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    • 1、Module 5 Problems,Unit 1 If she goes to a different school, I wont see my best friend.,We had a school trip all together yesterday.,We werent alone. We were with our classmates and teachers.,How was your school trip?,What did you do there?,take photos,climb rope ladder,see animal shows,take a boat,play cards,barbecue,pick strawberries,slide,We enjoyed ourselves.,But only one teacher and two students didnt go with us.,Thats a shame!,We invited Ms Jiang to go with us.,But she refused to go because

      2、 she has got a baby.,She works alone in the teachers office.,She said, “ If I have another chance next year, I will go with you.”,I stayed with Ms Gong all morning.,But in the afternoon, a boy didnt feel well,so Ms Gong had to send him to hospital.,Thats such a pity!,How was your lunch?,It was not good.,That was a problem.,Did you have lunch on time?,The teachers warned everyone not to be late.,Do you have any problems in your schoolwork?,I can do well in , but I cant do well in.,Do you want to

      3、keep up with the top students?,Do you want to beat them?,Who do you want to beat in the class?,I want to beat.,I make sure that you are able to do well.,If you are better, I will be proud of you.,Listen and decide what the problem is.,Tony is spending more time practising his guitar than doing his schoolwork.,Listen again and answer the questions:,What does Tonys mum suggest to Tonys dad? Why does Tonys dad think Tony will refuse to go to classes? What does Tony want to do?,She suggests that the

      4、y pay for his guitar lessons.,Because he thinks that Tony likes to play alone.,He wants to be better than the others.,Module 5 Problems,Unit 1 If she goes to a different school, I wont see my best friend.,拒绝做某事 警告做不做某事 打败他 一起学习英语 有另一次机会 那多遗憾啊!那可多可惜啊! 为某人感到自豪 能够/会做某事,refuse to do,warn (not) to do,beat him,learn English all together,have another chance,Thats a shame!,Thats such a pity!,be proud of sb,be able to do,If I get up late, I will be late for school. If I dont finish my homework, I wont go

      5、 to bed.,由if引导的从句叫条件状语从句,if意为“如果” 若主句是一般将来时, if从句要用一般现在时。,If you join the band, you will be famous.,= You will be famous if you join the band.,Grammar,条件状语从句,由if引导的从句叫条件状语从句,if意为“如果” 若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。,If I have enough money,I will travel around the world.,If it is fine tomorrow,we will have a school trip.,If从句中用一般现在时表示未来的一种条件,从句中可以加时间状语。,If you _(be) late for school, my teacher _(be) angry. If she _(win) the prize, we _(be) happy for her. If you _(tell) the truth, it _(prove) you are honest.

      6、If I _(not, eat) so much, I _(get) thinner. If you _(tell) them, they _(not, believe) you.,are,will be,wins,will be,tell,will prove,dont eat,will get,tell,wont believe,Check the true sentences:,Our music teacher will choose the best player to play a solo. Sally wants Kylie to win. Sallys parents will send her to another school. Theyll go to a different school together. Sally will refuse to play.,Listen and complete the table.,shell play the solo.,Kyliell play the solo.,her parents will punish he

      7、r and send her to a different school.,Sally wont see her best friend.,maybe shell become a star.,the teacher will choose Kylie, not her.,Answer the questions.,What have her parents warned her not to do? Why does Lingling think its a shame if Kylie goes to another school? What does Sally refuse to do? Why will Sally keep her best friend if she doesnt play?,Theyve warned her not to spend too much time with the orchestra.,Because Sally will lose her best friend.,She refuses to play during their fin

      8、al practice.,Because if she doesnt play, Kylie will play the solo , and may become a star. If she becomes a star, her parents will be proud of her and will not send her to another school.,Pronunciation: Listen to the sentences and repeat.,Thats a shame! I see the problem! Thats such a pity! You play so well!,Everyday English,Tell me about You mean Rather you than me! Yes, but actually, Thats a shame! Thats such a pity!,Speaking:,Talk about the problem you have with : Your parents / friends/ scho

      9、olwork/ sports/ hobbies Eg. My teacher says that if I dont work harder, I wont do well in my exams.,Homework: Recite the dialogue.,Module 5 Problems,Unit 2 If you tell him the truth, youll prove how honest you are.,1. play some music all together. 2. at the end of/ in the end 3. Rather you (A) than me (B). 4. in the background 5. warn sb. about / warn sb (not) to do 6. spendon sth/ (in) doing sth. 6. Thats a shame!/ Thats such a pity! 7. be proud of 8. refuse to do sth. 9. keep a friend,Point:,If you are free this weekend, what will you do?,If I am free this weekend, I will,由if引导的从句叫条件状语从句,if意为“如果” 若主句是一般将来时, if从句要用一般现在时。,条件状语从句,play computer games,They warn you not to use the computer for playing games.,Because they use it for their jobs.,But you can use it for your homework.,If you ask to play games on your par


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