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    • 1、,How to Write A Composition in English,TRANSLATION,1.Tom来自澳大利亚。,2.来自澳大利亚的Tom 在我校教英语。,3、Tom来自澳大利亚,1965年12月生,在我校教英语。,4、Tom1987年大学毕业。,5、1990年携妻到中国工作。,6、他热爱教学,工作严谨,乐于帮助学生。,7、他教法多样,课堂生动有趣。,8、他经常向我们做如何学好英语的报告。,9、除此以外,他还任学校顾问,给我们提出了很 多有益的建议。,1.Tom来自澳大利亚。,Tom is /comes from Australia.,Tom is an Australia.,Toms nationality is Australian.,TRANSLATION,2、来自澳大利亚的Tom 在我校教英语。,Tom is from Australia and works in our school as an English teacher.,Tom,(who is ) from Australia, teaches English in our school.,Tom,an

      2、 Australian, teaches English in our school.,Tom,an English teacher from Australia, works in our school.,3、Tom来自澳大利亚,1965年12月生,在我校教英语。,Tom, from Australia,was born in December, 1965 and now works in our school as a teacher of English.,Tom was born in Australia in December,1965 and now he teaches English in our school.,Tom,who works in our school as an English teacher now,was born in Australia in December,1965.,4、Tom于1987年大学毕业。,Tom graduated from a university in 1987.,Tom finished his higher educa

      3、tion in a university in 1987.,Tom began to work as a university student in 1987.,Tom became a graduate in 1987.,5、他于1990年携妻到中国工作。,He came together with his wife to work in China in 1990.,In 1990, he came to work China with his wife.,He as well as his wife came to work in China in 1990.,In 1990 he came to China with his wife and began to work here.,6、他热爱教学,工作严谨,乐于帮助学生。,He is fond of teaching and is strict in his work. He is always ready to help his students.,loves/likes,enjoys,feels like,is alway

      4、s willing to,7、他教法多样,课堂生动有趣。,He has many methods of teaching and always makes his classes lively and interesting.,With many teaching methods,he is always making his classes lively and interesting.,He has many ways of making his classes lively and interesting.,8、他经常向我们做如何学好英语的报告。,He often gives talks to us on how to improve our English.,gives us talks,lectures/reports,speeches,We often listen to his reports on how to improve English.,He often gives some advice about how to learn English well in h

      5、is talks.,9、除此以外,他还任学校顾问,给我们提出了很多有益的建议。,Besides this,he acts/works as an adviser of our school and has given us a lot of useful suggestions.,And he is also an adviser of our school,having given a lot of valuable suggestions.,In addition,he is also the adviser of our school,and we have improved our work according to his helpful advice.,书面表达: 某中学英文报拟在某期头版介绍一位外籍人士,请你就下面的简历表写一篇介绍性的短文。,注意:1、情况介绍必须采用短文形式;2、词数100左右。生词:顾问 adviser,Practice,TRANSLATION,1.William Porter来自澳大利亚,1965年12月,生在第一中学教英语。,2、 William

      6、 Porter 1987年大学毕业。,3、1990年携妻到中国工作。,4、他热爱教学,工作严谨,乐于帮助学生。,5、他教法多样,课堂生动有趣。,6、他经常向我们做如何学好英语的报告。,7、除此以外,他还任本校报纸顾问,给我们提出了很 多有益的建议。,Mr. William Porter, born in Australia in December, 1965,now working as a teacher of English 1 in No. 1 Middle School , He graduated from an 2 univercity in 1987 and came with his wife to work 3 in China. Mr. William Porter loves teaching and strict in his 4 work.He is always prepare to help his students. He 5 has strange ways of making his lessons likely and 6 interesting

      7、and is loved by all the students. He often 7 gives the students lectures how to learn English well. 8 Except this teaching work, he also acts as the adviser 9 of our newspaper and has given us many valuable 10 advice.,CORRECTION,works,a,university,ready,on,is,Besides,much,lively,SAMPLE I,Mr. William Porter,from Australia,works as a teacher of English in No. 1 Middle School.He was born in December,1965.He graduated from a university in 1987 and came with his wife to work in China. Mr. William Por

      8、ter loves teaching and is strict in his work.He is always ready to help his students.He has strange ways of making his lessons lovely and interesting and is loved by all the students.He often gives the students lectures on how to learn English well. Besides his teaching work,he also acts as the adviser of our newspaper and has given us a lot of valuable suggestions.,SAMPLE II,Mr. William Porter,male,born in Australia in December, 1965,works as a teacher of English in No. 1 Middle School. He grad

      9、uated from a university in 1987 and came to work in China,together with his wife in 1990. As a teacher,he loves teaching and is strict in his work.He is always ready to help his students and has many strange ways to make his lessons lovely and interesting.He often gives talks to his students on how to improve English.As a result,he is loved and respected by his students. Besides his teaching work,he is also the adviser of our newspaper and has given lots of helpful suggestions.,EXERCISE,书面表达 (25分) 用英语写 一篇介绍世界著名童话作家安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen ) 的短文,字数100左右。内容要点如下: 1、他于1805年生于丹麦,11岁丧父。由于家庭贫穷,童年时期没有上学。 他跟人学习缝纫技术以求谋生。 2、14岁到一家剧院工作。后来在一些好心人的帮助下上了学。 3、1828年他接受了高等教育,毕业后成为一名作家。 4、他坚持写小说、诗歌、剧本等。他以童话而著名。 5、一生共创作100 多个故事。1875年去世。 参考词汇:丹麦 Demark 学习缝纫技术 learn sewing 接受高等教育 receive higher education 童话 fairy tales,List out the sentences:,1.世界著名的童话作家安徒生于 1805年生于丹麦。,2.11岁丧父。,3.童年时家境贫寒,没能上学。,4.他只得学习裁缝技术谋生。,5.14岁到一家戏院工作。,6.后来他在一些热心人的帮助下上了学。,7.1828年大


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