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    • 1、一、跟of, from, in和on的动词:动词+介词的固定短语通常可分开使用,可以有自己的宾语,并且大部分都可用于被动结构。1、后接of的动词:accuse of 控告;approve of 赞成;assure of 让放心;beware of 谨防;boast of/about 夸耀;complain of/about 埋怨;consist of 由组成;convince of/about 使信服; cure of 治愈;despair of 丧失希望;dream of/about 幻想;expect of/from 期望;hear of/from 听到消息;be/get rid of 摆脱;smell of 闻到;suspect of 对猜疑;think of/about 思考;tired of 对感到厌烦;warn of/against 警告有危险Someone must warm him of the difficulties. 必须有人提醒他有这些困难。He has already been warned of them. 他已经被警告过了。Dont expect too

      2、much of your child.He must have spoken of the matter to John.I have never heard of the actress.2、后接from的动词:borrow from 从借;defend from/against 保护使免于;demand from/of 向要求;differ from 有别于;dismiss from 解雇;draw from 从中得出;emerge from 从出现;escape from 从逃出;excuse from/for 允许不;hinder from 阻止;prevent from 妨碍;prohibit from 不准许;protect from/against 向提抗议;receive from 接到;separate from 把分开;suffe from 受难He has already received money from three aunts. 他已经收到三个姑妈的钱了He borrowed three books from Mary.He always asked fo

      3、r help from parents.3、后接in的动词:believe in 信仰;delight in 喜欢;employ(ed) in 从事;encourage in 鼓励;engage(d) in 正做;experience(d) in 在有经验;fail in 没有尽到;help in/with 帮助;include in 包括;indulge in 沉醉;instruct in 教导;interest(ed) in 对感兴趣;invest in 投资;involved in 卷入;persist in 坚持;share in 分享She delights in working hard. 她喜欢努力工作。He failed in his French test. 他法语考试没有通过。Jack helped me in driving the sheep home. 杰克帮我把羊赶回家。Mrs. Turner is experienced in teaching. 特纳夫人很有教学经验。4、后接on的动词:act on 遵守;based on 在基础上;call on 拜访

      4、;comment on 评论;concentrate on 集中于;congratulate on 祝贺;consult on/about 商量;count on 依赖;decide on 决定;depend on 依靠;economize on 节约;embark on 从事;experiment on 尝试;insist on 坚持;lean on/against 倚靠于;live on 靠为生;operate on 起作用;perform on/in 扮演;pride(oneself) on 为感到自豪;rely on 依靠;vote on a motion/for someone 对表决(投的票);, write on/about 写的事;.I think he wrote on the cost of living. 我想他写的是关于生活费用方面的。He finally decided on going home. 他最后决定回家。You cant live on fruit only. 你不能只吃水果。Last Sunday, we called on Mr. Dupont

      5、.二、与 to, at, for和with连用的动词1、与 to连用的动词:accustom(ed) to 习惯于;amount to 达到;appeal to 呼吁;apply to /for 适用于;attach(ed) to 附属于;attend to 参加;belong to 属于;challenge to 向提出挑战;compare to /with 比较;condemn(ed) to 判刑;confess to 承认;confine to 限制;consent to 同意;convert to 改信(某宗教);entitle(d) to 享有权利;listen to 听;mention to 提到;object to 反对; occur to 想到; prefer to 更喜欢;react to /against 对反应;reply to 回答;respond to 响应;seeto 注意;submit to 服从于; surrender to 向投降;turn to 转向;yield to 屈服。I prefer listening to music to reading

      6、 newspapers.Will you see to this flower while Im away? 我不在的时候你照看一下这花好吗?I shall see to the dinner tonight. 今晚我做晚饭。2、与at连用的动词:amused at/by 对感到有趣;arrive at/in 到达;astonish (ed) at/ by 感到惊愕;exclaim at 惊叫;glance at 对看一眼;guess at 猜测;knock at 敲;look at 看;point at/to 指向;shock(ed) at / by 感到震惊;stare at 盯着看;surprise(d) at /by 感到惊讶;wonder at/about 感到惊异;work at/on 钻研。at 通常用于表达感情的一些词之后,并且这些词往往用被动语态,at 用于其它动词之后一般为主动语态。He was astonished at what he found.Dan was both surprised and amused at the news.3、与for连用的动词:

      7、account for 说明(原因);ask for/of 请求;act for/on 代表;apologize for 因而道歉;blame for 责备;beg for 乞求;call for 需要;charge for 收费;exchange for 交换; hope for 希望;look for 寻找;mistake for 误认为;mourn for 哀悼;pay for 为付款;prepare for 准备;provide for 提供;search for 寻求;thank for 感谢;vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on 等候。He was searched for the stolen money.Can you account for his strange behavious?4、与with连用的动词:agree with 同意;begin with 以开始;communicate with 与联络;compare with/to 与比较;compete with/against 同竞争;comply with 同意;confuse wit

      8、h 误作;contrast with/to 形成对照;cope with 对付;correspond with 与一致;disgust(ed) with 使讨厌;finish with 完成;help with/ in 帮助;interfere with/in 干扰;mix with 混合;occupy(ied) with 从事于;part with 放弃;please(d) with 对满意;quarrel with/about 争论;reason with 规劝;satisfy (fied) with/by 感到满足;threaten (ed) with 威胁。Im pleased with this room.Sam used to mix with those people. 萨姆过去常与那些人交往。Well begin with the exercises. 我们从练习开始。三、与 for,with,of,to,at,from,in,on和about 连用的形容词1、与 for 连用的形容词:eager for 渴望;enough for 足够;famous for 以而闻名

      9、;fit for 合适;grateful for/to 因而感激;qualified for/in 能胜任;ready for/to 准备好;responsible for 对负责;sorry for 对感到遗憾;sufficient for 充足的;thankful for/to 感谢;valid for有效期为We have enough apples for the children.They were eager for the performance to begin.My aunt is famous for her beauty.4、与with连用的形容词:angry with sb./at sth. 因某人或某事生气;busy with/at 忙于;consistent with 与一致;content with 对满足;familiar with/to 与熟悉;patient with 有耐心;popular with 为所喜爱Why was Mary angry with you?She wasnt content with her life.Uncle Sam is always popular with children.3、与of 连用的形容词:afraid of 害怕;ahead of 在前面;aware of 知道;capable of 能够;careful of/with 小心;certain of 确信;conscious of 意识到;envious of 妒忌;fond of 爱好;guiltyof 有罪的;ignorant of 不了解;independent of 独立于;jealous of 妒忌;kind of/to 对和蔼;north/south/east/west


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