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    • 1、Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态【巩固练习】I.把下列主动语态的句子变为被动语态的句子。1. Do you sweep the floor every day? _2. Did people in the old days grow tea?_3. We have learned Lesson 60. _4. We cant see many of the stars._5. China has sent up man-made satellites into space._6. They will plant the trees tomorrow._7. I see him go to school every day._8. Our teacher made us close our eyes in the game._II. 使用被动语态翻译下列句子。1.我们不把英语当作第一语言使用。_2. 这些电视机是1990年日本出产的。_3.法国人说英语还是法语?_4.中国什么地方生产盐?_5. 这些树可以被种在道路的两边。_6. 每天早晨都能听到小鸟

      2、唱歌的声音。_7. 世界被变成了一个更小的地方。_III. 单项选择。1. Look! A big modern building _ in our city.A. is built B. is being built C. has been built D. is building2. Your bike cant _ there.A. be putB. is put C. be putted D. putted3. Mary _ the song at a party. A. heard sing B. was heard singC. heard to sing D. was heard to sing4. _ trees usually _ in April? A. Have, planted B. Are, plantedC. have, been planted D. Do, planted5. My room _ tomorrow.A. is cleaned B. be cleaned C. will be cleaned D. is cleaning6. When _

      3、your school _?A. did, built B. was, builtC. is, built D. was, building7. The window of our house _ once a week.A. have been cleaned B. is cleaned C. are cleaned D. are cleaning8. The sick girl _ to the hospital at once.A. must send B. be must sent C. must be sentD. be sent9. Many books on science _ since I went to college.A. were boughtB. have been bought C. will be boughtD. are bought10. People have come to know that their health must _. A. pay more attentionB. pay more attention to C. be paid

      4、more attention D. be paid more attention to 11. A beautiful picture _ the children in the classroom. A. was shown toB. was shownC. were shown to D. were shown12. A new bike _ Tom tomorrow. A. will lendB. will lentC. will be lentD. will be lent to13. Some eggs and a glass of milk _ the Frenchman. A. have been brought toB. has been brought to C. have been broughtD. has been brought14. Miss White said she _ some beautiful coats in the shop. A. had been showB. has been shown C. had been shown to D.

      5、had been shown15. Jack _ answer the question in French. A. asked to B. was ask C. was askedD. was asked to【真题链接】1. The novel _ by many people today.A. is read B. are read C. reads D. were read2.These model cars _ in China in 2013.A. are made B. were made C. make D. made3. How clean your car is! Thank you. It _ very often.A. is washedB. washesC. was washedD. washed4. When you _ a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it.A. giveB. are givingC. gaveD. are given5. We to start at once, o

      6、r we will miss the train. A. tell B. have told C. are told D. told IV. 看图完成下列对话。 【答案与解析】I. 把下列主动语态的句子变为被动语态的句子。1. Is the floor swept(by you)every day?2. Was tea grown by people in the old days?3. Lesson 60 has been learned by us.4. Many of the stars cant be seen by us.5. Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by China. 6. The trees will be planted tomorrow.7. He is seen to go to school every day.9. We were made to close our eyes in the game.II. 使用被动语态翻译下列句子。1. English isnt used as our

      7、first language. 2. The TV sets were made in Japan in 1990.3. Is English or French spoken by Frenchmen?4. Where is salt produced in China?5. These trees can be planted at the sides of the road.6. The birds are heard to sing every morning.7. The world is made to be a much smaller place.III. 单项选择。1. B。本句结构为:现在进行时的被动语态。句意为“在我们城里,一座现代化的楼房正在被建”。2.A。本句结构为:含有情态动词的被动语态。句意为“你的自行车不能被放在那”。3.D。本句结构为:一般过去时的被动语态。此句中复合宾语的不定式to不能省略。句意为“玛丽被听到在宴会上唱歌”。4.B。本句结构为:一般现在时的被动语态。句意为“植树通常是在四月份吗?”。5.C。本句结构为:一般将来的被动语态。句意为“我的房间将在明天被清扫”。6.B。本句结构为:一般过去时的被动语态。句意为“你们学校是什么时候被建造的?”。7.B。本句结构为:一般现在时的被动语态,且主语是单数,用be动词is。句意为“我们房子的窗户一周被清洗一次”。8.C。本句结构为:情态动词的被动语态。句意为“那个生病的女孩必须马上被送到医院”。9.B。本句结构为:现在完成时的被动


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