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    • 1、少儿英语讲颜色的教案篇一:幼儿英语教案.颜色幼儿英语教案:大班英语:colours设计意图:本学期我班拟定了贴近幼儿生活和感兴趣的活动主题-颜色,围绕主题我们开展一系列的教学活动。本节课是其中的一部分,揉合了英语、常识、音乐、舞蹈等学科,综合了表演、唱歌、舞蹈、游戏等手段进行教学。让幼儿在唱唱、跳跳、玩玩中认识生活中的颜色。Teaching key points:A 认识几种常见的颜色B 鼓励幼儿积极参与游戏,大胆开口说英语C 提高幼儿对英语的理解能力及反应能力D Words:orange purple brown等Sentences:what color is it?Its 等Teaching preparation:小白兔头饰一个、篮子一个、透明瓶子二个、橙色、紫色颜料、咖啡、抽纸玩具、各种颜色的花若干、蝴蝶头饰若干、VCDTeaching procedure:1GreetingT:Good morning, boys and girls. What day is todayS:Good morning, Miss Lin. Its Wednesday.T:Whats the we

      2、ather like todayS:Its raining.T:Yes, its raining now. The floor is wet. Lets sing the song weather.2Scene:(A rabbit carrying a basket is jumping into the classroom)T:Hello, little rabbit. Whats the matter with you?R:Hello, Miss Lin. Im very tired. Im very thirsty.T:Here is some water for you.R:No, I dont like to drink water. I like orange juice.T:Orange juice. OK. Let me practice magic. But first you may tell us what color orange juice is?R:Orange juice is orange.T:OK. Please say orange together

      3、.(teacher and children say orange together while teacher shake the bottle)T:Look, here is a bottle of orange juice. What color is it?S:Orange. / Orange juice is orange. / Its orange.T:Yes its orange . Here you are.R:Thank you . Yummy, Yummy, I like to drink grape juice too.T:Grape juice. Boys and girls, do you know the color of grape juice Lets ask little rabbit.T&S:What color is it?R:Its purple. Grape juice is purple.T:Purple.S:Purple .T:OH, grape juice. Do you want to drink?T&S:Yes.T:Tell me w

      4、hat color is itS:Its purple. Grape juice is purple.T:Do you like orange juice?Do you like grape juice?I like coffee. What color is coffee?Its not orange. Its not purple. Its brown.3Play toyT:I have a toy here. Its very funny. Do you want to play?S:Yes, I do.T:It can change color. What color is it?Ask me, please.S:What color is it?(Teacher show them one kind of colors)T:Its orange.4Game:Colorful flowersT:Look, here are so many beautiful flowers. beautifulS:Yes, they are beautiful.T:Are they color

      5、fulS:Yes, they are colorful.T:What color are they?(point to the flowers one by one)S:Its red / yellow / pink.They are orange / purple / white.(Guide children to answer)T:Who is xxing?S:Butterfly.T:Im a butterfly. I can fly here and there. I like flowers.T:Can you fly like a butterfly?(Yes) Do you like flowers?(Yes).Do you want to play a game?S:Yes, I do.T:一、教学目标:1 、知识目标:能听、说、认读 5种表示颜色的英语单词(red 、yellow 、blue、 black 、green),并能用英语“ Colors”这一话题进行简单的交流: What color is it? Its_ . 2 、技能目标:( 1)、能在实践中熟练应用

      6、所学的颜色。( 2)、在活动中体验互帮互助的乐趣,培养学生的想象力及细心观察周围事物的能力。3 、情感目标:通过游戏、魔术表演、创设情景对话等多种形式,激发学生对英语的热爱,培养孩子学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重点和难点:( 1)、掌握 red、 yellow、 blue、 green、 black的读法。( 2)、有关颜色的对话:What color is it? Its_ .熟练应用。三、教育理念:本节课中通过魔术表演、角色扮演等环节的设计,来吸引孩子的兴趣,让孩子在有趣的情景中不知不觉地走上讲台,走到大家的面前表演、说英语,可培养孩子的自信与勇敢。四、教学过程:Step 1. Greetings:S: Good morning ,Ms Nancy!T: Good morning, Boys and girls! How are you, todayS: I am fine, thank you.T: Which color do you likeS: I like_.T: Great! Thank you . Sit down, please.Step2 :warming up(3分

      7、钟)T: Now, Lets do a little warm-up. You can find some colors inS: OK!T: Greet Light, Go! Ready go!T: Wow! You are so great! Now, Lets do it faster and fasrter. OKT: _ is the first! Give ma five! Ever body sits down, please.Step 3 : Review words.(7分钟)T: 现在请小朋友们想一想,刚才你听到了几种三色,分别是什么?OK, Jerry. You, please. Thank you. Sit down, please.小朋友们再想一想,我们还学过那些关于颜色的单词呢?(生:blue and black) Do you want to play a game with them 现在我们来一个跳单词的游戏。看Ms Nancy的魔术手指,它会跳舞,你们想不想和它一起跳?小朋友要用你们的嘴巴跟着它跳,但是不允许跳到它的前面。比如当它跳到blue的时候,

      8、你们要说(生:yellow)Great! Lets start. Ready go!T: Our boys are very good!Congratulations to you! 我们的小美女们你们需要回答Ms Nancy 几个问题。Whats this Step 4: Sentences.1、 T:Look! Whats this(生:瓶子)你们能猜出来它是什么颜色的么?(生: 无色的/白色的)。Now, Lets shake it. What color is it Follow me. Its red.2、T:Who wants tryI will choose the first one.其他小朋友和Ms Nancy一起说:Shake! What color is it(挑选提问几个小朋友)3、T:小朋友们有谁知道Ms Nancy刚才说的次数最多的句子是什么?(生齐声说:What color is it?)那么有谁能猜出它是什么意思呢?(生齐声说:它是什么颜色的?)Great! You are so clever! Follow me. What color is it4、

      9、T: Now, I need three students. Who wants tryLets say: Shake!现在我们大家一起问*、*和* What color is itVery done! Give me five! Thank you, and go back to your seat!5、小朋友们看一下我们漂亮的教室里是不是也有这些颜色?谁想成为小老师,来带领大家找颜色?第一个回答正确的小朋友可以被邀请做下一位小老师。Who wants try?(可以进行三或四次)Step 5: Story.1、T:不止Ms Nancy 有带魔法的东西,我们的好朋友Teddy也有一个有带魔法的宝贝。Look! Whats this对了,这是一副被施了魔法的眼镜,当你说出它的咒语,就会通过它看周围的环境会发生颜色的变化。你们想不想知道咒语是什么?(生:想)咒语就是:What color is itFollow me. 今天Teddy就和Puppy一起带着它的神奇眼镜去海滩了,他们会发生什么有趣的事情呢?请小朋友打开课本33页。(所有人打开课本)第一次Teddy通过眼镜看海滩,What color is it?(S:ITs re


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