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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:91057334
  • 上传时间:2019-06-21
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    • 1、(HEP,2009),Unit 6 Reading,Practice Simulating Method,English Curriculum,Students,Material,Scene: Three student patients went to see a doctor in the school clinic yesterday.,Use language in life and work,Passive to read; Active to do,In a school clinic; Student patients,(模拟实践法),Emphasis,Difficulty,Help students understand the passage Develop students reading ability and strategies.,Lead students to role- play a similar situation, Develop students communicative competence.,Objectives,Use reading s

      2、trategies to understand the passage and act out a situational play.,Use exclamatory sentences, expressions about treatment like lie down, have a check in simple contexts.,Learn the importance of healthy living habits. Be ready to cooperate and be active to imitate and use language.,Scanning; Transition device (form), IT, Group work, Role play.,Be familiar with the situation of seeing a doctor in English.,Ability Objective,Use reading strategies to understand the passage and act out a situational

      3、 play.,Use exclamatory sentences, expressions about treatment like lie down, have a check in simple contexts.,Learn the importance of healthy living habits; Be ready to cooperate and to imitate and use language.,Scanning; Transition device (form), IT, Group work, Role play.,Be familiar with the situation of seeing a doctor in English.,Knowledge Objective,Affect Objective,Strategy,Cultural Awareness,A small talk,Video,Learn new (2 mins),Get motivated (1 min),Lead in (1 min),Warm up (2 mins),Act o

      4、ut symptoms,Reading I (4 mins),(causes) Bad living habits,What a! Treatment,Reading II/III (5 mins),Scanning (1min),Form (4mins),Dialogues (6mins),Role-play (15 mins),Situation,Discussion (5mins),Homework (1 min),E-poster,Teaching Procedures (43+2),Self-check (1min),Reading IV (6 mins),Practice Simulating Method,1,2,3,4,5,6,Healthy living habits,Unit 6 Doctor Linda Smiths Busy Afternoon,Blackboard Design,headache stomachache toothache cough,have a check on take temperature put an ice bag on,exer

      5、cise more eat less,symptoms,see a doctor,prescription,healthy living habits,Simulate and practise step by step (use language) Information Technology stimulate interest and motivation better presenting information broadening horizons raising questions and offering solutions Advantage & Challenge,Reflection,Thank you!,Procedure Preview questions Enjoy the video Check Intention Cultural objective Get motivated,Get motivated 1minute,IT (video): (Ss) absorbed; curious; motivated,Procedure Ts example

      6、Ss Do together Intention Warm up in a more interesting, dynamic and impressive way; Scaffold passive learners,Warm up 2 minutes,Reading I 4 minutes,Procedure Example first Match Check Intention Affect objective Sentence Passage,g/f/a/b,IT (picture): Make words come to life.,Procedure Guessing Exclamatory sentences Expressions about treatment Intention Knowledge objective Foundation for role-play,Learn new 2 minutes,Procedure Scan Underline Form (example first) Intention Collect information Class

      7、ify information Strategy objective Ability objective,Reading II/III 5 minutes,IT (PPT): Show much at one time,Procedure Dialogues Presentation (Ss) Intention Strategy objective Ability objective Prepare for role play,Reading IV 6 minutes,Procedure Practise in a group (4) Perform in front Evaluation and feedback Intention Consolidate Use language,Role play 15 minutes,Procedure From the book Read news Raise a question Discuss Share (Readers Digest) Intention Affect objective Overall development,Di

      8、scussion 5 minutes,Dont,IT (news): Broaden horizon; raise questions,Procedure Instruction Sample Intention Affect objective Use language Autonomous learning Creative learning Learner differences,Homework 1 minute,IT (searching + editing): Offer more + better solutions,I know the meaning of the following expressions: ( ) headache ( ) stomachache ( ) toothache ( ) fever ( ) cough ( ) back pain ( ) taketemperature ( ) put on ( ) write a prescription ( ) have a check on ( ) lie down ( ) ice bag ( )

      9、thermometer ( ) stethoscope I can: ( ) understand short stories happening in a school clinic ( ) make dialogues about seeing a doctor. ( ) use exclamatory sentences to express strong feelings. I have learned ( ) the importance of building up healthy living habits.,After learning this lesson (tick),Self-check,stop smoking,exercise daily,eat 5 servings daily 每天吃五种食物,get screened 定期检查,get plenty of sleep 充足的睡眠,stay connected 保持联络,manage stress 管理压力,The best prescription is not taking pills or get an injection; its building up healthy living habits!,


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