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【5A文】八年级英语Modern machines Reading---课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:93164520
  • 上传时间:2019-07-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:752.50KB
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    • 1、Unit 3 Modern machines,Can you name some electric machines,radio,iron,electric fan,rice cooker,TV set,vacuum cleaner,washing machine,ice box,/ refrigerator / fridge,air conditioner,camera,computer,telephone,Reading,Before you read about computers, look at the pictures below and try to write the names to complete the sentences.,A What do you know about?,monitor,main unit,speaker,mouse,keyboard,micro-phone,floppy disk,CD-ROM drive,/ DVD-ROM drive,drive,1. The _ shows words and pictures. 2. You use

      2、 the _ for typing in information. 3. The _ _ records information. 4. The _ helps you control the computer. 5. The _ _ contains all the computers electronics. 6. We can hear the sound from the _. 7. We put _ into the _ in the main unit.,monitor,keyboard,floppy disk,mouse,main unit,speakers,CDs,CD-ROM,COMPUTERS,Lets learn some technical words associated with computers:,PC laptop virus,personal computer,small, portable personal computer,something which gets into a program and damages it,COMPUTERS,d

      3、ata file network,information,a collection of data stored together,a system that links two or more computers together,COMPUTERS,software hardware command,programs,the monitor, keyboard, drives, etc.,an order to the computer,COMPUTERS,e-mail modem multimedia,electronic mail,a device which links the computer to the telephone system,a combination of sound, moving pictures and text,2. unaware of (adj.) P2,not knowing about,e.g. The student was unaware of his mistake.,1. hardly ever (adv.) P1,almost n

      4、ever,e.g. We hardly ever get frost in Shenzhen.,Vocabulary,3. dependent (adj.) P2,needing someone or something,e.g. You should not be dependent on your parents all the time.,4. realize (v.) P2,notice; know about,e.g. I didnt realize you were going to leave.,Vocabulary,5. rarely (adv.) P3,not often; seldom,e.g. People rarely eat snakes in the UK.,6. diagram (n.) P3,a line drawing that shows how something works,e.g. Science books contain a lot of diagrams.,Vocabulary,7. operate (v.) P3,control; ke

      5、ep running,e.g. How do you operate this new recorder?,8. essential (adj.) P4,very important; necessary,e.g. Water is essential for life.,Vocabulary,9. for the time being P5,for now and some time into the future; temporarily,e.g. Your salary will be 5,000 yuan a month for the time being.,10. judge (n.) P5,a senior law officer,e.g. The judges put the criminals in jail.,Vocabulary,11. raise (v.) P6,mention something for people to discuss or to deal with,e.g. The report raises questions about law an

      6、d order in our city.,Vocabulary,B Find the facts,Read Tonys information about computers and correct the wrong statements.,Computers may be inside some machines in our homes. can do unimportant jobs like flying spaceships. can do tasks according to the programs. at present are cleverer than people.,important,not cleverer,Synopsis,Hidden helpers,The use of computers has spread very quickly. There are small computers inside everyday appliances in your home.,Synopsis,What kind of jobs can a computer

      7、 do?,Computers are electronic brains. They can perform many functions, calculate and even control railway systems.,How do we give a computer instructions?,Computers are given instructions by means of programs.,Synopsis,Is a computer cleverer than I am?,At present, the human brain is superior to the computer, as it has greater understanding, but this may change. If computers can do some of our jobs better than we can, how will our lives change?,Synopsis,CDs,Many of todays computers use CDs, which

      8、 can hold huge amounts of information and also pictures and sound.,Synopsis,plan to do sth. write an article about hardly ever 4. be unaware of 5. be dependent on 6. play games with sb.,Useful Expressions,计划做某事,写一篇关于的文章,几乎没有,没有意识到,依赖,和某人一起玩游戏,7. fly aeroplanes and spaceships 8. electronic brains 9. put into 10. write computer programs 11. make mistakes 12. the answer to this question,驾驶飞机和宇宙飞船,电子脑,将放进,编电脑程序,犯错误,这个问题的答案,13. for the time being 14. be able to do sth. 15. human brain 16. happen to 1

      9、7. make lives better 18. floppy disk 19. for example 20. a famous person in history,暂时,能够做某事,人脑,发生在,使生活更加美好,软盘,例如,一位历史名人,C Find the meanings,C1 Find these words and expressions in the passage. Then read the words round them and choose the best meanings.,hardly ever a. sometimes b. seldom c. often 2. depend on a. need b. trust c. play with 3. realize a. allow b. understand c. decide 4. rarely a. often b. sometimes c. seldom 5. essential a. very dangerous b. very safe c. very necessary 6. contain a. prevent b. remove c. include,b,a,b,c,c,c,C2 Find the words in Column A in the passage and then read the words round them. Match them with the meanings in Column B.,A,B,be unaware of 2. tiny 3. diagrams 4. operate 5. for the time being 6. judges 7. raises,make (it) work people who make legal decisions c. very small d. at present e. brings to our attention f. do

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