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  • 上传时间:2019-06-16
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    • 1、 Analysis on the development of Chinese animation industryAbstract:Chinese animation industry on the surface, it seems that the situation is excellent, but, as the animation industry development and mature symbol of the animation industry chain has not been formed, there is a wide range of influence of the original work is still very little. Cause of this situation: video player system of monopoly position remains unchanged; lack of original animation; industry operations, useless; blind develop

      2、ment of derivative products market and so on. Chinas animation industry to solve these problems, Chinas animation industry chain need to be integrated.Key words: Chinese animation; development situation; reasonIntroduction:On April 20, 2004, the State Administration of radio, film and television to develop on the development of Chinas film and television animation industry a number of opinions issued, the local government positive action, have introduced preferential policies related to the deve

      3、lopment of the local district, the animation industry. A large number of the emergence of a large number of animation base, animation, animation festival,Animation Forum, Anime Fair, and so forth, the emergence of a large number of animation production companies, as well as the formation of a large number of animation wave. Animation as a new economic growth has also been all over the hopes, animation in a piece of great leap forward the excellent situation, the emergence of a fine, especially i

      4、n the central television broadcast such as journey to the west, the adventures of little carp Jingwei the rainbow blue rabbit seven chivalrous biography the Sanmao roams about Records time boy the legend of Nezha the kid the magic teenager, pig man Martial Arts 2008 and so on. But the animation is fine, but does not mean that the animation industry as a leading animation has been formed. Animation industry is its own rules of operation, it is by the cartoon, cartoon Planning - Animation - video

      5、playback of animation derivative products marketing its five major industrial chain organic unifies in together, mutual cooperation, mutual cooperation, complement each other, a virtuous circle together to improve the organic link. It is not difficult to see that Chinas current animation industry chain is still missing broken chain. The animation level, the downturn in the market reaction pale make people confused, but also allow people to return to reason, sparked thinking.In August 2008, SARFT

      6、 deputy editor in chief, director of the development research center of, radio and television blue book editor in chief Huang Yong introduced the research of China Radio, film and Television Development Report 2008 written work, released the main contents of the annual report wrote: in 2007, the country produced a total of 186 section 101 614 minutes of completing the domestic television cartoon, respectively than in 2006 increased by 50% and 23.43%, making a total of completed animation film 6.

      7、 In February 2008, mentioned in the proposal of Central Committee of China Association for promoting democracy in the submitted to the meeting of the CPPCC National Committee of culture, the cultural industry of our country, especially in the animation industry, the management pattern, the prevalence of bull management, unclear responsibilities and lack of coordination and unification. The proposal that the animation industry from the creation, broadcast, publishing to derivative products and so

      8、 on each link, respectively by the State Administration of radio, film and television, press and publishing administration, the Ministry of culture, State Administration for Industry and commerce, the Ministry of information industry, the Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of education and other ministries cross management and responsibilities of the ministries and commissions of the State Council is not clear. Other according to incomplete statistics. Up to now, the construction o

      9、f a total of more than 60 animation industry base, which base of national award is 42, respectively, by a number of ministries awarding. Seems to be booming, but the base investors turned real estate developers, because the development model is similar and led to the base of the base to rob businesses and resource idle phenomenon is not uncommon. At present, animation industry related industry associations and many, but due to the government to take multiple management, registered in the company and works must to find competent business department at a higher level, so all kinds of animation industry association also because of the conflicting interests of various government departments become more complex and chaos, a variety of organization name, cover objects overlapping, the competent authorities varied, lack of overall planning and confused. The bigger drawback is that Chinas Industry Association in the role of the emergence of a consi


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