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    • 1、rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the

      2、comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an honest canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and openi

      3、ng up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas

      4、, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the

      5、 area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made impor

      6、tant deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme personnel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election

      7、, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the thirdQ/BY QEOR 1301 NO: 交 底 记 录工程名称和瑞外滩1号项目工程部位填充墙砌体接受部门项目部交底部门宝业建设新疆工程公司交底内容及要求:本工程原设计填充墙砌体材料为陶粒混凝土砌块,后甲方要求经设计同意将陶粒混凝土砌块变更为加气混凝土砌块,详设计变更单。一、施工准备1、测量准备:在楼板上放出墙体边线和门窗洞口位置线,并在每层墙柱上弹出出建筑 0.5米的标高线,标出门窗洞口标高控制点。2、机具和材料进场计划序号名称数量进场日期1搅拌机1台砌筑前一周进场2磅秤1台砌筑前一周进场3手推车视砌筑工人多少而定砌筑前一周进场4筛子2个砌筑前一周进场5铁锹视砌筑工人多少而定砌筑前一周进场6灰桶(或灰槽)视砌筑工人多少而定砌筑前一周进场7皮树杆视砌筑工人多少而定砌筑前一周进场8拖线板、手锯视砌筑工人多少而定砌筑前一周进场9施工电梯1台/楼一周前安装检验验收10其它砌筑用具砌筑前一个工作日工人自备完毕3、进场水泥、砂、加气块合格证齐全,取样送检合格。砂浆、混凝




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