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【5A文】八年级英语My perfect holiday课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:93164495
  • 上传时间:2019-07-17
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    • 1、Module 10 My perfect holiday,山东临朐辛寨卧龙初中,林双亭,一.教材内容分析 本模块话题相对分散,主要是谈论假 设或想象的话题。语法现象主要是用would /wouldnt表达对事情的想象,学生不但要 具备并熟练地掌握would /wouldnt表示假 设的技巧,并且要会运用这一技巧进行对 出游计划的描述。教学中应结合学生实际 情况,调整教学内容,合理设置课时。适 当进行拓展,增加谈论的话题,以激发学 生的学习兴趣,拓宽学生视野。,二、学情分析 1.本模块的主要篇章所涉及的内容是学生所 熟悉的(如假设家长不在家),但是没有 很鲜明的特色,也没有激发学生求知欲的 信息沟。所以在处理教材的过程中需要多 设置一些令学生有谈论欲望的话题。 2.would/wouldnt+v结构本身比较简单,学生 掌握起来难度不大,只要教师适当指点就行。,三教学目标,1语言知识目标,2语言技能目标,3学习策略目标,4文化意识目标: 了解不同地方的旅游资源,互相交流不同国家的文化,对学生进行不同文化意识的渗透。同时让学生了解其他国家风景,增加学生的背景知识。培养学生具有一定的责任意识和

      2、关爱他人之心。 5情感态度目标 1)通过课文教学引导学生关注文化,关注社会,关注身边的时事和优秀人物。 2)通过学习送行分别时所用的交际用语,学会与人友好相处。 3)通过谈论不同的假设场景,激发学生的内在情感,学习换位思考,进行情感教育。 4)能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。,四重点难点 1. 教学重点 以谈论假设的话题为中心,谈论各种情况下的可能 性 。 2. 教学难点 1)表达猜想的词汇及它们在句中的正确运用。 2)能用恰当正确的英语介绍个人的旅游计划。 3. 突破途径 以话题为核心,通过个人思考、小组及班级活动等不同途径,在听、说、读、写中使句型以不同的形式反复出现,在足够的输入中,达成有效的语言输出,并通过交流获取更多的信息。,五.课时安排,Period Two: Unit 2,Period Three: Unit 3 (Activity 1,2,5,7,8),Period Four: Unit 3 (Activity4,10,around the world ),Period One: Unit 1,Unit 1 I would go to Lond

      3、on,Period One,What would you like to be?,Who are they? What are they?,Three Days to Me,Imagine:If you had three days to see. What would you do?,have a look at myself.,I would not,Who is she?,sleep.,Compared to her, we are much luckier. You see,summer holiday is coming.,I would,What would you do for your coming holiday?,I would/I would not,cinema,performance,museum,restaurant,stadium,travelling,1.Who is with Sally?,2.Where are they?,3.Why are they with Sally now?,4.Where are they going?,5.What wi

      4、ll they get for Sally to eat?,Activity 1&2,Sallys holiday is coming,Sally,Where will Sally go?,Where would her friends go?,Activity3 Listen and read,New York,Washington And Los Angles,London and Paris,Africa,England,Visit Hollywood and meet some film stars,Eat all his favorite food,See elephants,Lions and all the other animals,Go to a big outdoor pop concert,Activity4 Choose the best answer.,will or would?,He_ be 50,but he _ still be 20.,will,would,She _ be a doctor, but she _ be a teacher.,woul

      5、d,will or would?,will,sothat,They were so tired that they all slept on the bus.,She was so sad that she cried.,She was sad.,She cried.,They were tired.,They all slept on the car.,The wind was_ the trees fell down.,She is _ she cant go to school.,so poor that,He is _ he almost reaches the top.,so strong that,so tall that,although/but,_she cant go to school, she still want to study.,She cant go to school, _she still want to study.,_it is cold, the policeman keeps working on the road.,It is cold, _

      6、the policeman keeps working on the road.,=,=,Although,but,Although,but,Homework:,4.Suppose if you are a teacher. What would you do? What would not you do?,2.Finish Unit3 activity1,2 on your book.,1.Workbook page133,Ex2,5.,3.Preveiw Unit2. Finish page82 Ex2,3.,Unit 2 We wouldnt know what to do,Period Two,He,ran so fast that he got the first prize.,so that,It,rained so heavily that there was water in the house.,The rain,was so heavy that there was water in the house.,Some suggestions to teachers,I

      7、f I was a teacher I would I wouldnt,The 2008 Olympic Games is coming. How would you watch the games? Would you go to Bejing ?,Discussion,In summer vocation , if your parents are not at home, would you look after yourself? Would your life be ok?,Discussion: home alone,Activity3 Answer the question,Because he would forget something important.,As soon as he leaves home.,When they go to college.,Activity2,1.Why would Zheng probably burn the soup?,2.When will Zheng learn to cook?,3.When do most teena

      8、gers learn basic life skills?,6.What about yourself?,4. When did Sima Yige learn to cook? 5. Is life as easy for most teenagers living alone as when their parents are around?,No, it isnt.,When he is 13 years old.,Discussion,Your parents have done much for you in your life. Imagine:When you grow up, what would you do for them?,Imagine: If you will live on an island alone for a month. 1.what three things would you take? 2.what would you do with the three things?,Discussion,homework,1.Finish WB Ex4

      9、. 2.Finish Unit3 Ex4,5,7,10. 3.Suppose you will run for the monitor of the class,prepare for your lecture.Using would, wouldnt, sothat, although,Unit 3 Language in use,Period Three,Who will be our next monitor?,We would like_ to be our next monitor!,Lets have a vote!,would 表“想象”用法,“would +动词原形” 可以用来表示想象、 推测或可能。其否定形式为wouldnt+ 动词原形。 Eg: I would have two wings and then fly to the moon. I would receive a lot of presents on my birthday. I would eat all my favourite food.,I wouldnt try bungee jumping becaue its too dangerous.,Activity1 1.Daming would like/likes t go to Africa. He wants to see the animals. 2.Lingling goes/would like to go with Sally, but shes afraid of flying. 3.Why wouldnt/doesnt Lingling like to take the plane? 4.You can/would fly to many different countries from here. 5.I dont want to dance, but I am/would be happy to watch you.,_

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