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    • 1、第九章 国际交流 (International Exchange),The exchange has also expanded from some limited fields to a wide range of fieids which include politics,science and technology,education,culture,tourism.etc,International exchange has also been growing in size,frequency,level and depth.,International exchange may take various forms such as an internatinoal conference,a regional forum,an academic seminar,a dialogue of counterparts in a certain industry,or a roundtable of stakeholders on interested topics.,Vocabu

      2、lary Work,wealth disparity: 贫富差距 sustainable development: 可持续发展 build a harmonious society: 构建和谐社会 core corporate value: 核心合作价值观 develpoment momentum: 发展态势 reiterate: 重申 make it more compatible with international practices: 与国际惯例更为一致 provide a more enabling environment: 提供更有利的环境,Vocabulary Work,resolve trade frictions through consultation: 通过协商解决贸易摩擦 in keeping with the trend of the times: 跟随时代潮流 make a congratulatory remark: 致祝贺词 underdeveloped productivity: 生产力不发达,Vocabulary Work,发展势头良好: sound

      3、 develpoment momentum 新兴产业: emerging industry 示范作用: demonstration effect 贸易多样化: trade diversification 改善贸易结构: improve trade structure 福祉:welfare,互补性强: high complementary 着眼大局: proceed from the overall interests 寻找商机: seek business opportunity 区域经济一体化: regional economic integration 小康社会: well-to-do society 累计: accumulative total,Vocabulary Work,Sight Interpretation (1),Joint Statement:联合声明 Commemorative Summit:纪念峰会 ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations:中国-东盟对话关系 mutual beneficial cooperation:互利合作 intens

      4、ified dialogue:加强对话 consultations on the implementation of the Declaration: 就宣言后续的行动保持磋商 unhold peace and stability:维护和平稳定 negotiation on investment agreement:投资协议谈判 accumulative terms:累计条款 建议:掌握固定搭配以及基本国际机构名称,Sight Interpretation (2),战略机遇期:preiod of strategic opportunity 小康社会:well-off society (人均)国内生产总值: (per capita) gross domestic product 民主更加健全:improve democracy 科教更加进步:advance science and education 13亿人口:a population of 1.3 billion 国情:national conditions 艰苦奋斗:uphill journey ahead 建议:背熟固定短句和数字

      5、的表达方式,Note-taking (1),win-win results: 双赢 FDI: 外商直接投资 foreign-funded enterprises: 外资企业 increase in scale: 规模扩大 improve legislation and regulations:完善立法法规 revamp management system: 改进管理系统 intellectual property rights: 知识产权,Note-taking (2),双边关系:bilateral relationship 显著的成绩:make huge success 驶入快车道:develop with a high speed 屡创历史新高:hit historical high repeatedly 引进技术合同:introduce contracts on technology 金额累计:with a value of,Sentences in Focus (E-C),undergoing globalizaition:走向全球化 wealth disparity:贫富差距

      6、 prime destination for investment:主要的投资目的地 energy make-up:能源构成 industry mix:产业结构 trading commodities:贸易商品 economic interaction:经济往来 geographical advantage:地缘优势,Sentences in Focus (C-E),源远流长:long lasting 附加值:added-value 高新技术产品:high-tech products 机电产品:electronic and mechnical products 着眼大局:proceed from the overall interests 社会保障:social welfare 收入分配:income distribution 民生:livelihood,Text Interpreting (Passage 1),make a congratulatory remark:发表演讲 by-products:副作用 innovation and sustainable Developmen

      7、t:创新与可持续发展 identify common initiatives:共同拟定计划 Secretary-General:秘书长 注意:在官方型演讲中常用语的搭配,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),Her Excellency President Arroyo,His Excellency Minister Aziz “Her Excellency“可以译成“阁下” 其它的搭配:respected/honorable Mr.President,distinguished guests,etc.,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),These are issues that go beyond national boundaries,and thus,whos solution requires a transnational effort based on cooperation and mutual understanding of all parties. 顺译改意译:尽量摆脱原文语言形式上的制约,可翻译成:这些都是国际性

      8、问题,只有通过相关各方在相互理解与合作的基础上进行跨国界合作才能得以解决。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),In particular,I believe we need to strive toward a sustainable development through collaboration in the areas of natural resources and the environment. 语序的调整,使其更符汉语的习惯,译为:我们应该在自然资源和环境领域进行合作,争取实现可持续发展的目标。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),Especially with China,we have close collaboration with both public and private sectors to indentify common intiatives to mitigate energy problems and foster the development of the next generation

      9、telecom technologies such as the TDS-CDMA. 对于长句要去理清成分的关系,找出修饰语和主从关系,一步一步翻译出来。 像“TDS-CDMA”的中文意思:时分同步码分多址接入,例如这样专业的术语尽量保留原文。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),economic complementarity:经济互补 cumulative value:累计价值 actualized disposition:实际投资 tariff reduction process:降税进程 respective characteristics:各具特色 geographical proximity:地理相接,背景补充:东盟(ASEAN),ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟,简称东盟,英文全称为Association of South East Asian Nations.东盟有十个成员国(印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨)和十个对话伙伴国(澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、新西兰、俄罗斯、韩国和美国) 中国和东盟的对话始于1991年,中国1996年成为东盟的全面对话伙伴国。 2010年1月,中国-东盟自由贸易区贸易区正式全面开展。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),In November 2002,leaders from China and ASEAN countries have jointly entered into the Framework Agreement on China-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Cooperation,thus officially launching the process of establishing the China-ASEAN FTA. 在翻译协议名称时,一种是Agreement on,on后面是协议的主题,这种协议名称较长,所以置后,但翻的时候可以提前,另一种则和中文语序一样,例如Sino-U.S. Trade Agreement.翻译的时候要区别对待。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),China-ASEAN trade continued i


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