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    • 1、书面表达常用句型,书面表达常用句型 一 系表结构 七 感叹句结构 二 主谓结构 八. 疑问句结构 三 主谓宾结构 九 否定式结构 四 双宾语结构 十. 并列句结构 五 复合宾语结构 十一. 复合句结构 六 祈使句结构 十二. 强调句结构,一 系表结构 主语+系动词+表语 1. 常用的系动词有: 1). 静态(表性质、特征、状态): be seem remain appear 2). 动态(表变化): become go turn get grow 3). 感官(表示感觉): look sound taste feel smell,2. 可以用做表语的有: 1)名词 2)名词性物主代词 3)不定代词 4)人称代词 5)形容词 6)数词 7)副词 8)动词不定式(短语) 9)动名词(短语) 10)现在分词(短语) 11)过去分词(短语) 12)介词短语 13)从句,1)Smith 是一家书店的老板。 Smith was the boss of a bookstore. 2) 这支笔是你的吗? Is this pen yours? 3) 这是你应该记住的东西。 This is somethi

      2、ng you should always keep in mind.,4) 就是她在隔壁唱歌。 It is she who is singing next door. 5) 所有墙壁都是白的。 All the walls are white. 6) 他儿子明年就十四岁了。 His son will be fourteen next year.,7) 会议结束了 The meeting is over. 8) 他的愿望是成为一个科学家。 His wish is to become a scientist. 9) 她在夏天最喜欢的运动是游泳。 Her favorite sport in summer is swimming.,10) 消息令人激动。 The news was exciting. 11) 他们没有泄气。 They were not discouraged. 12) 我们都反对这个提议。 We are all against the proposal. 13) 他不在是过去的样子。 He is no longer what he used to be.,3. 常用句型: 1)

      3、It + be + n. + to do 2) It + be + adj. + to do 3) It + be + n. + for / of sb. + to do 4) It + be + n. + doing 5) It + be + adj. + doing 6) It + be + n. + clause 7) It + be + adj. + clause 8) There + be + S.,1) 很遗憾听说那事。 It is a pity to hear that. 2) 掌握一门外语不容易。 It is not easy to master a foreign language. 3) 她买了那件衣服是极大的错误。 It is a big mistake for her to have bought the clothes.,4) 他要养活这么大个家庭非常艰难。 It was hard for him to support such a big family. 5) 今天去那里没用。 It is no use going there today. 6)留着书不看是

      4、没用的。 Its useless keeping books without reading them.,8) 他通过了考试是真的。 It is true that he has passed the examination. 9) 她今天看起来很高兴。 She looks happy today. 10) 这小女孩怕羞。 The little girl felt shy. 11) 天越来越黑。 Its getting dark. 12) 明天剧院将会上演一部新戏。 There will be a new play at the theatre tomorrow.,二主谓结构 主语+(不及物动词)谓语+状语,Notes: 1. 谓语动词之后有时可以不带任何成 分。 2. 状语可以是名词、副词、介词短语、 不定式短语、分词短语、从句等。,3常见句型: 1) S. + vi. 2) S. + vi. + n. 3) S. + vi. + adv. 4) S. + vi. + prep. ph. 5) S. + vi. + to do,6) S. + vi. + doing 7) S. +

      5、vi. + for sb./sth. to do sth. 8) It + seem / appear + adj. / n. + to do happen 9) It + seem + clause appear 10) There + vi. + S.,1. 太阳升起来了。 The sun has risen. 2. 他们夜以继日地工作。 They worked day and night. 3. 他们都出去了。 They all went out. 4. 她进图书馆来。 She came into the library.,5. 他早早起床去赶第一班汽车。 He got up early to catch the first bus. 6. 她站着对着我笑。 She stood smiling at me. 7. 好象不可能解决这个问题。 It seemed impossible to solve the problem.,8) 她等丈夫回来。 She waited for her husband to come back. 9) 那天晚上我们去拜访他们时他们碰巧出去了。 It

      6、happened that they were out when we called on them that evening. 10)男孩好象认识到了学习英语的重要性。 It seems that the boy has realized the importance of learning a foreign language. 11) 很久很久有一个国王。 Long, long ago there lived a king.,三主谓宾结构 主语+(及物动词)谓语+宾语 Notes: 1. vi.+ prep.= vt. 2. 可以做宾语的有:名词,代词, 数词,动词不定式,动名词, 从句等.,常见句型: 1) S.+ vt. + n. 2) S.+ vt. + pron. 3) S.+ vt. + num. 4) S.+ vt. + adv. + n. / pron. 5) S.+ vt. + to do 6) S.+ vt. + whether / wh + to do,三主谓宾结构,7) S.+ vt. + doing 8) S.+ vt. + object clause 9

      7、) S.+ vt. + object + prep. ph. 10) S.+ vt. + it + prep. ph. + that clause 11) S.+ vt. + object + to do 12) It+ vt. + object + to do 13) S.+ vt. + it + adj. / n. ( + for sb.) + to do,1) 她正在浇花。 She is watering the flowers. 2) 他非常爱她。 He loves her very much. 3) 谁要这三个? Who are you going to take these three? 4) 她忍不住掉下了眼泪。 She couldnt keep back her tears. =She couldnt keep her tears back. 5) 她决定放弃它。 She decided to give it up.,6) 他争取每天做一件好事。 He tried to do a good deed each day. 7) 她简直不知道怎么写作文。 She hardl

      8、y knows how to write a composition. 8) 我不知道是走还是留。 I wondered whether to stay or to leave.,9) 我记得以前在什么地方见过他。 I remember seeing her somewhere before. 10) 我听说她回来了。 I hear (that) she has come back. 11) 我同意他说的话。 I agree to what he has said.,12) He didnt know whose side he should take. 13) We spend a lot of money on books. 14) He explained it to his students that he was ill that day. 15) He entered the room to look for his pencil-box. 16) It took more than ten years to build the houses. 17) I think it

      9、 necessary (for him) to learn a foreign language.,15) 他进了房间找他的铅笔盒。 He entered the room to look for his pencil-box. 16) 建这些房子花了十多年时间。 It took more than ten years to build the houses. 17) 我认为我们有必要学好英语。 I think it necessary (for us) to learn English well.,四双宾语结构 主语+(及物动词)谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,1. 不是所有的及物动词之后都可由双宾语。 可用于此句型的动词有以下三类: 1). give tell teach write bring lend hand show send offer pay pass allow 2) buy do get fetch save make sing choose 3) ask answer,2. 1)= vt. + D.O. + to + I.O. 2)= vt. + D.O. + for + I.O. 3)vt. + D.O.1 + D.O.2 3常用句型: 1) S. + vt. + D.O. +I.O. 2) S. + vt. + D.O. + to / for + I.O. 3) S. + vt. + I.O. + clause 4) It take + O. ( n. / pron.) + n. /pron. + to do 5) Sth. + cost + sb. + n.,1) 他给了我漂亮的图片。 He gave me some beautiful pictures. 2) 他把钱包递给老师。 He handed the purse to the teacher. 3) 取些水给孩子们好吗? Would y


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