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    • 1、浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计)摘 要毕 业 论 文(设计)Title The Strategy Of How to Improve College Students Oral English题目 提高大学生英语口语能力的策略二级学院: 英语学院 专 业: 应用英语 班 级: 08应英11班 姓 名: 洪景媛 学 号: 0303081104 指导教师: 陈文琴 摘 要在机遇和挑战并存的21世纪,英语作为一种国际性语言,在国际交流中发挥着举足轻重的作用。随着我国对外开放的不断深入和加入WTO,举办2008北京奥运会,2010世博会,英语已成为中国与世界沟通的重要途径。对于现在的大学生来说,英语学习已不仅仅是为了通过四 、六级考试,更为重要的是提高英语口语交际能力。在实际生活中,更多学生学的是“哑巴英语”,而且部分学生英语发音带有浓重的地方口音。英语广泛影响着我们的生活。如何提高英语口语,说一口流利和纯正的英语已成了一大问题。对于就业和升学压力越来越大的大学生来说,具有较高的英语水平无疑会为大学生求职、升学增加一个重要的砝码。为了改善这种情况,教师在英语教学中应充分发挥其主观能动性,努力

      2、提高自己的英语口语对话水平,把培养学生的口语能力作为教学的首要任务。在提高学生英语口语能力方面,教师的教学方法起着极为重要的作用,英语教师只有掌握了一定的教学技能和提高学生英语口语能力的正确策略,才能真正帮助学生切实提高口语表达能力。同时学生应积极配合教师,多动脑,多动口,练就一口流利的英语。关键词:英语学习;英语口语;学习方法;英语思维;学习兴趣I浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计)AbstractAbstract21st century is a century of opportunities and challenge, English plays an important role in international communication as an international language. With the constant deepening of Chinas opening up policy and joined the WTO, hosting the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, World Expo 2010, English

      3、 has become an important way to communicate with the world. Nowadays, for university students, learning English is not just only to pass the CET4 and CET6, it is more important to improve the oral English communication skills. In real life, most students learn dumb English, and some students pronunce English with a strong local accent.English influence our lives widely. How to improve our spoken English to be fluent and native becomes a big problem. To improve this situation, English teachers sh

      4、ould give all their efforts to their initiative, striving to improve their English level of dialogue. What is more, the students spoken language ability should be the primary task of teaching. At the same time, students must cooperate with the teachers actively, using their brains and mouths more to gain fluent English.Key words: English learning; spoken English; learning methods; English thinking; interest浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计)Table of Contents摘要IAbstractII1 Introduction12 The Significance of Oral E

      5、nglish22.1 English generally impacts our life22.2 English generally impacts our production23 The Present Situation of College Students Oral English Learning23.1 The present situation33.1.1 Lack of a good English environment33.1.2 Lack of diligence33.1.3 Lack of a good way33.2 College students problems in oral English learning44 The Ways to Learn Oral English Well44.1 Through English movies44.2 Practice English with friends54.3 Retelling the texts54.4 Expand vocabulary54.5 Learn how to use the id

      6、ioms64.6 Listening in English classroom65 Conclusion7Bibliography8II1 Introduction Whatislanguagefor?Somepeopleseemtothinkitisforpracticinggrammarrulesandlearninglistsofwords,longerthewordsthebetter.Thatswrong.Languageisfortheexchangeofideas,forcommunication.UseallyoursensestolearnEnglish.YoumusthearEnglish,readEnglish,touchEnglish,smellEnglish,andtasteEnglish.FeelEnglishwithyourheart.Immerseyourselfinthislanguage.BegintothinkinEnglish.Nowadays, most people know English is very useful. As an int

      7、ernational language English is an important tool to communicate with different people in different countries. With developing of the modern society, and the improvement of transportation and communication tools, the world has become a global village in the 21st Century. There is no doubt that English is one of the worlds most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language. People study oral English so as to

      8、make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic ora

      9、l English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing and reading may make oral English precise and accurate.I have not so many chances to practice my oral English in my class so that I should create the environment of learning English by myself. Sometimes I read a novel, after the read I will make a dialogue, although it is really weird. Certainly, I am not crazy about doing that. It is only at some spare time or boring time that I will practice what I mentioned above. I do not belong to that kind of person who is


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