see _6_ on the table,” Tom said nervously with his h

      2、ands behind his back.“Well,can you show me what you are _7_ in your hands?” Timo asked.Tom put his hands out.There was a $5 bill in his hand.“This isnt the bill that was on the table,” Tom said.“I found _8_ between pages 15 and 16 of Harry Potter.”Timo thought for a while and laughed.He said,“It is no good to _9_ lies,Tom.”How did Timo know that Tom was lying?All books have oddnumbered(奇数的) pages on the right._10_ ,pages 15 and 16 are the front and back of a single page,and nothing could be foun

      3、d between them.(C)1.Ashouts Bshouted Cshouting Dshout(A)2.A.left Bleaving Cleave Dleaves(C)3.A.to Bfor Cfrom Dwith(C)4.A.sits Bsat Csitting Dsit(B)5.A.on Bin Cof Dfor(A)6.A.anything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything(D)7.A.taking Bmaking Cbringing Dholding(A)8.A.it Bone Cones Dthem(A)9.A.tell Bsay Cspeak Dsing(C)10.A.However BInstead CTherefore DAlthoughB(2018安徽中考)As a foreigner,its hard for me to tell what Chinese people are like.But my_1_ in Beijing said something.A couple of weeks ago,I went to

      4、buy four big suitcases(行李箱) for travel._2_ I was going down the street,it suddenly rained heavily.A stranger called me into his little shop.He_3_ me a cup of tea and a chair.When the rain got _4_,I thanked him and rushed to a _5_ nearby to buy my suitcases.If youve ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself,you may understand my _6_I looked silly,for the suitcases were dancing wildly across the floor.Then I got a _7_ on the shoulder.It was the seller.He signed that I should wait.A few min

      5、utes later,he _8_ in a car,and put the suitcase inside.Then we went driving _9_ along the road to my home.I offered him some money,But he_10_In broken English he said,“Feel good.help you.”Now,you can see.Chinese people are always ready to help you.(D)1.A.friend Bteacher Cinvention Dexperience(B)2.A.If BAs CAlthough DBecause(D)3.A.found Bbought Cmade Doffered(B)4.A.harder Blighter Cthicker Dfaster(A)5.A.store Bhall Clab Dschool(C)6.A.language Bsentence Csituation Dadvantage(D)7.A.wing Bcoin Cscar

      6、f Dtouch(B)8.A.lay down Bdrove up Cfell behind Dwent away(A)9.A.happily Blazily Cbravely Dpoorly(C)10.A.missed Bnodded Crefused DfailedCAs a 28yearold man,I was sitting on my moms sofa and waiting for the pain(疼痛) in my back to ease.A lack(缺少) of work and _1_ forced my wife,our baby boy and me to live with my parents.We slept in my old bedroom,and I was _2_Thankfully,I had one new job: helping my son learn _3_ to walk.Anytime he took a few steps,however,he would fall down and cry.I had to bend (

      7、弯腰) over and hold his _4_ while he walked along.But my back didnt deal with it too well.As I sat there with my eyes closed,I suddenly heard my mother said in a low _5_ :“Joe,look!”I opened my _6_ and watched my son take the coffee table,pull himself up and smile.Next with a giggle (格格地笑),he started walking around it,_7_ his hands on it for balance(平衡)Finally,when he _8_ the end of it,he took two big steps and made it to the wall.Then he started walking down the hall _9_ his hands balancing on th

      8、e wall.I laughed and cheered.Suddenly,being unemployed(失业的) wasnt so bad,because my boy had learned to walk.Learning to love in this world is a lot like first learning to walk.We often fall and cry.However,_10_ we try again,we will find our own feet and know how to love.Dont be afraid to step out.Dont be afraid to fall.(C)1.A.food Bhealth Cmoney Dwater(A)2.A.feeling down Bturning down Cfalling down Dslowing down(C)3.A.when Bwhere Chow Dwhat(B)4.A.head Bhand Cfoot Dleg(B)5.A.sound Bvoice Cnoise D

      9、song(A)6.A.eyes Bmouth Carms Dears(D)7.A.kept Bto keep Ckeeps Dkeeping(D)8.A.made Bturned Ccried Dreached(A)9.A.with Bwithout Cfor Dtowards(C)10.A.because Bthough Cif DuntilD(2018成都中考改编)There was once a wise old lady who lived on a hill.All the children used to go and ask her questions.She always gave them_1_ answers.There was a little boy among the children.One day he caught a little bird and held it in his hands without anybody seeing it.Suddenly he had an idea and asked his friends to_2_“Lets_3_ the old lady,” he said.“Ill ask her what Im holding in my hands.Of course,shell answer that I have a bird.Then Ill ask her

      《(宜宾专版)2019届中考英语总复习 第3部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型3 完形填空(精练)练习》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(宜宾专版)2019届中考英语总复习 第3部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型3 完形填空(精练)练习》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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