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    • 1、河北省2019届毕业升学考试模拟卷(二)卷听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1.A.noise Bnose Cvoice2.A.1880s B1980s C1990s3.A.put off Bput on Cput out4. A. The horse is eating in the garden now.BI live in a big house with my parents.CMy parents would like to buy a house with a garden.5. A. She says she wont have any time until tomorrow.BShe says she wont be busy until tomorrow.CShe says she will be busy tomorrow.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6.A.Thanks a lot! BIts a good idea.CYoure welcome.7.A.For two months. BIn two months.CTwo months ago

      2、.8.A.Next Sunday. BBy train.CHainan.9.A.Dont say that. BNever mind.CNo problem.10.A.Very well.Thank you. BI can do it myself.CIm learning English.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。11.What does Lucy want to buy?A. B. C.12.How does Li Leis mother go to work when it rains?A. B. C.13.What does the womans company provide for her?Ahamburgers and fruit. Bfruit and coffee.Cfruit and juice.14.Where does this dialogue probably happen?AAt home. BIn the open air.CIn a restaurant.15.What does Jack like to eat?AA potato sandwich

      3、. BA tomato sandwich.CA chicken sandwich.16.How was the mans visit to the doctor?AUnusual. BBad.CGood.17.What did the doctor say about the man?AHe was unhealthy.BHe needed to lose weight.CHe should stay in bed for a week.18.Whats the womans advice to the man?AHe should play a sport.BHe should go out for supper.CHe should stop eating rich food.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。19.Which city did Sarah visit this year?ANanjing. BShanghai.CBeijing.20.How was the girl next door of the host family?AShy. BFriendly.CBeauti

      4、ful.21.How long did Sarah stay there?AFor two days. BFor one week.CFor two weeks.22.When will the class begin?AIn May. BIn June.CIn July.23.How many classes will be offered?AThirteen. BFourteen.CFifteen.24.How much is each class?A600 yuan. B700 yuan.C800 yuan.25.Whom is the first weeks class for?AChildren under 6 years old.BAdults over 20 years old.CChildren between 6 and 15 years old.笔试部分.单项选择。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26.Money is important,but it cant buy _,especially happiness and health.Aanything Bsome

      5、thingCeverything Dnothing27.Do you know the _ of these words?I cant understand them.Ameanings BspellingsCstructures Dsizes28.How was your visit to the village?It was a(n) _one.The weather was terrible and I had a bad cold after the trip.Aexciting BwonderfulCdifferent Dawful29.Marys grandmother is getting old.Mary will go back home to see her _ she has time.Abecause BalthoughCwhenever Dunless30.You _ write the poem down.Our teacher will give us a copy soon.Aneednt BmustntCshouldnt Dcant31.Charlie

      6、 couldnt go with us because he _some foreigners around our school.Ahas showed Bis showingCshows Dwas showing32.The book you lent me is very interesting.So far I _it three times.Aread Bwill readChave read Dhad read33.A babys first month is a special event in China and it _ with a special party.Ais celebrated Bis celebratingCwas celebrated Dcelebrates34.What do you think of the sofa?Not bad,but it may _ too much space of our living room.Atake up Bput upCopen up Dmake up35.Excuse me,do you know _ y

      7、esterday?On foot.Awhat Alice did Bwhere Alice came fromChow Alice came here Dwho Alice came with.完形填空。 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Robert and Henry were going home from school,when,on turning a corner,Robert _36_ out,“A fight! Let us go and see!” “No,” said Henry, “let us go quietly home and avoid this quarrel.We have _37_ to do with it,and may get into trouble.”“You are not a brave boy,and afraid to go,” said Robert,and off he ran.Henry went straight home,and in the afternoon went to scho

      8、ol,as usual._38_ Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward,and they laughed at him a great deal.A few days _39_,Robert was bathing with some schoolmates and _40_ his depth.He struggled and screamed for help,but all in vain.The boys _41_ had called Henry a coward got away from the water as fast as they could,but they did not even try to help him.Robert was fast _42_,when Henry threw off his clothes,and sprang into the water.By great effort,and _43_ much danger to himself,he brought Robert to the shore,and thus saved his life.Robert and his schoolmates were _44_ at having called Henry a coward.They admitted that he had more _45_ than any of them.Never be afraid to do good,but always fear to do evil.36.A.cried BjumpedCsaid Dturned37.A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything38.A.Or BButCAnd DSo39.A.afterward BbeforeCago Dlater40.A.got out of Bgot into


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