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材料科学与工程基础作业 讲评 -7

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-20
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    • 1、4-12热处理(退火)的实质是什么?它对材料的拉伸强度、硬度、尺寸稳定性、冲击强度和断裂伸长率有什么影响? 结构弛豫 ,非晶至结晶转变,第十次作业 中文,4-20玻璃的理论强度超过7000MPa。一块平板玻璃在60MPa弯曲张力下破坏。我们假定裂纹尖端为氧离子尺寸(即裂纹尖端曲率半径为氧离子半径,RO2-=0.14nm),问对应这种低应力断裂,相应的裂纹深度为多大? max=01+2(a/)0.5 = 2f(a/)0.5 7000=601+2(a/0.14)0.5 a=468nm,2a=936.5nm 括号中1省略则a=476nm,4-21某钢材的屈服强度为1100MPa,抗拉强度为1200MPa,断裂韧性(KIC)为90MPam1/2。(a)在一钢板上有2mm的边裂,在他产生屈服之前是否会先断裂?(b)在屈服发生之前,不产生断裂的可容许断裂缝的最大深度是多少?(假设几何因子Y等于1.1,试样的拉应力与边裂纹垂直) = KIC/Y(a)0.5 =1032Mpa,先断裂 a=(KIC/Y)2/ =1.5mm 1100 1.76 1200 1.5,7.29 A cylindrical sp

      2、ecimen of aluminum having a diameter of 12.8 mm and a gauge length of 50.800 mm is pulled in tension. Use the loadelongation characteristics tabulated below to complete problems a through f. (a) Plot the data as engineering stress versus engineering strain. (b) Compute the modulus of elasticity. (c) Determine the yield strength at a strain offset of 0.002. (d) Determine the tensile strength of this alloy. (e) What is the approximate ductility, in percent elongation? (f ) Compute the modulus of r

      3、esilience.,(a) A0=d02/4 =3.14*12.82 mm2/4 = 128.6mm2 =F/A0 = l /l0 , l0 =50.8mm (b) E=slope=/=(2-1)/(2-1) =(57.0-0)MPa/(0.001-0)=57.0GPa 117.4MPa (d) 369.4MPa (e) %EL=(l f - l 0)/ l 0 *100=(59.182 50.8)/50.8 *100 =16.5 (f) U r =1/2 *y*y=0.5*117.4*106*0.002J/m3 =117400 J/m3,7.40 For some metal alloy, a true stress of 415 MPa produces a plastic true strain of 0.475. How much will a specimen of this material elongate when a true stress of 325 MPa is applied if the original length is 300 mm ? Assume

      4、 a value of 0.25 for the strain-hardening exponent n. T =K Tn , K= T / Tn =415MPa/(0.4750.25)=500MPa T =( T/K)1/n=(325MPa/500MPa) 1/0.25=0.179 T =ln(l i / l 0), l i = l 0 * eT =300mm*e0.179=300mm*1.196=358.8mm,9.17 Some aircraft component is fabricated from an aluminum alloy that has a plane strain fracture toughness of 35 MPa.m1/2. It has been determined that fracture results at a stress of 250 MPa when the maximum (or critical) internal crack length is 2.0 mm. For this same component and alloy

      5、, will fracture occur at a stress level of 325 Mpa when the maximum internal crack length is 1.0 mm? Why or why not? KIC=Y(a)1/2, Y= KIC /(a)1/2=(35 Mpa m 1/2 ) / (250 Mpa) (3.14*0.002/2m)1/2=2.50 另外受力: = KIC /(a)1/2 Y=(35 Mpa m 1/2 )/ (3.14*0.001/2m)1/2 *2.50=353.3MPa, 因此不断裂。,9.18 Suppose that a wing component on an aircraft is fabricated from an aluminum alloy that has a plane strain fracture toughness of 40 Mpa m1/2 . It has been determined that fracture results at a stress of 365 MPa when th

