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    • 1、ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village. According to five hundred villages created and sha

      2、nty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files, the real no unauthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthorised network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Town

      3、ship of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression, demolition work to ensure that the new zero tolerance. Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective ful

      4、filment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report

      5、grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation , building demolition, modification, use combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to three to split and five hundred and five water treatment, three of the four sides, the shackDistrict transf

      6、ormation, and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides, series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residential demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put three modified a split as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environ

      7、ment江西环境工程职业学院大学生创业计划书项目名称:sweet冰激凌店设计者: 陈朝霞班级: 目录Sweet Life 冰激凌店创业策划书3一、冰激凌行业的发展趋势4(一)冰激淋产量呈缓慢上升趋势市场前景广阔4(二)追求质量与品牌创新求发展4(三)企业规模化大型化的趋势4(四)市场竞争激烈5二、店面简介5三、消费群体5(一)年龄定位5(二)产品定位6(三)消费定位6四、产品介绍6(一)冰激淋6(二)甜筒6(三)“心心相印”情侣套餐7(四)单人套餐7(五)冰激淋火锅7五、Sweet Life冰激淋店的特色7(一)产品特色7(二)服务特色7六、餐厅管理8七、市场分析10(一)冰激凌市场总体特征和现状10(二)冰淇淋市场的发展趋势10八、营销策略12(一)促销策略13(二)冬季营销攻略13九、融资说明13十、财务状况分析14(一)投资成本分析14(二) 营业额和营业利润分析15十一、风险分析15(一) 在投资方面15(二)在技术方面15(三)在市场风险方面15Sweet Life 冰激凌店创业策划书【摘要】冰激凌最早起源于西方权贵餐桌上冰冻的葡萄酒和其他冰镇饮料,曾一度是西方待客的奢侈品。

      8、而现在冰激凌已如“旧时王榭堂前燕”,飞入了寻常百姓家。在中国,冰激凌有着广泛的消费群,上至耄耋老者,下至乳齿孩童,无不将冰激凌视为消暑解渴、休闲娱乐的佳品。无锡商业职业技术学院内的有教育超市、饮居等商店出售冰激凌,但是这些商店出售的冰激凌花式少,口感差,品种单一,无新意,毫无卖点,无法满足消费者的需求,所以开一家冰激凌店是很有发展前途的,定会有很大的消费群的当今冰淇淋店铺生意竞争越来越激烈,传统冷饮受季节性制约越来越明显化,传统的冷饮不能满足人们的生活品尝和需要,随着消费者的需求和品位的提高,店家都在按流行趋势开拓思路营造自己的特色,而本店正是综合环境优雅、装饰设计风格、物美价廉、耳目一新、冷饮制作、冷饮种类、优质服务、销售方式等方面来开办的一家新式冷饮店,我店打破了传统冷饮店单一性的格局。追求向冷饮多元化发展,时时与世界先进的冷饮经营管理方式接轨的目标。本文主要介绍Sweet Life 冰淇淋店的冰激凌行业的发展趋势、店面简介、消费群体、产品介绍、Sweet Life冰激淋店的特色、餐厅管理、市场分析、营销策略、融资说明、财务状况分析、风险分析等是一个方面。 一、冰激凌行业的发展趋势

      9、 (一)冰激淋产量呈缓慢上升趋势市场前景广阔根据我国国民经济的发展和市场需求的调查分析,可以认为我国冰激淋市场未来五年的增长速度为5-6%。由于冷饮市场受不确定因素影响大,尤其是天气因素,冷饮是靠天吃饭的产品,与天气变化关系十分密切,因此出现不规律波动的可能性较大,但总体来讲冰激淋产量是缓慢上升趋势,市场前景广阔。(二)追求质量与品牌创新求发展 对冰激淋市场来说,影响消费者购买行为的主要因素是口味和价格。随着国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,消费心理的日益成熟,质量和品牌对消费者购买行为的影响越来越强,因此,中、高档产品占据总消费量的比例将不断提高,低档产品所占比例是下降趋势。大学生、白领女性、中小学生、是冰激淋消费的主要群体,创新产品一方面可以满足消费者的好奇心理,另一方面可以通过加入一些营养保健成分增加营养功能的需求。所以只有创新才能有所成就与发展。(三)企业规模化大型化的趋势 我国冰激淋行业的发展已逐步进入成熟,经过几年的市场竞争,优胜劣汰,各大中城市和地区的冰激淋有的会被合并,有的被淘汰,如上海从1994年的130家减少到现在的40家。随着改革开放的深入,加入世贸组织后,一些国外知名品牌公司将会继续步和露雪和雀巢公司的后尘,凭借雄厚的资本优势和著名的国际品牌,加之先进的管理经验和营销手段,迅速进入中国市场,给国内企业造成很大压力和威胁,也迫使国内企业规模化、大型化的趋势加快发展。(四)市场竞争激烈 目前国内冰激淋市场三分天下,外资企业独霸高档市场,他们以设备、技术和经济实力优势,在国内冰激淋行业具有巨大潜力,联合利华作为在财富全球500强中排名前列的跨国公司,全年总销售额超过520亿美元,是世界第一大冰激淋制造商,和露雪是最大的国际品牌


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