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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:90941278
  • 上传时间:2019-06-20
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    • 1、市场营销 简答(20分) 1、 Service(定义、特点) 2、 Distribution length分销长度(定义,types of vertical distribution system) 定义:number of intermediaries needed to move a product through the marketplace Types:corporate公司型、contractual契约型、administration管理型 3、 Forms of sales promotion促销 coupons, rebates, samples, premiums, contests, sweepstakes, specialty advertising 4、 Segmentation细分 (定义,4 bases) 定义:dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separat

      2、e products or marketing mixes Bases:geographical地理, demographic人口, psychographic心理, behavioral行为 5、 Trade barrier贸易壁垒(定义,forms) 定义:a general term that describes any government policy or regulation that restricts international / global trade. Forms: Tariff Barriers 关税壁垒 Non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒 Inspections 渠道宽度 定义:number of sales outlets required to provide adequate range for a product 分析: 案例:在计算机发展的今天,像建立stereo(立体声)和电视门店一样建立电脑门店 4、 Push strategy推动策略 定义:a promotion strategy using the sales force

      3、 and trade promotion to push the product through channels 分析: 案例: 5、 Pull strategy拉引策略 定义:a promotion strategy spending a lot on advertising ,sales promotion and public relations to build up consumer demand 分析: 案例: 6、 Event association联姻 定义:a close and long-term relationship in the consumers mind between a favorable event and the product 分析: 案例: 7、 Slogan Slogans or promotional jingles should be customized to each market. It should be attractive and have meaning. 案例:Ivory soap: So Pure It Floats

      4、(in Japan) Toyota: You want it, you got it.(in American因为individuality ) 8、 Good will creationP105 9、 Bigger is better(错误) Putting your company in a position in which it cant handle solicited demand is a surefire way to attract competition. 案例:在快餐店table service 10、 Horizontal marketing 11、 Consumer will know our product is better(错误) If the differentiation is small, and sometimes it may be, it must be brought to the consumers attention via advertising or packaging. 案例:报电话每分钟省的钱,不如说一年省的钱。 12、 Cul

      5、tural myopia市场短视(错误) 定义:Marketing books and case histories are rife with examples of marketing blunders, most of them due to a poor understanding of the targeted culture. 分析: 案例:Chevrolet在拉丁美洲卖不好,因为no va 在西班牙语里是doesnt move ostrich鸵鸟肉在德国卖不好,因为德国人爱吃pork猪肉 案例分析(策略,定义,分析) 1、 comparative advantage比较优势 & absolute advantage绝对优势P22 定义: comparative advantage 案例:Vietnam向Denmark进口啤酒生产设备,越南可以生产,但是价格会高 absolute advantage案例:Sweden向India进口茶,Sweden种不出来 分析: 2、 Vietnam imports of telecommunication technology 3、 Dominos pizza marketing activities in Taiwan 4、 Licensing 定义:licensing is the procedure wherein a company assigns the right to a brand, a trademark, a copyright, or the patent for a product or a process to another company for a fee. 案例:Beer manufacturers such as Anheuser-Busch and Heineken授权当地生产商而不是自己建brewery(酿酒厂) Trade Press授权国外出版社翻译和出版 5、 Franchising 6、 Co productionP23 案例:Automobile(案例没看懂) 7、 US companies marking ready-made soups in Brazil


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