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大学英语综合教程2 的课后练习答案u ni t5

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    • 1、Return to Menu,Unit 5,Passage A Think About It Read About It Talk About It Write About It,1. In what way do you usually learn English words? Do you often ask the native speakers to explain English words for you?,Open.,Reference:,2. How do you understand the German proverb “Whoever cares to learn will always find a teacher”?,Anyone who is willing to learn will make use of every chance to learn something from others.,Reference:,3. Do you think teaching is also learning? Why?,Yes, because when we a

      2、re asked to teach what we are supposed to know, things often turn out not as obvious as we thought it to be.,Reference:,Read About It Language Points Content Awareness Language Focus,“Please,” he said. “What is the meaning of these words?” I stared at the words in the distressed way you might stare at party guests whose faces youve seen somewhere before but whose names have escaped your mind. Proverb? Peculiar? Idiomatic? How on earth should I know? Its one thing to use a word, its another to ex

      3、plain it. I resorted to shifting the topic. “Where did you get these words?” The driver explained that he was Pakistani. He listened to the radio as he drove and often jotted down unfamiliar, fascinating words whose meanings and spellings he then sought from his passengers. “Peculiar,” he said. “What does this mean?” I could manage that one. “Strange,” I said. “Odd. Often with a hint of something suspicious.” “Thank you, Miss. And idiomatic?”,But did it really qualify as idiomatic? I had no idea

      4、 because the longer I thought about idioms the less sure I was what they were. “And proverb?” I should have told the poor man right then that I might be misleading him down the proverbial path, whatever that really means, but instead I said, “I think a proverb is kind of like an aphorism. But not quite.” “A what?” “Never mind. A proverb is a condensed saying that teaches you a lesson.” “An example?” The meter clicked off a full 20 cents while I searched madly through my mind. “Haste makes waste?

      5、” I finally whimpered.,But was that a proverb? Wait. Werent proverbs actually stories, not just phrases? While I was convincing myself they were, he said, “Can an idiom be a proverb?” I could answer that. Just not right now, now when it mattered, now when the fate of a curious, intelligent immigrant hung on the answers he assumed would fall from a native speakers tongue as naturally as leaves from an October tree. So I retreated. “Do most of your passengers give you answers when you ask for defi

      6、nitions?” “Oh, yes, Miss. Very interesting definitions.”,rear adj. of, at or located in the back,Examples The thief broke into the house through the rear window. She doesnt like sitting in the rear seat.,peculiar adj. unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way,Examples What a peculiar smell! She has the most peculiar ideas.,resort n. 1) a strategy or course of action that may be adopted to resolve a difficult situation,Examples He took back the house, without resort to legal action. Boo

      7、ks are her resort when she is lonely., 2) a place that is a popular destination for holidays or recreation,Examples In recent years this place has grown into a fashionable ski resort. Hawaii is a famous tourist resort.,resort to to use, adopt a particular means to achieve ones ends,Examples Terrorists resorted to bombing city centers as a means of achieving their political aims. We are prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed.,jot v. to make a quick short note,Examples Could you jot (do

      8、wn) my address and phone number in your address book? Professor Smith advised that we always carry a pen and a notebook with us for jotting (down) our ideas.,hint n. a slight indication of a fact, wish, etc.,Examples Didnt she even give you a hint where she was going? The lady coughed politely as the man lit his cigarette, but he failed to take the hint.,confuse v. to mix up (sbs mind or ideas), or to make (sth) difficult to understand,Examples I was so confused in todays history lesson I didnt

      9、understand a thing! Youre confusing the little boy! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time.,Examples Youre confusing me with my sister it was she who was sick last week. Dont confuse liberty with license.,confuse . with . to mistake one person or thing for another,puzzle v. to cause (sb) to feel confused and slightly worried because they cannot understand sth,Examples Were still puzzled about how the accident could have happened. The students sat with puzzled looks on their faces as their lecturer was trying to explain the theory.,vague adj. 1) not clearly described or expressed,Examples The patient complained of vague pains and backache. She had a vague premonition of danger., 2) not clear in shape, or not clearly seen,Examples Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure. In a fog everything looks vague., 3) (of a person) not able to think clearly, or, not expressing ones opinions clearly,Examples My aunt is incredibly va

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