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    • 1、1295系列文案1295R Old Castle Relaxation Series 古堡休闲系列心灵阳台,给心灵一个空间The Soul Balcony Gives the Soul a Piece of Space 1295R(Relax)含有放松,自由,惬意的含义。作为建筑物的延伸,在十七世纪的欧洲贵族都居住在古堡中,受巴洛克风格影响,阳台成为贵族建筑物的象征。1295R(Relax)系列,源于对私家空间的尊重,庭院、阳台、露台、花园是我们放松身心,独立思考的静地。在别墅或公寓顶层建立一座露台阳光房,已成为人们追捧的新潮流。适用风格:开放复古风格适用空间:庭院、阳台、露台、走道、厨卫等墙地面1295R (Relax) has the meaning of relaxation, freedom and satisfaction. Influenced by the Baroque style, European nobles in the 17th century resided in castles, and as an extension of a building, the

      2、 balcony became a symbol of a noble building. 1295R (Relax) Series comes from the respect to the private space. The courtyard, balcony, terrace or garden is a quiet place for us to relax the body and mind and think independently. Constructing a terrace sunshine room on a villas or an apartments top floor has become a new trend that people pursue. Applicable Style: Open style of restoring ancient ways. Applicable Space: The wall and floor of a courtyard, balcony, terrace, path, kitchen, bathroom,

      3、 etc. 随着人们对心灵空间的自由开放的日益关注,室外开放的空间日趋受到重视。阳台、露台、阳光房等私有空间成为别墅或公寓装修必备的新潮流趋势,古堡休闲系列,浓郁的仿古韵味,专为室外开阔空间打造,给人一种放松、休闲、自由的生活感受,释放心灵的自由。With peoples concern day by day to the freedom and opening of the soul space, the open outdoor space is paid attention to day by day. Such a privately owned space as a balcony, terrace, sunshine room, etc, has become a new trend indispensable for decorating a villa or apartment. The Old Castle Relaxation Series, with its strong sophisticated appeal in the style of the ancie

      4、nts, is particularly made for a wide space outdoors, giving people a kind of relaxing leisurely and free life feeling and releasing the freedom of the soul.露台上,面朝大海,悠闲的进餐、品茶、闲坐、小憩。一杯香茗,一张躺椅、一米阳光、一个下午,让心静享自由。On the balcony, face the sea, have meal leisurely, taste tea, sit idly and have a rest. With a cup of fragrant and tender tea, a deck chair, a meter of sunshine and one afternoon, let the heart silently enjoy freedom. 1295V village leisure series 乡村休闲系列朴实无华休闲乡村Being Plain but Not Showy, Relax

      5、ing in Village 1295V(Village)系列创意源于德国拜恩麦田,在这独具特色的文化风景带上,养成乡村德国人勤劳耕作的慢节奏,麦石原始而古朴的斑纹,代表着以微小积累成深厚的踏实生活态度,打造休闲乡村的纯正田园生活。适用风格:开放复古风格适用空间:走道、阳台、花园、厨卫等墙地面。【St. Malo涌蚀再造技术】运用国际领先的St. Malo涌蚀再造技术,极致打造凹凸立体效果,色彩更纯朴,纹理更清晰。Being Plain but Not Showy, Relaxing in Village He originality of the 1295V (Village) Series comes from German Bayerns wheat field. This cultural scenery belt showing unique characteristics has formed the slow rhythm of rural German peoples industrious cultivation. The primitive, simple and

      6、unsophisticated stripes of the Wheat Stone represent the steady and sure life attitude of making smallness accumulated into profundity to build a relaxing villages pure pastoral life. Applicable Style: Opening style of restoring ancient ways Applicable Space: Wall and floor of a path, balcony, garden, kitchen, bathroom, etc. 【St. Malo Surge Etching Remaking Technology 】We utilize internationally leading St. Malo surge remaking technology to perfectly make a concave-convex three-dimensional effec

      7、t so that the color is plainer and the grains are clearer.源于德国麦田的创意,微小积累成深厚,以凸凹自然的纹理,别具一格的防滑防污特性,来自大地原色纯正的田园休闲。 Coming from German wheat field, the originality makes smallness accumulated into profundity, and the concave-convex and natural grains and the peculiar antiskid and antifouling characteristics are from the pure pastoral relaxation with the primary color of the earth. 独特的配件与花砖搭配,极致表现历经时光的雕琢和岁月的沉淀后的纯正田园生活。The unique fittings are matched with patterned tiles, perfectly displaying the pure

      8、 pastoral life after going through the chiseling and carving by time and after the sedimentation of years. 1295E Extremely leisure series深度休闲系列返璞归真的瓷砖Tiles of primitive elements诞生,即历史。Birth, the start of a history. 1295E(Extremely)深度休闲系列,源自15世纪法国波尔多葡萄酒拉菲庄园,以深度仿古风格闻名世界,结合迷人烂漫拉菲顶级名贵葡萄酒文化的精髓,深浅不一的痕迹如顶级波尔多滴在砖面,似乎可以闻到扑面而来的阵阵酒香,让您体会到顶级法兰西贵族酒庄的极致休闲生活气息。1295E(Extremely) Leisure Series, Originating from Chateau Lafite-Rothschild producing Bordeaux Wine in France in 15th century, is famous in the world fo

      9、r its devotion to the antique style. The tiles is combined with the fascinating cultural essences of the top-grade grape wine and irregular traces left behind by the top-grade Bordeaux Wine, as if you could smell a faint fragrance of the wine in the air, so you can experience the extremely leisure life flavor of the Top-grade French noble Chateau. 文化背景:拉菲庄园是法国波尔多顶级庄园,也是世上最著名的酒庄,第一眼印象是及其静谧而奢华的一等园,悠久神秘如传奇般的拉菲庄园历史,记录的是十四世纪以来法国皇宫贵族的奢华享受,沉淀的是世界顶级的葡萄酒香,传承的是永远一脉相承的贵族血统。Cultural Background:Chateau Lafite-Rothschild is a top-grade Chateau in Bordeaux, France, as well as the most famous Chateau in the world. The first glance gives you the impression that it is the tranquil and luxurious Chateau of eternal mystery and legends, recording the unparalleled luxury of the nobility of the French Royal Family, emanating the grape wine fragrance and carrying forward the high blood.1


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