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  • 文档编号:90870538
  • 上传时间:2019-06-19
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    • 1、 LEADERSHIP ANALYSIS OF MA YUN15AbstractThis paper is about the leadership analysis of Ma Yun.At the beginning of the paper,it talks about the background of Ma Yun, his pioneering work, the growth of Alibaba and Ma Yuns latest situation. Then, it would introduce his leadership behaviors. There are two main behaviors which are obvious on him. It contains supportive leadership behavior and charismatic leadership behavior. According to his leadership traits and behaviors, I evaluate the effectivene

      2、ss if his leadership applies to the hospitality industry. The conclusion about what I learned during the process of researching will be presented at the ending of the paper.Key words: Ma Yun,Alibaba, leadership, hospitality industryContentsI. Abstract1II. A Brief Introduction of Ma Yuns Life Experience1From teacher to businessmen 1Development of his career 2Founder of Alibaba 3The resignation of CEO4III. The Leadership Traits of Ma Yun 4Self-confidence 4Persistence5Fluency of speech 6Integrity 7

      3、IV. The Leadership Behaviors of Ma Yun 7Supportive Leadership Behaviors 7Charismatic Leadership Behaviors 8V. Apply Ma Yuns Leadership Style into Hospitality Industry 9Put employee in the first place 9Innovation 10Conclusion 11Reference 12Leadership Analysis of Ma YunThe reason why I choose Ma Yun as my leader is simple. I read anarticletalking about him on amagazine in high school. At that time I was interested in commerce. Until now I still have a strong interest in electronic commerce, and op

      4、en the Taobao shop and micro shop when I was a sophomore. During this process, I also realized the importance of business opportunities, supply channels and innovation.Iamdeeplyimpressedby his business acumen and personal charisma. Ma Yunis a Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist and also is the founder and Chief Executive Officer ofAlibaba Group. He is the first Chinese entrepreneur that has ever appeared on the cover ofForbes from mainland. In America financial magazine “Fortune” published i

      5、n 2014 March, he was honored by one of the “50 greatest leaders around the world”. In addition, Ma also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yahoo China. On May 10 in 2013, Ma retired from Alibaba Group as CEO. On September 23,2014, Ma Yun became the richest one in China by the fortune with $ 150 million, whose wealth had been increased by 5 times compared with that in 2013.Ma was ranked first in 2014 Forbes China Rich List and Hurun Philanthropy List.(Bai,2014)From the teacher to the

      6、 businessmenIn 1964, Ma Yun was born in an ordinary family in Hangzhou. When he was a child, he does not like study, and also is a skip class student in the eyes of the teacher. His transformation is started when he entering Hangzhou Normal University with English major. From that time on, he desperately learned English. Because he wants to know what things he doesnt know in the other side of the ocean.In 1988, Ma Yun graduated from the University, he came to Hangzhou to teach foreign languages

      7、in Electronic Industry College which is his first job. His monthly salary is about 110 Yuan. At the same time, he used his spare time to do much part-time jobs, such the guide for the foreign tourists. The first English corner in West Lake side is initiated by Ma Yun.In 1992, Ma Yun and his friends established the earliest professional translation named Haibo translation agency in Hangzhou. Each months revenue is only 200 Yuan, But the leasing fee has been pay off 700 Yuan. In the first year, th

      8、e Translation agency was unable to maintain the operation. Ma Yun began to do the business; he sold the gift package, flowers, books, clothes and flashlight. And then he used the money to maintain translation agency. Ma Yun said: The person who really wants to make money cannot takeitmuchtooseriously, if your mind is always thinking of money, you would not get much wealth.In 1995, the translation agency gradually became famous, and an American cooperation Company commissioned him to seek a debt

      9、in American. Then everything happened just like in Hollywood movies. The American businessmen wanted to default and pulled out a gun to make Ma Yun locked in the house for two days. Ma Yun was released in panic and anxiety, he lost the luggage and had to earn $600 back home on the casino in Las Vegas.(Liu,2009)Development of careerThe nightmare of trip was over; Ma Yun went back to Hangzhou sadly. Although he had no cent in his pocket, the trip let him found a treasure house in Seattle. It is the first time he used the Internet without any knowledge, and he also makes advertisement for his translation agency on the internet. He sent out the advertisement at 10 a.m., only 2 hours later, he received six emails respectively from the United States, Germany and Japan. These businessmen said this is the first Chinese Website that they have seen.


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