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    • 1、We are trying to save the earth一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。(10分)1- Look! Many monkeys are playing in trees. - Yeah! How p_ they are!2. It was d_ that the population of the manatees is becoming smaller and smaller.3. The swans(天鹅)like living in the s_. It is their habitat.4. They are about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 p_.5. We should p_ animals. It is wrong to kill wild animals.6. To recycle books and paper is easy. But it is very important for protecting the e_.7. We must protect the e_ anima

      2、ls, such as manatees.8. The singers are singing to r_ money for a Hope Project.9. - What do you usually do in your s_ time? - Watch TV or hang out in the store.10. It was too late to s_ the woman, and she died at last.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)11. It is _ to wait for your turn when you are waiting for a bus.(politely)12. Im sorry I _ with you. I have a different idea. (agree)13. All the students think Jack is a _ student. (play)14. Dolphins are much _ than other animals. (intelligent)15. Zoos are _

      3、places for animals to live in. (terribly)16. Liu Xiangs success is an _ to us all. (inspire)21cnjy17. Im very _ to hear the news. So is he. (surprise)18. - Have you ever collected waste paper for _(recycle) - Yes, I have.19. There are many books about music on those _(shelf)20. - Have you ever _to a foreigner? (speak) - No, never.三、单项选择(20分)21. The government has _ laws to protect the endangered animals. A. put B. make C. passed D. carry out22. The windows and doors _ old buildings around the to

      4、wn.【出处:21教育名师】A. make of B. make from C. make up of D. came from23. - _ you ever _ the Great Wall? - Yes, twice.A. Have, been B. Have, been to C. Have, gone to D. Have, been in24. His uncle _ to be a _ boy.A. used, playful B. got used, playful C. used, play D. is used, playing25. The young man was against _ trees.A. plant B. to plant C. planting D. planted 【来源:21世纪教育网】26. The old man was very _ what his son did.21世纪*教育网A. surprised in B. surprised to C. surprising at D. surprised at 27. You must

      5、 be very tired, why not _ a rest?21*cnjy*comA. to stop to have B. to stop having C. stop to have D. stop having28. My father thinks Im already _ for the work.A. high enough B. enough high C. tall enough D. enough tall29. I feel that the zoo _ a clean and safe place _ animals.www.21-cn-A. provide, for B. provides, for C. gives, for D. provides, to30. If you dont want to go swimming, I wont _.21教育名师原创作品A. too B. also C. either D. neither 31. Turn your radio down please. Its_. And I cant stand it.A

      6、. very nice B. very quiet C. too noisy D. really pleasant32. Li Lei works very hard, he is always the first student _ homeworkA. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished33. So far, they _ about 10 English songs.A. learn B. learned C. had learned D. have learned21教育网34. The teacher told the students that the earth _around the sun.A. go B. goes C. went D. has gone35. Please remember _ I said.A. that B. what C. which D. if 36. Remember _ your homework here tomorrow.A. to bring B. to take C. bri

      7、nging D. taking37. - _ you _ the film Hero? - Yes. I _ it a week ago.A. Did, see, did B. Have, seen , have C. Have , seen, saw D. will, see, have seen38. I am hungry, would you please give me _ to eat?www-2-1-cnjy-comA. anything nice B. something nice C. nothing nice D. nice something39. The roof of the house is made _tile, and the glass of the windows is made _paper.A. of, of B. from, from C. of, from D. from, of 40. - Im interested in this topic very much. -_A. So do I B. So am I C. So will I

      8、D. So have I 四、英汉互译。根据汉语提示完成各句。(10分)41.这里过去有许多海牛,但现在几乎没有了。There _ _ be a lot of manatees, but now there_ _ of them.42.动物们被养在小笼子里,几乎不能活动。Animals _ _ in the tiny cages and can _ move _ _.43.墙是由粘合在一起的玻璃瓶子做成的。The walls _ _ _ old glass bottles that _ _ together.44.我们反对在城市里建工厂。We are _ _ factories in the city.45.对年轻人来说,它们就像活的教科书。They are like _ _ for young people.五、选词填空。从方框中选择合适的单词填入下列句子中(注意词形)(10分) danger, win , take , little, fur, careful, build , hold, pollute, change, keep, wonder46. Please take _ when you cross these busy streets.47. My hometown _ greatly in the last six years.48. Who is the first prize _ of the reading competition?49. People drink _ water in winter than in summer.50. My father _ working for eight hours,


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