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    • 1、 学 院毕 业 设 计(论 文)说 明 书题 目 套 筒 加 工 工 艺 及 夹 具 设 计 学 生 系 别 机 电 工 程 系 专 业 班 级 机械设计制造及自动化 学 号 指 导 教 师 28 学 院毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目: 套筒加工工艺及夹具设计 系:机电工程专业:机械设计制造及自动化 班级: 学生: 学号: 指导教师: 接受任务时间 教研室主任 (签名)系主任 (签名)1毕业设计(论文)的主要内容及基本要求、绘制并审核零件图、毛坯图;、设计加工工艺并编制工艺规程、工序卡;、设计夹具装配图;、编制夹具安装调整及使用维护说明书;、编制设计说明书。2原始资料 、零件图一张; 、生产批量6000件/年2指定查阅的主要参考文献及说明、机械设计手册、机械加工工艺手册、夹具设计手册、机床图册、其他相关资料3进度安排设计(论文)各阶段名称起 止 日 期1查阅和收集设计资料、绘制零件图2007.03.05-2007.03.152进行套筒加工工艺及夹具设计并绘制毛坯图2007.03.16-2007.04.163填写机械加工工艺过程卡片和工序卡片2007.04.17-2007.05.


      3、具,这样可以降低工件的生产成本。但是由于通用夹具适用各种工件的装夹,所以夹紧时往往比较费时间,并且操作复杂,生产效率低,也难以保证加工精度,为此需设计专用夹具。关键词:工艺设计、基准选择、切削用量、定位误差ABSTRCTIs the components craft establishment, holds the very important status in the machine-finishing, the components craft establishes reasonable, whether do this direct relation components achieve the quality requirement finally; Jigs design is also an essential part, whether does it relate raises its processing efficiency the question. Therefore this both in the machine-finishing profession

      4、 are the important links.Sleeve components main processing surface for hole and outer annulus surface. The outer annulus face work needs to request according to the precision to be possible to choose the turning and the grinding. The hole processing methods choice is quite complex, needs to consider the components the unique feature, the aperture size, the length to diameter ratio, the precision and roughness request as well as the scale of production and so on each kind of factor. Often must us

      5、e several different methods regarding the accuracy requirement high hole to carry on the processing in order. This designs cylinder, will pass through half finished boring, the finished boring, the fine articulation and the trundle successively for the guarantee holes precision and the surface quality and so on four working procedure processingsWhen the engine bed carries on the machine-finishing to the components, is guaranteed that the work piece working accuracy, first needs to guarantee the

      6、work piece holds the correct position on the engine bed, then causes the work piece in the correct position through the clamp organization fixed motionless, this duty is completes by the engine bed jig. Regarding the single unit, the small batch production, should use the universal jig as far as possible, like this may reduce the work piece the production cost. But because the universal jig is suitable each kind of work piece the attire to clamp, therefore time clamp often compares spends the ti

      7、me, and operates complex, the production efficiency is low, also guarantees the working accuracy with difficulty, for this reason must design the unit clamp.Key word: Craft, datum, cutting specifications, localization datum, position error.目录中文摘要英文摘要概述1第一章 零件的分析3 1.1 零件的作用3 1.2 零件的工艺分析3 1.2.1 加工方法的选择.3 1.2.2 保证套筒表面位置精度的方法.3 1.2.3 防止套筒变形的工艺措施.4第二章 工艺规程的设计52.1 确定毛坯的制造形式52.2 基准的选择52.2.1 粗基准的选择52.2.2 精基准的选择52.3 制定工艺路线52.4 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯的确定62.5 确定切削用量及基本工时82.5.1工序1 配料(35钢)82.5.2工序2 车82.5.3工序3 深孔推镗142.5.4工序4 滚压孔162.5.5工序5 车162.5.6 工序6 检查19第三章 夹具设计.203.1 概述.203.2 镗床夹具设计要则.203.3 夹具设计.


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