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【5A文】八年级英语Modern machines Language课件2

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:93164461
  • 上传时间:2019-07-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:804.50KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit 3 Modern machines,Language,The comparative and superlative of adjectives,形容词的比较级和最高级,英语中有时需要对两者或多者进行比较, 这时就需要用形容词的比较等级。,比较等级分为: 原级: cheap expensive 比较级: cheaper more expensive 最高级: cheapest the most expensive,The dog is bigger than the mouse.,The horse is the biggest of all.,The boy is younger than the man.,The baby is the youngest of the three.,big,bigger,biggest,young younger,youngest,Jim,Li Lei,Tom,Li Lei is taller than Tom.,Jim is the tallest of all.,¥30,¥20,¥10,The yellow coat is cheap

      2、er than the purple one.,The brown coat is the cheapest of the three.,形容词比较级和最高级的构成:,规则变化,cheap small old high nice safe happy heavy early easy big wet,写出下列形容词的 比较级和最高级:,important difficult angry famous interesting excited good ill far little,Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. My sister is _ than Richard. (old) He has _ homework to do than I do today. (much) Is football _ than volleyball? (exciting) The town is _ than it used to be. (clean) Im _ than his brother, Jim. (c

      3、lever) I think she looks _ than in the photo. (pretty),older,more,more exciting,cleaner,cleverer,prettier,7. This road is _ than the other one. (dangerous) 8. This problem is _ than I thought. (important) 9. Can you walk _ than a young man? (far) 10. In summer it is much _ in Wuhan than in Beijing. (hot) 11. Which is _, Room 201 or Room 108? (bright) 12.Tom is _ boy in our class. (old),more dangerous,more important,farther,brighter,hotter,the oldest,13. This is _ city that we have ever visited.

      4、(good) 14. It was the _ day of his life. (bad) 15. Susans flowers are _ of all. (beautiful) 16. Sue is _ of the girls in the class. (clever) She answered all the questions except _ one. (difficult) 17. Winter is _ than autumn; it is _ of the four seasons. (cold),the best,worst,the most beautiful,the cleverest,the most difficult,colder the coldest,18. We watched a very _ play the day before yesterday. (bore) 19. Pants cost _ than shorts. Shorts dont cost as _ as pants. (much) 20. The girl seems _

      5、 today than yesterday. The girl didnt seem so _ yesterday as today. (lively),boring,more,much,more lively,lively,A friend is easier lost than found. 2. Enough is as good as a feast. 3. Better to do well than to say well. 4. Better the last smile than the first laughter.,“比较”出来的英语,朋友易失不易得。,知足常乐。,说得好不如做得好。,宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。,5. Doing is better than saying. 6. Two heads are better than one. 7. Good to begin well, better to end well. 8. An eye finds more truth than two ears.,会说不如会做。,两人智慧胜一人。,善始好,善终更佳。,百

      6、闻不如一见。,“比较”出来的英语,A The comparative of adjectives,A2 Work in pairs to do this quiz. S1 asks the questions. S2 uses the information in the box to answer the questions.,S1: (river / long) _, the Nile or the Amazon? S2: _. 2. S1: (continent / big) _ _, Africa or Asia? S2: _. 3. S1: (island / large) _, Greenland or Borneo? S2: _. 4. S1: (ocean / deep) _, the Atlantic or the Pacific? S2: _.,Which river is longer,The Nile is longer,Which continent is,bigger,Asia is bigger,Which island is larger,Greenla

      7、nd is larger,Which ocean is deeper,The Pacific is deeper,The Amazon _. 2. Africa _. 3. Borneo _. 4. The Atlantic _.,A3 Make sentences using the adjectives in the box.,is shorter than the Nile,is smaller than Asia,is smaller than Greenland,is shallower than the Pacific,B The superlative of adjectives,B2 Later, Pansy told Tony about her shopping trip. Complete Pansys sentences using the adjectives in the box.,TONY: Did they show you any interesting cameras? PANSY: Yes. (1) The _ costs _. (2) The _

      8、 was made in _. (3) The _ weighs _.,most expensive model,oldest model,2005,lightest model,¥1,580,0.16 kg,B3 Work in pairs. S1 asks the questions. S2 gives the answers. Follow the example. Remember to use the with the adjectives.,Example: (big) Earth, the moon or the sun? S1: S2:,Which is the biggest, Earth, the moon or the sun?,The sun is the biggest.,(small) a bee, a butterfly or a mosquito? 2. (large) the Atlantic, the Pacific or the Indian Ocean? 3. (valuable) iron, silver or gold?,S1: Which is the smallest, a bee, a butterfly or a mosquito?,S2: A mosquito is the smallest.,S1: Which is the largest, the Atlantic, the Pacific or the Indian Ocean?,S2: The Pacific is the largest.,S1: Which is the most valuable, iron, silver or gold?,S2: Gold is the most valuable.,4. (hot) the North Pole, the South Pole or the Gobi Desert? 5. (heavy) a bear, a whale or an elephant?,S1: Which is the hottest, the North Pole, the South Po

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