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优化方案高中英语 unit 15 learning section ⅳ grammar & writing课件 北师大版必修5

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  • 上传时间:2019-07-11
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    • 1、Section Grammar & Writing,Unit 15 Learning,虚拟语气 一、条件句中的虚拟语气,二、从句中的虚拟语气,三、特殊句式中的虚拟语气,posted,1Id rather you _ (post)the letter right away. 2Now everybody!Its high time we _ (start)to work. 3We wish you _ (come)to our English evening last week. 4If you _ (arrive) earlier, you would have seen the scientist.,started/should start,had come,had arrived,5The doctor suggested that he _ (try)to lose his weight. 6What do you think of his proposal that we _ (put) on a play at the English evening? 7It is nece

      2、ssary that he _ (send)to Beijing right away.,(should)try,(should)put,(should)be sent,8Its requested that we _ (keep)the stability of the society for the peoples peaceful life. 9If you hadnt helped us, we _ (not finish) the whole work so easily. 10I was very busy then, or I _ (help) you.,(should)keep,wouldnt have finished,would have helped,1If I have time, I would go to see the children in the centre._ 2The doctors suggested the boy was operated on at once._ 3It is high time that we make good use

      3、 of every minute to study._ 4It is requested that everyone will go to the library this weekend._ 5But for his suggestion, we will not have finished the work in two days._,havehad,was(should) be,makemade/should make,willshould,willwould,如何写议论文,文体感知 议论文以讲道理、摆事实为主要表达方式,通过逻辑推理阐明观点、主张。写议论文要注意以下四点: 1找准论点。议论文的主要见解是中心论点。写作时,根据文章的需要,可以在一开始就提出中心论点,也可以在论证过程中提出中心论点。一般情况下,议论文只有一个中心论点。,2掌握论据。用来作为论据的,可以用能揭示事物本质的典型事实,也可以用被实践证明了的正确的理论。 3论证方法。论证就是用论据证明论点的过程。大致分为以下几种:演绎法,即先提出中心论点,然后分层论证。归纳法,即先逐层进行分析,然后归纳出中心论点。 4论证

      4、方式。论证方式主要有立论和驳论两种。立论是就一定的事件和问题,提出并阐明正面的见解和主张。驳论是就一定的事件和问题,揭露和驳斥错误的见解和主张。英语写作题目受词数所限,一般使用立论。,增分佳句 1Different people hold different opinions. 2Opinions are divided. 3People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards. 4People have different opinions on this problem. 5People take different views on this question. 6.of them hold the opinion that. 7.of them are in favour of the idea that.,8People who are for/against the idea think. 9Some people believe that.Others argue that. 10However,.of them ho

      5、ld a different view./.of them hold the opposite opinion. 11People who are against it dont think so. 12However,each coin has two sides. 13Different from those.,.people think. 14On the other hand,.people object that.,写作要求 (2016重庆天星桥中学高二上学期考试)请你根据下面表格中的提示写一篇100词左右的文章。,Should People Eat Green Food? Recently our class had a discussion on whether people should eat green food. _ _ _ _ _,审题谋篇,green food,词句推敲 1词汇 绿色食品 _ 生产过程 _ 有害的化学制品 _ 方便的 _ 昂贵的 _ 毕竟 _ 保持健康 _ 值得的 _,the process of production,harmful chem

      6、icals,convenient,expensive,after all,keep healthy,worthwhile,2句式 还有,它的生产过程中没有有害的化肥,使得吃起来很安全。 一般表达: Also, it is produced without harmful chemicals and it makes it safe to eat. 高级表达:(使用现在分词短语表示结果) _,Also, it is produced without harmful chemicals, making it safe to eat.,而且,大多数绿色食品都是在大超市里卖,使得购买不方便。 一般表达: Whats more, most green food is sold in big supermarkets and it makes it inconvenient to buy. 高级表达:(使用which引导定语从句改写) _,Whats more, most green food is sold in big supermarkets, which makes it inconven

      7、ient to buy.,毕竟,健康是最重要的事情,所以吃绿色食品是值得的。 一般表达: After all, health is the most important to everyone in the world,so it is worthwhile to eat green food. 高级表达:(使用比较级的否定形式表示最高级) _,After all, nothing is more important than health to everyone in the world, so it is worthwhile to eat green food.,妙笔成篇,_,One possible version: Should People Eat Green Food? Recently our class had a discussion on whether people should eat green food. Different people have different opinions about it. Some students believe they should eat green food, since the environment isnt polluted in the process of production. Also, it is produced without harmful chemicals, making it safe to eat. However,_

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