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    • 1、Audrey Hepburn,-Angel in the motal world,Audrey Hepburn was a famous musical show and film actress, served the United Nations childrens fund (UNICEF) envoy in her old age . As one of the Hollywoods most famous actress, she with decorous temperament and tasteful wearing celebrated. In 1999, she was elected as the greatest actress third place in the latest 100 years by American Film Institude.,Audrey Hepburns childhood,On March 4, 1929, Audrey Hepburn was born in Brussels .She began to study in Lo

      2、ndon aristocratic boarding schools during 1935 1938.In 1939 she went into Arnhem Conservatory learning ballet. In the Second World War during the famine, Hepburn was malnutrition, but still unceasingly to exercise her favorite ballet, even poor hardest to put on the wooden shoes weathered that was fine too. During this period, Hepburn played for the Dutch underground guerrillas secret work (including performance ballet, pass raise money for intelligence, etc.), contribute anti-fascist war.,Audre

      3、y Hepburn stepped up acting,Postwar Dutch national airline KLM was anxious to sell itself, while at the same time trying to revitalize the Dutch tourism. Then took a short film, the main content is to introduce the Dutchs scenery. Its a KLM stewardess role, she used the Dutch and the English explanation about the Dutchscenery to the audience. Audrey still in school to study ballet, but she finally won the role. The laborer is her first movie, though only a small roles, the “Dutch seven lesson “b

      4、ecame a starting point of her career.,The Dutch seven lesson “still,In 1953, Audrey Hepburn and Hollywood star Gregory Parker filmed together in “Roman holiday“ show in public. Hepburn played a role in it as a lovely princess Anne, showed the princess noble, elegant breath, appearance beautiful posture is lightsome and free from vulgarity, slim, a black short hair, sexy girl in the blonde faddish, and immediately attracted audiences attention. Especially shear Hepburn showed the innocence of hea

      5、d, make her success in winning majority persons appreciation, “Hepburn head“ instantly became popular international hairdo. At that time, Hepburn became international celebrities, people said she was strengthened and the best actress after BaoMan. Many newspapers comments said: “a praise Hepburn new born!“,Major film works: Roman Holiday(1953) Sabrina (1954) War and Peace (1956) Love in the Afternoon (1957) Funny Face(1957) The Nuns Story (1959) Green Mansions(1959) The Unforgiven (1960) The Chi

      6、ldrens Hour (1961) Breakfast at Tiffanys(1961) Charade(1963) My Fair Lady(1964) Paris, When It Sizzles(1964) How to Steal a Million (1966) Wait Until Dark (1967) Two for the Road (1967) Robin and Marian(1976) Bloodline(1978) They All Laughed (1981) Always (1989),Audrey Hepburns old age,Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work, and she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s.During her later life, she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organization. From 1988 un

      7、til 1992, she worked in some of the most profoundly poor communities of Africa, South America and Asia. In 1992, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.,The time when Hepburn was UN charity ambassador,When she embrace those children, her eyes have a deep anxiety . In her eyes, there is not pity but love ,not love to strangers, but a kind of naturally love without reason. In her heart its natural to love these children , not be

      8、cause of their suffering nor her identity as an ambassadors of goodwill, but simply because they are children.,On January 20, 1993, Hepburn died in Switzerland because of colon cancer. In order to honour her effort to the unfortunately children in the world, the Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences awarded the 1993 annual Oscar humanitarian prize to her, that time Audrey Hepburn had passed away , her son Sean Hepburn ferrer generation this prize.,Audrey Hepburns tomb,People did not forget

      9、 the beautiful and kind “Annie princess“, the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) set the one honour named after 7 feet tall bronze statue - “Audrey spirit“ , specifically to commemorate Audrey Hepburn of contributions in headquarters in New York ,and in May 2002 unveiling ceremony was held. And in Hepburn died, U.S. postal administration 10th anniversary is released her commemorative stamps.,Audrey Hepburn beauty tips,For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.,For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.,For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.,The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.,For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone,The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.,Remember, i


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