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    • 1、新人教版八年级上册英语第十单元精选练习题附答案Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!第一课时 Section A(1a2d)01 基础过关.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Susan got a lot of _(巧克力) at her birthday party.2Li Wei learned English by watching _(录像) in her free time.3Last week Zhang Jing and her friends _(组织) a trip to Hainan.4There will be an important _(会议) tomorrow morning.5Lets _(点菜) some food from the restaurant for lunch.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Im sure the game will be more _(excite)7Please ask the children _(not play) soccer in the

      2、street.8They planned _(have) the class party on Friday evening.9If it _(not rain) this Sunday,we will go to climb the mountain.10If there is a fire,I _(call) 119 for help.单项选择。( )11.When is _ good time to have the party?Tomorrow.We will have _ great time.Athe;a Bthe;the Ca;the Da;a( )12.We want Mike to help us _ the class party.Aorganize Bexpect Cwonder Dcatch( )13.I cant finish the work today.What _ I do?Dont worry.I can help you.Aneednt Bmustnt Cshould Dmay( )14.Well go to the Great Wall _ it

      3、doesnt rain this Saturday.Awhen Bif Cuntil Dbecause( )15.What _ if I _ to help her clean the classroom?Awill happen;refuse Bwill happen;will refuseChappen;refuse Dhappen;will refuse.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16吉姆非常喜欢汉堡包和炸薯条。Jim likes hamburgers and _ _ very much.17你知道什么时候举行班会吗?Do you know _ _ _ the class party?18如果你那样做,我认为更多的女孩将想玩这个游戏。 _ _ _ _,I think more girls will want to play the game.19因为大雪,班上一半的同学迟到了。 _ _ _ were late because of the big snow.20汤姆太小了而不能搬动那个盒子。 Tom is _ young _ carry the box.02 能力提升.情景

      4、交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A:Hi,Sonia.Are you free tomorrow afternoon?B:Yes,Im free tomorrow afternoon.A:Good!_21_B:Have a party?Well,if we have it tomorrow afternoon,half the class wont come.A:Why?B:_22_ Most students have to prepare for it.A:Oh,I forget it._23_B:I think the best time to have it is on Friday evening.A:I agree._24_B:Yes,I think its a good idea to ask people to bring food to the party.A:OK._25_B:Sure,Im glad to help you organize the party games. 21_ 22._ 23._24_ 25._第二课时 Section A(3a3c)0

      5、1 基础过关.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1Shell look younger if she _(wear) this new dress.2If you help me,I will _(finish) the work soon.3If we get up late,we will _(have) no time for breakfast.4If possible,I will _(visit) her grandparents the day after tomorrow.5Dont wait for me if I _(be) late this afternoon.单项选择。( )6.I cant decide which computer to buy. Could you give me some _?Aexamples Badvice Creasons Dservice( ) 7.There is an English exam tomorrow.Yes,but my English is very poor. I feel very _ now.Aupset

      6、BexcitedCbecause Dsurprised( )8.Can you tell me how _ to Marys birthday party?Ago Bgoing Cto go Dwent( )9.We _ swimming together if he comes this afternoon.Ago Bwent Cgoing Dwill go( )10.I will give him the book if I _ him next week.Ameet Bmet Cmeeting Dwill meet.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。11You cant bring friends from other schools to the party.(改为祈使句)_ _ friends from other schools to the party.12Paul stays at home.You dont call him.(改为含if的复合句)Paul will stay at home if you _ _ him.13The students will play_

      7、the_game if Mr.Black comes.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the students _ if Mr.Black comes?14If you dont study hard,you wont get good grades.(改为同义句)You wont get good grades _ you _ hard.15I am not sure how I should go to the party.(改为同义句)I am not sure _ _ _ to the party.02 能力提升.短文填词。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。another,weekend,upset,always,old,spend,when,want,about,adviceDear Mr.Green,Im a helpless mother.My son Jack is fourteen years old.I find that the_16_he grows,the less we talk.I feel very_17_and I really need y

      8、our help.My first problem is about his hobby.He_18_almost all his free time on computer games._19_ he gets home,he always turns on the computer first.Then he doesnt get out of his room until the meal is ready.I am worried_20_him,especially(尤其) when his English teacher tells me he always gets bad grades in English exams._21_ problem is that he is crazy about new technology.I just dont have enough money to buy him all the things he _22_These days,I find that he is_23_alone(孤独的)I never see him talk to his friends on the phone or go out with anyone on _24_What should I do to help him?Please give me some _25_A helpless mother16_ 17._ 18._19_


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