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    • 1、19春专科英语(二)在线作业2 1 单选题 1 I dont usually like staying at ( ) hotels, but last summer I spent a few days at ( ) very nice hotel by ( ) sea.A the,the,/B /,a,theC the,the,theD the,a,the2 The book was different ( ) all the other books Ive ever read.A fromB onC toD among3 My grandpa died ( ) .A at the age of my 2B for 2 yearsC when I was 2D my age was 64 It is very ( ) to be interrupted by advertisement at intervals(间隔).A annoyedB annoyingC being annoyedD to annoy5 I was ( ) in a small countryside in C

      2、hina.A brought upB bring upC raised upD raise up6 The new suspension bridge(吊桥) ( ) by the end of last month.A has been designedB had been designedC was designedD would be designed7 I was the Chinese ( ) first invented the compass.A whichB whatC howD who8 people appreciate ( ) with him because he has a good sense of humor.A to workB workingC to have workedD having worked9 In the district there are two glass ( ) and one chemical ( ) .A works,workB works,worksC factories,workD work,work10 The girl

      3、 ( ) big eyes is Jims sister.A withB inC onD for11 In much of the animal world, night is the time ( ) for sleeppure and simple.A set asideB set downC set offD set up12 She came up to me, ( ) a smile ( ) her face.A with; inB like; onC with; onD without; at13 Lisa had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ( ) .A intentionB attemptC purposeD desire14 Mr. Wang is one of those happy people who ( ) pleasure from helping others.A deriveB ded

      4、uceC decideD depend15 With the countrys population reaching 1. 6 billion in the mid of this century, most of Chinas rivers, including the Yellow River, will be ( ) .A drying upB running upC tidying upD taking up16 He explained the instructions repeatedly so as to make himself ( ) .A understoodB understandC to understandD understanding17 The computers on the table ( ) Professor Smith.A belongsB are belonged toC belongs toD belong to18 _ What happened to her ( ) that cold winter evening?_ I dont k

      5、now, and Im also curious ( ) it.A ; ofB in; aboutC on; aboutD on; for19 How did the soldiers ( ) that order of the officer?A try outB look outC take outD carry out20 The world is made ( ) seven continents and four oceans.A up ofB out ofC fromD in21 ( ) the wet day, he drove his car at fastest speed as usual.A As forB AlthoughC DespiteD Because of22 ( ) your father at work the day ( ) yesterday?A Was; beforeB Is; beforeC Was; afterD Is; after23 They ( ) an English evening next Sunday.A are having

      6、B are going to haveC will havingD is going to have24 The athletes from Japan were dressed in blue ( ) those from the South Korea were dressed in white.A whenB asC whileD since25 My interest in stamp collecting dates ( ) my schooldays.A onB fromC inD back26 The red color can ( ) all our desires, including appetite.A reflectB stimulateC reactD respond27 He ( ) his homework and now is listening to music.A finishedB finishesC has finishedD finish28 ( ) your penfriend ( ) in Beijing?A Do; liveB Do; l

      7、ivesC Does; liveD Does; lives29 This story took place in ( ) .A the 1940sB the 1940C a 1940sD 1940s30 Now more and more people have a popular belief ( ) the world is able to run out of oil.A thatB whichC whatD why2 阅读理解 1     There are some things about myself that I really like. First of all, I always make an effort to do my best. I never give up halfway without trying my best. For example, I have practiced the piano for more than twelve years. And now I am learning English every

      8、 day.     Secondly, I’m good at making people laugh. I feel happy when people smile at the thing I do. I make friends with anyone easily and now I have a lot of friends.     Of course, I also have my weak points. I sometimes feel that I’m a bit selfish or careless. I want to overcome these faults and I believe this will make a man of me and people will love me better. 1 What is NOT the authors character? _ .A Always trying his best B Giving up halfwayC Being good at making people laugh D Making friends easily 2 He has practiced the piano for _ .A less than twelve yearsB twelve yearsC almost twelve years D over twelve years3 He is now trying to _


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