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would rather的详细用法

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  • 文档编号:90971508
  • 上传时间:2019-06-20
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    • 1、would rather有关would rather的五个重要句型一、后接动词原形后接动词原形,表示“宁愿做某事”。如:Id rather be told the truth than be lied to. 我宁愿听真话,不愿被欺骗。Ive already seen that film, so Id rather see another one. 我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧。Ill go if youre going. If not, Id rather stay at home. 你去我就去,否则我宁可待在家里。Id rather do it without anybodys help. 我宁愿不要任何人帮助,自己干这件事。“How about a drink?” “Id rather have something to eat.”“喝一杯怎么样?”“我宁愿来点吃的。”注:would rather的否定式,通常要将not置于rather之后。如:Id rather not say anything. 我宁可什么也不说。二、后接完成式动词后接完成式动词,表示过去的想法,

      2、通常可译为“(本来)宁愿做某事”。如:We went by sea, but I d rather have gone by air. 我们是乘船去的,可我本想乘飞机去。“At that time, I would rather have been a factory worker than an animal keeper,” he said. “那时,我宁愿做一个工厂工人,也不愿做动物饲养员,”他说道。三、后接从句后接从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气。具体说来,有以下两种情况:1. 指现在或将来用过去时。如:I would rather you didnt mention the price. 我愿意你别提价钱。Id rather you knew that now, than afterwards. 我宁愿你现在知道而不是以后。Dont come and see me todayId rather you came tomorrow. 今天不要来看我我希望你们明天来。Tomorrows difficult. Id rather yon came next weekend. 明天有困难

      3、。我希望你下周末来。“We might go for a swim” “No,ld rather we didnt.” “我们去游泳吧。”“不,我想我们最好不去。”“Shall I give you a cheque?” “I d rather you paid cash.” “我付给您支票行吗?”“我想您最好付现金。”Ann said that Bill wanted to go alone but that shed rather he went with a group. 安说比尔想一个人去,但她宁愿他跟一大群人一起去。2. 指过去用过去完成时。如:Id rather he hadnt told me about it 我宁愿他未告诉我这件事。Kate went by car and Id rather she hadnt. 凯特是坐汽车去的,我倒愿意她不是坐汽车去的。Id rather she had asked me before borrowing the car. 我真希望她先问我一声再借车。注:有时用于虚拟语气语境中。如:If Id lived in 1400, Id

      4、rather have been a knight than a monk. 如果我生活在1400年,我宁愿当骑士,不当修道士。If shed had a chance, shed rather have lived 100 years ago. 如果有机会她宁愿生活在100年前。四、用于would ratherthan结构此结构表示“宁愿(做)而不愿(做)”。如:Id rather go hungry than eat that! 我宁可挨饿也不吃那种东西!I d rather pay his fine for him than let him go to prison. 我宁愿替他交罚款,也不愿让他蹲监狱。He would rather have the small one than (have) the large one. 他宁愿要小的那个,而不愿要大的。Id rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁可把钱花了也不想存在银行里。Id rather have a room of my own. however

      5、small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,而不愿意与别人合住一个房间。五、用于口语表达Id rather not口语中说Id rather not,表示委婉的不同意,其意为“我宁愿不”。如:“Are you coming with us?” “Id rather not.” “你和我们一起来吗?“”我不想。”“Some more wine” “Thank you. Id rather not. I have to drive home.” “再来一点酒好吗?”“不要了,我不能再喝了。我还得开车回家呢。”The boys d rather go by air, wouldnt they? 男孩子更愿意坐飞机走,对吗?Youd rather not wake a sleeping dog, would you? 你总不想没事找麻烦,对吧?1.would rather表示宁愿would rather dowould rather not dowould rather than 宁愿而不愿。例:-Shall we go skatin

      6、g or stay at home?-Which _ do?A. do you ratherB. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather答案B。本题考查would rather的用法,would rather +do sth 意为宁愿,本题为疑问句,would 提前,所以选B。2.would rather 后接虚拟语气的用法在would rather后面所跟的从句中,也可用虚拟语气,表示愿望,意为“宁愿”、“但愿”。其形式为:1 ) would rather +主语+动词过去式表示现在或将来的情况。例:I would rather you went next Sunday我愿你下星期天去。2 ) would rather +主语+动词过去完成式表示过去的情况。例:Id rather you had not given up the job then.要是你当时不放弃那个工作就好了。3.还有would sooner, had rather, had sooner都表示宁愿、宁可的意思。If I have a cho

      7、ice, I had sooner not continue my studies at this school.I would rather stay here than go home. = I would stay here rather than go home.it is一段时间since一般过去时或现在完成时 下面的不同说法都是可以的: It is three years since I(last)saw Bill 自从我(上次)和比尔见面到现在已经三年了。 It is three years since I have seen Bill 自我和比尔那次见面以来已经有三年了。 I last saw Bill three years ago 我最后一次见到比尔是在三年以前。 I havent seen Bill for three years 我已经有三年没见到过比尔了。 It is two months since Tom(last) smoked a cigarette 汤姆最后一次抽烟到现在已有两个月了。 It is two months since Tom has s

      8、moked a cigarette 汤姆已经两个月没抽烟了。 He last smoked a cigarette two months ago 他最后一次抽烟是两个月以前。 He hasnt smoked a cigarette for two months 他已经有两个月没有抽烟了。 我们可以用 it is since结构,不带副词 last: It is two years since he left the country 他离开这个国家已经两年了。 然而,如果想换用一个别的句式,则只能用下面的办法: He left the country two years ago 他两年前离开了这个国家。 在这里不能像上面有关比尔的句子那样用现在完成时的否定形式。 He hasnt been(living) in this country for the last two years(这两年他没有在这个国家住过)是可以的,但与 He left two years ago(他离开两年了)意思不完全等同。这种结构可以用于一般过去时: He invited me to go riding with him But it was two years since I had ridden a horse 他邀请我和他一起去骑马。但那时我已经两年没有骑马了。(在他邀请我之前,我已经有两年没有骑马了,所以我不知道自己是否还能骑得开心。)

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