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    • 1、路透金融词典A值Alpha在股票收益方面,值衡量某种证券或基金经风险调整后的回报。值是代表证券收益率超出风险/收益模型所预测水平的超额收益。参见CAPM(资本资产定价模型)。In the context of stock returns, alpha measures the risk-adjusted performance of a security or fund. It is the return on a security in excess of what would be predicted by a risk/return model. See also: CAPMCategory: 股票*艾略特波浪理论Elliott Wave Theory技术分析的一种理论,认为市场走势不断重复一种模式,每一周期由5个上升浪和3个下跌浪组成。艾略特波浪理论将不同规模的趋势分成九大类,最长的超大循环波(grand supercycle) 是横跨200年的超大型周期,而次微波(subminuette)则只覆盖数小时之内的走势。但无论趋势的规模如何,每一周期由8个波浪构成这一点是不变的。参

      2、见Technical Analysis(技术分析)。Category: 技术分析A technical analysis theory which states that the market follows a repetitive pattern, with each cycle made up of a five-wave rise followed by a three-wave fall. There are many different degrees of trend, but the Elliott Wave theory categorizes nine different trends (or magnitudes) ranging from a grand supercycle covering 200 years to a subminuette of only a couple of hours. The eight-wave cycle is constant, regardless of what degree of trend is being cons

      3、idered. See also: Technical AnalysisCategory: 技术分析*阿拉伯石油输出国组织OAPEC英文Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries的缩写。该组织的宗旨是促进阿拉伯产油国之间的合作,支持阿拉伯石油业的发展。成员国包括阿尔及利亚、巴林、埃及、伊拉克、科威特、利比亚、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚和阿联酋。该组织不就石油产量或价格作决定。Synonym: Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting CountriesOAPEC aims to improve economic co-operation in the petroleum industry. Its members are Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates. The group does not make decisions

      4、 on oil output or pricing期货期权 | 缩略语*阿历山大过滤器Alexanders Filter指技术分析的一种方法,以涨跌百分比来衡量特定时间内价格上涨或下跌的速度。升速很快为买进讯号,反之则为卖出讯号。参见Technical Analysis(技术分析)。Category: 金融*阿姆斯特丹ARA英文Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp 的缩写。石油货品若称cost and freight ARA,是指可将阿姆斯特丹/鹿特丹/安特卫普地区内的港口作为交货地点。参见C and F(成本与运费)Synonym: Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp area An oil cargo offered with cost and freight ARA means that ports within this area (Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp area) can be considered for delivery.Category: 缩略语*按比例偿债基金Pro Rata Sinking Fu

      5、nd偿债基金是在债券到期前提前偿还部分债务的一种安排。债券发行时若附设偿债基金条款,发债人必须定期将一定数额的资金投入偿债基金帐户,作为提前赎回部分债券的资金。按比例偿债基金规定,在发债人动用偿债基金回购债券时,所有债券投资者均须接受相同比例的债券赎回参见Purchase Fund(购买基金),Sinking Fund(偿债基金)。A sinking fund is a special account that finances the compulsory early repayment by a borrower of a certain amount of a bond issue, usually at par value, regardless of the current value of the bonds in the secondary market. A pro rata sinking fund forces each investor to give up an equal percentage of his or her bond holdings when

      6、the issuer calls for sinking fund retirements of the bonds. Typically only applied to registered securities.See also: Fund*按面值 参见:平价At Par指证券的售价与其面值相等。When a security is selling at a price that is equal to face value.期货期权 | 金融 | 外汇 | 债券 | 股票*按市价调整Mark to Market指根据当天的收盘价重新评估头寸或资产组合的价值,藉此可算出尚未实现的盈利或亏损. 在保证金交易上,藉此可算出是否需要追加保证金.参见Margin Trading(保证金交易)以及Maintenance Margin(维持保证金).The process by which a position or portfolio is revalued based on the current days closing price. Instead of being valued at

      7、 the original purchase price the portfolio is valued at its current worth, reflecting any profit or loss which is not yet realized but which would be taken into account if the position were sold immediately.期货期权 | 金融 | 股票*肮脏浮动汇率制Dirty Float指一种官方不公开汇率目标的汇率制度。中央银行或货币当局通过干预外汇市场以使汇率维持在其不公开的目标水平,而目标水平可能会随环境的变化而改变。英文亦称managed float(有管理的浮动汇率制)。A system where no official parities for currencies are declared or maintained. The central bank or national monetary authority does not publish details of a fixe

      8、d target, e.g. four francs to the dollar. Instead it intervenes in foreign exchange markets to achieve an undisclosed target exchange rate. The target may be changed according to circumstances. Also known as a managed float.Category: 外汇*按揭证券MBS英文Mortgage-backed Security的缩写,由一篮子住房抵押贷款提供担保的证券,该抵押贷款组合每月收到的还本付息款项会转交按揭证券的持有人.参见Securitization(证券化)。Synonym: Mortgage-backed SecurityA security backed by, or secured by, a pool or package of mortgage loans. Monthly payments of principal and interest from t

      9、he underlying pool of mortgages are passed along to the holder of the security. See also: Securitization缩略语 | 债券*安特卫普地区 参见: 阿姆斯特丹*澳大利亚普通股价指数All Ordinaries澳大利亚股票市场股票价格的基准指数。该指数由300多只股票构成,以股票的市值加权。 网址:参见Capitalization-weighted Index(市值加权指数)。The All Ordinaries Share Price Index or All Ords is the benchmark index for the Australian stock market. It is a capitalization-weighted index consisting of over 300 stocks. See also: Capitalization-Weighted IndexCategory: 股票*阿尔法系数 参见: 值*B*八国集团G8指七国集团加上俄罗斯。The G7 countries plus RussiaCategory: 金融*摆动指标Oscillator一种技术分析工具,有多种不同的计算方式,比如计算证券价格的短期与长期简单移动均值的差值。摆动指标在某一上限与下限值之间波动,分析师试图从其形态中找出买入或卖出的讯号。参见Moving Average(移动平均数),Technical Analysis(技术分析)。Used in technical analysis, the oscillator is an indicator which moves back and forth between an upper and lowe


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