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step by step 3000听力第二册unit 1文本

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-14
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    • 1、Unit 1 Happy Family Life (1)Part I Warming upA.Tips for a happy marriage1 Go on dates with each other. Renew romantic feelings by spendingspecial time together.2. Be as specific as you can when you complain, make a request, oroffer praise.3 When stressed by fatigue or your own insecurities, imagine you and your partner in a foxhole, surrounded by danger. Instead of striking out at your partner, find a way to protect the partnership!4. When you feel distant, talk about it with your partner.5. Be

      2、assured that partners in all marriages sometimes get tired, irritable, or distracted. Work together to understand each other.6. Respect each other. Leave if danger exists. Find professional help if physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse occurs.7 Fight to understand, not to win.Tape-script Here are a few general ideas I believe help make a marriage work:1. Go on dates with each other. Renew romantic feelings by spending special time together.2. Be as specific as you can when you complain, m

      3、ake a request, or offer praise.3. When stressed by fatigue or your own insecurities, imagine you and your partner in a foxhole, surrounded by danger. Instead of striking out at your partner, find a way to protect the partnership!4. When you feel distant, talk about it with your partner.5. Be assured that partners in all marriages sometimes get tired, irritable, or distracted. Work together to understand each other.6. Respect each other. Leave if danger exists. Find professional help if physical,

      4、 sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse occurs.7. Fight to understand, not to win.B. Tapescript:Having been married for more than 40 years, I can attest to the truth of the following statement: To excel in the art of domestic argument, one must master the art of 1osing.Modern psychologists are taken with the win-win solution. But in marriage, success resides more in lose-lose solutions. Out of these, both parties can win. For in the love configuration, losing gives a that always returns.The issues t

      5、hat people argue over most in marriage, such as how to spend money, often arent the real ones. The key issue is: Who is going to be in control? When I was younger, my need to control arose out of fear, a lack of trust, insecurity. The day I finally realized I didnt need to control my wife - that, indeed, I ought not to control her, that I couldnt control her, and that if I tried to, I would destroy our marriage - was the day our marriage began.What is it we want most from a marriage? To love and

      6、 be loved. To be happy and secure. To grow to discover. A love relationship is the garden in which we plant, cultivate and harvest the most precious of crops, our own self, and in which our spouse is provided the same rich soil in which to bloom.We cannot obtain what we want unless our partner also gets what he or she wants. So remember: if you want to feel loved and respected, give up control.1. These family members must be able to show that the mans family is at least of the same social class

      7、as the woman and that a certain amount of money exists to allow the marriage to go forward.2. Probably as far as I can see it, the reason is that they go into marriage or a relationship with a very romantic view of love which I think has been created by the pop songs, by all the love stories, by the Barbara Cartland novels, etc., that young people read.3. The other woman who., ended up ordering a pizza that had a bunch of stuff on it that I really liked and she. I ordered a pizza that had a bunc

      8、h of stuff on it that she really liked, so we picked at each others pizzas all night and we realized that we were . sort of had an ideal relationship, so that we could order really any pizza on the menu and., wed both be happy.Part II All you need is love ?Criteria 1. Having similar social backgrounds.Criteria 2. Having the same race or same ethnic background.Criteria 3. Having the same religion.1. Why does the speaker say that some of the past practices related to marriage customs are weakening

      9、? Japan / 9.2% / arranged marriages2. Why does the speaker say that the races are still largely separate in marriage in the U. S. ? 3% / between blacks and whitesA. Tape-script.Many people in Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other cultures, spouses are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and pre-industrial Europe, the mans family negotiated a bride price with the womens family; the mans family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the brides family paid a grooms price to the family of the man. These customs are weakening; for instance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese marriages are now arranged.What are the criteria for choosing mates? Most marriages -whether arranged by families or

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