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【5A文】八年级英语下学期 Unit8 Why don’t you get her a scarf课件5

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:93164480
  • 上传时间:2019-07-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.50MB
  • / 14 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、,Eat healthy food and keep healthy! (吃健康食品,保持健康.),An apple a day, keep the doctor away! (一日一苹果,保证远离医生.),Brainstorming(头脑大风暴),1.What kind of food would you like?,(Id like some .),dumplings,ice cream,fish,noodles,hamburgers,2.What kind of fruit would you like? (Id like some.),Brainstorming(头脑大风暴),Brainstorming(头脑大风暴),cabbage,potatoes,4.What kind of vegetables would you like? (Id like some),carrots,broccoli,tomatoes,a glass of water,a tin of coke,a cup of coffee,a cup of tea,a bottle of juice,a bag

      2、 of milk,4.What kind of drinks would you like? (Id like ),A:What kind of noodles would you like?,B: Id like beef and tomato noodles.,Special 1,Special 2,Special 3,Special 4,Pair work,B: Id like,A:What size of noodles would you like?,Can I help you?What can I do for you? May I have a menu?May I have your order? Would you like something to drink before dinner? What would you like? Do you have todays special?,餐饮服务用语,Read this dialogue:,A: Can I help you? B: Id like some noodles,please. A: What kind

      3、 of noodles would you like? B: What kind of noodles do you have? A: We have beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato, tomato. B: Ok,Id like mutton and potato noodles,please. A: Sure.And what size would you like? B: What sizes do you have? A: We have small,medium and large. B: Oh,a medium bowl,please.,dumplings, fish, soup, green tea, orange juice,Chicken,fish and cabbage,16 mutton and carrot dumplings. Tomato soup, one large green tea and one small orange juice,Address:,Telephone number:,Order:,15 Pea

      4、ce Road,3982845,Read the newspaper ad. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,orange juice cabbage soup dumplings have,House of Dumplings! At the House of Dumplings! We have some great specials! Special 1 has beef and onions, and is just 10 RMB for 15 dumplings. Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15, and has _ and mutton. Orange_ is only 2 RMB . The dumplings and _ lunch special is 10 RMB . Come and get your _today!,cabbage,juice,dumplings,soup,specials,banana,Apple,ice cream,medium,orange juice

      5、,green tea,Special 1,Special 2,Special 4,Special 3,Task: Role- play Order food in a noodle house (分别扮演顾客和服务员,编排对话),MENU(菜单) NOODLES fish mutton beef chicken tomato potato cabbage SALAD apple salad orange salad banana salad strawberry salad pear salad ,A: Can I help you? B: Yes, Id like some noodles. A: What kind of would you like? B: Id like some . A:What size bowl of would you like? B:Id like a of . A:Is that all? (就这些吗?) B:No,Id like somesalad,too. A:OK. B:How much are they? A: Theyre .yuan/dollars. B: OK. Here is the money. Thank you! A: Youre welcome! B: Bye!,

      《【5A文】八年级英语下学期 Unit8 Why don’t you get her a scarf课件5》由会员Jerm****014分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【5A文】八年级英语下学期 Unit8 Why don’t you get her a scarf课件5》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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