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    • 1、Endocrine Physiology,Introduction Neuroendocrinology Endocrine of other glands,Part 1 Introduction,History,1543 Vesalius, “pituata” “pituitary” 1855 Claud Bernard, “endocrine” 1889 Brown-Squard 1902 Bayliss & Starling,(no nerve),1905: Hardy, “hormone”,Discuss:实验项目1、2、3分别说明了什么?从这个实验你可以得到什么结论?,1. experimental endocrinology 2. neuroendocrinology,Several stages of development,1928 Ernest Sharrer neurosecretion, neuroendocrine,1949 Bargmann 1955 Harris, 1960 Yalow, Berson radio-immunoassay, RIA 1977

      2、Guillemin、Schally Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine,3. neuroendocrine-immune network,1977 Besedovskyn,Did you find common features of these three systems?,事实依据: 1.众多的神经递质、神经肽及激素于在体和离体条件下 可影响免疫细胞及免疫应答的各环节。 2.免疫细胞上及胞内有多种神经递质、神经肽或激素的 受体的表达。 3.免疫细胞可合成某些神经肽或激素。 4.神经细胞及内分泌细胞均可合成及分泌免疫分子(如 细胞因子等),且细胞因子对内分泌影响亦极为广泛。 5.神经内分泌及免疫系统间存在双向往返的反馈联系。 6.许多临床疾病的发生和发展与神经免疫和内分泌系统 间的交互作用密切相关。,neuroendocrine-immune network,.Definition,内分泌(endocrine )是内分泌腺或内分泌细胞 将所产生的生物活性物质激素,直接释放到血液中发挥作用的一种功能 。,内分泌腺又称无管腺,Endocrine

      3、 glands,Endocrine system,Consists of endocrine glands and diffused endocrine cells; A information transfer system; Coordinates the functions of diverse organs with nervous system.,经典内分泌腺 松果体 垂体 甲状腺 甲状旁腺 肾上腺 胰岛 卵巢 睾丸,具有内分泌功能的器官 下丘脑 心 肺 肝 肾 胃肠道 脂肪组织 ,内分泌系统是由内分泌腺以及兼有内分泌功能的器官 组织共同构成的一个体内信息传递系统 它与神经系统密切联系,相互配合,共同调节机体 的各种功能活动,维持内环境相对稳定。,Function of endocrine system,maintenance of homeostasis regulation of metabolism growth and development regulation of reproduction,What are the differences between the

      4、 functions of neuroregulation and humoral regulation?,Hormone:,Hormone is a chemical substance secreted into the extracellular fluid by one or a group of cells and has a physiological control effect on other cells of the body.,激素(hormone)是由机体一些特殊细胞所分泌, 以体液为媒介在细胞间递送信息的化学信使 (chemical messengers)。,A. Telecrine-Circulating Hormones,Transport modes of hormones,B. Paracrine or Autocrine-Local Hormones,C. Neurocrine-Neurohormones,telecrine,paracrine,autocrine,neurocrine,circulating hormone,local hormon

      5、e,neurohormone,solinocrine,intracrine,3. Lipid hormones,. Chemical Classification of Hormones,steroid hormones sterol hormones fatty acid derivatives,1. Proteins and peptides (synthesized from amino acids),2. Amines (derivatives of tyrosine),激素分子的化学类型,Target cells (tissues,organs,glands) Receptor (membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus),. Characteristics of Hormone Action,Regulation of receptors: affinity, number,1.Specificity(特异性),Hormones act through specific receptors that define tissue selectivity and

      6、 response.,2. Action as a messenger(信使作用),“The mechanism of action of hormones” 详见生化部分,Intracellular Receptor,Hormone-receptor Complex,Gene Transcription,激素经激活细胞内多条信号转导途径产生调节效应,3. High efficiency(高效能性),Concentration in the blood: pg/ml, ng/ml,CRH (0.1ug),激素能激发细胞内的生物放大效应,4. Interaction of hormones(激素间的相互作用),Synergistic action(协同作用),Glucocorticoids, Glucagon, Epinephrine, GH blood glucose,Permissive action(允许作用):,A hormone, which has no effect by itself but is necessary for the full expression of

      7、the effects of another hormone, is said to have a permissive action.,Antagonistic action(拮抗作用) Insulin blood glucose,thyroid hormone,epinephrine + thyroid hormone,epinephrine,no small amount large amount,Hormones given,Adipocyte,Amount of fatty acids released,Competitive action(竞争作用),Circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion,pulsatile release,1. Biorhythm,. Regulation of hormone secretion,circadian rhythm,昼夜时间,血浆激素水平的脉冲式和日周期性变化,2. Effectors action on hormone levels (直接反馈调节),3. Influence of other ho

      8、rmones,hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-target gland axes,negative feedback,estradiol,LH,GnRH,Positive feedback,ovulation,排卵前后雌激素对高位激素分泌的反馈调节,下丘脑-腺垂体-甲状腺轴 下丘脑-腺垂体-肾上腺轴 下丘脑-腺垂体-性腺轴,hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-target gland axes,下丘脑腺垂体甲状腺轴 下丘脑腺垂体肾上腺皮质轴 下丘脑腺垂体性腺轴,hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-thyroid axes hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-adrenal cortex axes hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-gonad axes,下丘脑腺垂体靶腺轴,神经支配,交感神经支配:甲状腺腺泡 肾上腺髓质 肾近球小体 胰岛A细胞 迷走神经支配: 胰岛B细胞 双重神经支配:胃肠道内分泌细胞,4. Regulation by nervous system,ANS,

      9、adeno -hypophysis,hypothalamus,. . .,target gland,. . .,hypothalamus integrates endocrine system with nerve centers,Summary,Definition of endocrine system and hormorne 内分泌系统和激素的概念 Transport modes of hormones 激素的转运方式 Characteristics of hormone action 激素作用的一般特征 Regulation of hormone secretion 激素分泌的调节,Part 2 Neuroendocrinology,Neuroendocrine system,hypothalamus hypophysis,neurohypophsis adenohypophysis,Hypothalamus-neurohypophysis system Hypothalamusadenohypophysis system,(antidiuretic hormone, ADH),. Hypothalamus-neurohypophysis system,hypothalamohypophyseal tract,magnocellular neuroendocrine cells(MgC),Vasopressin(VP) Oxytocin(OXT),diabetes insipidus (尿崩症),下丘脑-神经垂体系统,ADH -secreted in response to osmolarity pressure and to blood volume -kidney, to increase water reabsorption,Oxytocin -released when an infant is suckling -mammary, to activate milk ejection -uterus, to stimulate contracti


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