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Package Design全文翻译

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  • 文档编号:91184261
  • 上传时间:2019-06-26
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    • 1、Package Design全文翻译Primo Angelis studio in a fashionable district of San Francisco has the look of a pop art joke. A five-foot sausage gazes at you from a wall painting. A huge granite rests on a tower of stale doughnuts. I wonder how the doughnuts bear up. Angeli explains: The rock is not granite but papier-mch. 普莱默.安吉列的工作室位于圣弗朗斯斯科一个时尚的街区里, 它看起来就像一件流行艺术的作品。墙上的一幅喷涂画面上是一个五英尺的香肠正盯着你看。一块巨大的花岗石被安放在由陈腐的炸面圈垒起的宝塔上。我疑惑这炸面圈怎么支撑得住花岗石。安吉列解释说:“这块石头不是真正的花岗石而是一块制型纸板。Like so many things in this place, doughnut

      2、tower is mostly metaphor, not so much a work of art as the idea of onethe doughnut tower is mostly metaphor, not so much a work of art as the idea of one. On the walls behind us are samples of Angelis creations and those of his staff m row upon row of empty boxes, bottles, cartons and tins. 像在这个地方的许多东西一样,这个炸面圈的宝塔通常是个象征而已。它不是我们常想的那种艺术作品的样子。在我们后面的墙上,是安吉列他的员工的作品和那些材料一排排的空盒子、瓶子、纸板盒和易拉罐。There is a relationship between consumers and packages, Angeli declares. Packages are sometimes called silent sales

      3、men, but what they really do is seduce. They transform ordinary things - like soap or hair spray or baby powder or muffin mix - into objects of desire. They make us hungry for things we dont need, even for things we dont want. “顾客和包装之间有一种关系”,安吉列说,包装有时被称作“沉默的推销员。”但它们真正所做的是引诱。它们把肥皂、发胶、婴儿爽身粉、松饼等普通的东西转变成人们渴望的东西。它们使我们想买我们并不需要,甚至并不想要的东西。In the eight seconds or so that it takes to choose a laundry detergent or frozen pizza, the package must scream or whine or purr or whisper its message of good taste o

      4、r cheapness or strength or luxury loud and clear enough to grab our interest, No wonder, then, that designing, producing and marketing packages has grown into such an enterprise, a business of equal parts art and artifice, science and deception. 很快包装就可以使人选择一袋洗涤剂或者一份冻比萨,包装袋一定会尖叫或低语或哀求或威胁或喃喃低语以传达这种产品的美味,价廉,优点和华贵的感觉,清晰明了地吸引我们的注意力。难怪,在设计、生产和市场推销中,包装领域成蓬勃发展,彼此的关系已经类似艺术和骗局、科学与欺骗。To truly grasp the impact of packaging, one might first consider a world without it. Imagine an entire supermarket filled wi

      5、th similar items: toothpaste in sterile white tubes, breakfast cereal in wax paper sacks. The goods in this store may be equal to or even better than goods elsewhere, the prices competitive, the sales clerks sharp. Yet its success among retailers today would be unlikely. 要真正掌握包装的作用,首先设想一下没有包装的世界会是一个什么样子。设想整个的超市里面装满了相似的品目:白色无菌的牙膏,用蜡纸包装的早餐麦片等等。这个店里的商品也许和其它地方的商品一样好甚至还要好过别的商家,价格有竞争力,售货员也敏锐,在现今零售店里它的成功是不可能的。Market researcher Davis Masten says that the challenge of packaging is to create an identity t

      6、o which the buyer aspires, not to reflect the buyer s true identity. When Primo Angeli designed packaging for an Italian coffee imported to the United States, for instance, he didnt put frumpy-looking Americans in bathrobes on the label. True, Americans drink an awful lot of coffee in ratty bathrobes, but why rub it in? Angelis label pictures an elegant Italian couple fully dressed in flowing white and sitting cheek-to-cheek in a romantic terra-cotta setting. 市场调查员戴温斯马森说一个成功的包装是能够创造一个购买者向往的理想意象,

      7、渴求真正与自己有关。比如,当普莱默.安吉列为从意大利进品销往美国的咖啡设计包装的时候,他就不会把穿着邋遢浴袍的美国有形象印在标签上,而美国人确实穿着破旧的浴衣喝大量的咖啡,但是为什么要把这种窘境画在咖啡的包装上呢?所以,在Ageli设计的标签上描述的是一对优雅而身着白色外套的夫妇面对面坐在古典而浪漫的环境下的景象。Masten has been involved in many studies that prove that a product will actually taste different or be more effective because of the motivating force of the package. Packaging can motivate people to buy just about anything. Liquid laundry detergent, for example, was at first a hard sell. But when manufacturers put it into easy-pour containe

      8、rs with a built-in spout and a cap that doubles as a measuring cup, the stuff flew off the shelves. Thats because the package gave the product what business folk call added value - it seemed to lighten the load of laundry day. Matlen已经做了许多研究都证明:由于包装的刺激力量,一种产品将会表现得更有效和与众不同。包装能够刺激人们任何的购买欲。举个例子来说:液体洗衣剂在一开始的时候是很难卖出的商品,但是当生产商把它装进一种容易倒出并且连着一个喷嘴和盖子而且可以被用作量杯的容器的时候,它立刻被顾客一抡而空。这就是那些生意人常说的包装带给产品的“额外价值”,似乎这减轻了今天洗液的负担。Most designers regard color as perhaps the most important element of a package. It is said

      9、that people react to color emotionally rather than intellectually, and that this gives color subliminal power. It s no secret that red is a standout, and mass marketers love it- everything from cereal to shaving cream to cola comes dressed in red. Blue, with its link to water, sky and royalty, can be either bold or soothing, depending on its tone, and is rarely used for food other than seafood. 许多设计师认为颜色也许是包装最重要的元素。据说人们对颜色的反映感情多于理性,这就给了颜色潜意识的力量。勿庸置疑,红色是突出的一个,众多买卖人热衷于它每件商品从食品到剃须刀再到可乐,都用红色包装。蓝色,由于它使人联想起水、天、尊贵,可以是勇敢或令人欣慰的,决定于它的色度,所以不太用食物(包装)除了海洋食品。Yellow, when golden, connotes quality, but in its more garish shades evokes the cut-rate, not always an undesirable effect. Kids like primary colors, while the affluent often prefer muted earth tones and black. 黄色,当是金黄色时,意味着品质,但是在它的更骇目的色彩中,带来的却是削价,而并不经常是一种不合意的作用。小孩子喜欢基本的颜色,而成年人经常更喜欢暗淡的土黄色调或黑色。But a quick rummage through ones cup

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