      6、e maximum internal crack length is 2.5 mm. For this same component and alloy, compute the stress level at which fracture will occur for a critical internal crack length of 4.0 mm .,KIC=Y(a)1/2, Y= KIC /(a)1/2=(40 Mpa m 1/2 ) / (365Mpa)(3.14*0.0025/2m)1/2=1.75 另外受力: = KIC /(a)1/2 Y=(40 Mpa m 1/2 )/ (3.14*0.004/2m)1/2 1.75=288.4MPa,9.32 A 12.5mm diameter cylindrical rod fabricated from a 2014-T6 alloy (Figure 9.46) is subjected to a repeated tension-compression load cycling along its axis. Compute

      7、 the maximum and minimum loads that will be applied to yield a fatigue life of 1.0107cycles. Assume that the stress plotted on the vertical axis is stress amplitude, and data were taken for a mean stress of 50 MPa.,At a fatigue life of 1.0107 cycles, the stress amplitude a is about 175(160)MPa. a =(max - min )/2, 英文书P257 m =(max + min )/2, 英文书P258 So max = m +a , min =m - a , F max /A= m +a F max =(m +a )A=27598N (25758) F min =(m -a )A=-15332N (-13492),思考题 4-7 一条长212cm的铜线,直径为0.76mm。当外加载荷为8.7kg时

      8、开始产生塑性变形(a)此作用力是多少牛顿?(b)外加载荷为15.2kg时,此线的应变为0.011,则去除载荷后,铜线的长度为多少? 此铜线的屈服强度是多少? 解:(a)F1=mg=8.7*9.8=85.3N (b)=F2 /S= F2 /(d2/4) =15.2*9.8 /(* 0.762/4)=329(MPa) =/E=329MPa/110.3Gpa=3 L=L0(1+)=212*(1+0.011-0.003)=213.7cm (3)= F1 /S= 85.3N / (* 0.762/4) =187.9Mpa,4-9 从拉伸试验如何获得常用的力学性能数据? 拉伸强度、屈服强度、断裂强度、断裂伸长率、弹性模量等,公式可计算。,4-13 有哪些方法可以改善材料的韧性,试举例说明。 晶粒细化(晶格类型);成分,高分子共混橡胶,金属种杂质;热处理;高分子中的银纹。,4-19某钢板的屈服强度为690MPa,KIC值为70MPam1/2,如果可容许最大裂缝是2.5mm,且不许发生塑性变形,则此钢的设计极性强度是多少? KIC=c (a)1/2, c = KIC (a)-1/2 =70Mpa.m1

      9、/2 (3.14*1.25mm)-1/2 =1117MPa,9.6 Briefly explain (a) why there may be significant scatter in the fracture strength for some given ceramic material, and (b) why fracture strength increases with decreasing specimen size. 陶瓷材料的结构,晶相、玻璃相和气相;裂纹等缺陷。,9.28 Briefly explain why BCC and HCP metal alloys may experience a ductile-to-brittle transition with decreasing temperature, whereas FCC alloys do not experience such a transition. FCC 韧性,甚至在低温。P254 跟裂纹有关。Cracks in ductile materials are said to be stable;For brittle fracture, cracks are unstable, and the fracture surface is relatively flat and perpendicular to the direction of the applied tensile load.,4-24 按照粘附摩擦的机理,说明为什么极性高聚物与金属材料表面间的摩擦系数较大,而非极性高聚物则较小。 摩擦系数:=S/Pm S为剪切强度;Pm为抗压强度,极性聚合物作用力大,S大。,第十一次 中文,4-29试从金属、陶瓷和高聚物材料的结构差别解释它们在热容、热膨胀系数和热导率等性能方面的差别。 原子键合方式不同;结构不同,包括结晶。,热容 高分子无机非金属金属 热运动基团单元大小不同 热膨胀系数

      《材料科学与工程基础作业 讲评 -7》由会员w****i分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《材料科学与工程基础作业 讲评 -7》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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