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    • 1、2013年高一英语暑假作业及答案摘要复习的重点一是要掌握所有的知识点,二就是要大量的做题,的编辑就为各位考生带来了2013年高一英语暑假作业及答案 32. He also _ videotapes of his films in exchange for a modest $10. 33. If fame is a matter of _ influential people, then Woodruff is certainly famous. 34. He describes himself as Hollywoods best known _ actor. 35. It is true that he has been on television over 300 times and has worked in about 45 motion pictures, _ as an extra. 36. Everything with Dennis has _ selling himself. 37. He talks constantly about his life, his t

      2、alent, his _ abilities, his ambitions. 38. His _ search for work in the film industry no longer has any realistic chance of success, so now he acts out the _ of an actor looking for work. 39. lsquo;_! shouts the writing on his car. 40. You can watch him _ for parts in front of the security cameras at localrestaurants. 41. People recognize him and then, sadly, _ him. 42. He has rugged, _ good looks, though he seems tired. 43. I want to show everyone how my life is like _ art. 44. One of the most

      3、_ he tells is about how he nearly made the big time. 45. The famous actor John Wayne was going to_ , but unfortunately he died. 46. _ producer Otto Preminger wanted to make him a star. 47. Hes been living in a mobile home in East Hollywood for 30 years, and_ , hemanages to earn a living. 48. True success, he feels, is just_. 49. He has _ a production company with his brother. 50. _ the dog and whiskers the cat can feel angry, depressed. 52. _ the problem is that it is impossible to prove that ev

      4、en a human being is feelinghappy or sad. 53. It is only because we can observe body language and facial expression that we can_ it. 54. However, most researchers _ agree that many creatures experience fear. 55. Some scientists _ this as a primary emotion. 56. The 26-foot bristlecone pine tree is the oldest of many that have _ civilization aftercivilization. 57. When human first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only _object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China. 58. W

      5、hat can be seen when orbiting the Earth are the lights of the worlds large _areas. 59. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes _the deaths of thousands ofpeople every year. 60. One of the most violent earthquakes ever _ was in Ecuador in 1996. 61. In many countries, the number 13 _ to be very unlucky. 62. In the US, modern high-rise buildings _the floor that follows 12 as 14. 63. In Christianity, this theme _ at the Last Supper. 64. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex_ , which means that more die in


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