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  • 文档编号:90979366
  • 上传时间:2019-06-20
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    • 1、,Today my topic is about a very popular TV series :the walking dead!,本剧根据同名漫画改编,主角是一名叫做瑞克(Rick)的警察,在僵尸病毒爆发之后,他带领着一群幸存者在美国寻找避难所。在寻找避难所的过程中,他们必须想尽一切办法求生。,The play based on the comic book adaptation of the same name, the protagonist is a person called Rick (Rick) of the police, after the outbreak of the zombie virus, he led a group of survivors in the United States seeking refuge. Looking for shelter in the process, they have tried every means to survive.,The zombie tells Rick in a law enforcement

      2、action by the police was shot and wounded in unconscious, after awakening from a coma when he was surprised to find that the world has been turned upside down. Around a bunch of death border, Necros, and no live trace. Survived Rick arrived at home, missing his wife and children sign of sth. 行尸走肉讲述了警察瑞克在一次执法行动中因中弹负伤而不省人事,当他从昏迷中苏醒后却惊讶地发现,这个世界已然天翻地覆。周遭一派死境,丧尸横行,没有活人踪影。死里逃生的瑞克赶到家中,却不见妻儿的踪影,Despite some zombie theme cliche, but this comic is focused on depicting the characters of mental activity and

      3、 change, exposed the dark side of human nature in a disaster no doubt. Sad die from starvation everywhere, lost land, in which humans dying, bringing destruction and harm not only the zombie, living room of fighting. Hero of the story over and over again into the wall at the same looking time, giving viewers a provisional end of sad. 尽管僵尸题材有些老套,但这部漫画却着重刻画了人物角色的心理活动与变化,人性中的黑暗面在大灾难中暴露无疑。哀殍遍野,丧尸满目,人类在其中苟延残喘,带来毁灭与伤害的不仅仅是那些行尸走肉,还有活人间的互相争斗。故事将主人公一次次抛入绝境的同时,也给予观者一种如临末世的悲望。,he is my hero ,he is very kin

      4、d ,wisdom ,brave and handsome I admire him .,Glenn is the only Asian. Smart, humor, cute, is his features. Because of him, the drama is a little popular in Asia.,Her name is Maggie. She was married with Glenn. The first time when I have seen her, I hate. But later, I changed my idea, because of her brave。She become a powerful arm for her friends.,Nothing can stop people desiring to survive!,自己回去看看吧,The most important successful of this movie is the peoples psychology and humanistic after this bi

      5、g disaster .The playwright and actor are good at this ,many people joined the shot .at humanistic ,the little boy grown up in a bad environment, he become strong and brave .his Psychological incompatible with age, he shot at his mother ,because he known his mother would become a walker .so he want to let his mother s last memory are beautiful ,letting his mother enter the kingdom of heaven .,这部电影的最重要的成功的是人的心理和人文后,这一大灾难。这位剧作家和演员都是好的,很多人加入了这个镜头。在人性化的环境下,小男孩长大了,他变得坚强和勇敢。他与年龄的心理不相容,他向母亲开枪,因为他知道他的母亲会

      6、变成一个学步车,所以他想让母亲的最后的记忆是美丽的,让母亲进入天堂。,This is a good movie ,Its worth watching. although its a little frightened ,but the humanistic worth our consideration,Thanks,END,丧尸爆发之后,Morgan和他的妻子Jenny还有儿子Duane逃离了家园。他们计划前往亚特兰大寻求军方的保护。在途中,Jenny被活死人袭?击,这迫使Morgan改变了计划,留守在了Rick生活的小镇。“在她死后,”Morgan告诉Rick,“我猜我们只不过是被钉在了这里”。在一系列激烈的你死我活之后,Morgan和儿子躲进了一个空置的房子并设置了屏障。尽管周遭的条件险恶,Morgan作为一个好爸爸仍然尽力为儿子Duane营造一个正常的生活,他纠正儿子一些生活上礼节并在每次饭前带着儿子祈祷。但他们仍然为失去妻子和母亲Jenny而深受折磨-,一个经常回到他们房子附近,徘徊的活死人。Rick和Morgan最终决定分道扬镳,(Morgan承诺在儿子学会使用武?器之后

      7、与Rick汇合)。在离别之时,Morgan提醒Rick:“他们一个两个出现的时候也许并不起眼,但当他们成群结队之时,会变得疯狂异常并且饥肠辘辘,那时候,逃命吧。”,Rick woke up in the hospital,He walked to his home,and then,he was attacked by a black man and his son. In the end,the black man knew he hadnt been bitten.They told him what happened and taught him how to kill walker(zombie).,After the outbreak of the disaster,However, Atlanta has already become a dead city, zombies are absolutely dominance. Rick was besieged by zombies but saved by survivors,after some struggling to fight, they eventually return to the survivors wild camp and fortunately found his wife,son and his friend Shawn.,And then,they began their trully a adventure betting their lifeThe story just beginning.,


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