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2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 Weddings(含解析)

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    • 1、.单词拼写1He found a good place in the rocks,more than twelve feet high with a narrow entrance (入口)2He turned down the invitation (邀请)to stay for lunch as he had to hurry back for a class.3Maradona was often seen in the middle of team celebrations,freely giving hugs to congratulate his players.4Many thanks for your kind invitation(邀请) to the party.I accept with pleasure.5He made such a contribution (贡献) to the university that they named one of the buildings by his name.6The theatre has broken attend

      2、ance (出席) records for three years in a row.7Her calm reception (接待) of the bad news surprised her friends.8They had been a happy couple and,as far as she knew,there had been nothing wrong with their marriage (婚姻).单句语法填空1I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor and Greek(Greece)as a treat.2There are certain jobs that are stressful, like some jobs in business or the police.3She ran across an old friend at the entrance of a library.4All you have to do is ask at reception for further info

      3、rmation.5He didnt want to ask for money from his parents so he spent all the money he earned from his parttime job.6A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year.7After the last round of talks,they were still unable to agree on a number of points.8It would be only a matter of time before he went through with it.阅读理解Festivals around the worldRaksha BandhanThis is a Hindu festival held in August.Sisters give their brothers

      4、a rakhi,a bracelet made of thread.In return,the brothers promise to care for their sisters.MoombaThis takes place each year in Melbourne,Australia.There are boat races in the Yarra River,parades and art shows.US Independence DayThis is held on 4th July,The US flag is flown from buildings and people hold parties to celebrate the birth of the nation.Bastille DayOn 14th July,people in France celebrate this occasion with flags and fireworks.It marks the start of the French Revolution.May DayThe 1st

      5、of May is the day when northern Europeans welcome spring.People wear green leaves and dance outdoors.Carnival in Rio de JaneiroThis is a fourday festival when thousands of people in costume dance the samba through the streets.Joan of ArcJoan of Arc,the French girlsoldier is honored on the 30th of May.It was the day she was burnt to death by the English in 1431.语篇解读本文介绍了世界各地的节日。1Which of the following is NOT one of the activities in the Moomba festival?ABoat races.BParades.CArt shows. DDancing th

      6、e samba.解析:细节理解题。由Moomba 中的“There are boat races in the Yarra River,parades and art shows.”可知答案。答案:D2Which festival marks the day when the nation was set up?AUS Independence Day.BMay Day.CBastille Day.DCarnival in Rio de Janeiro.解析:细节理解题。由 US Independence Day 中的“people hold parties to celebrate the birth of the nation.”可知选A项。 答案:A3Which festival is held in memory of a famous person?AMoomba. BBastille Day.CRaksha Bandhan. DJoan of Arc.解析:细节理解题。由 Joan of Arc 中的“It was the day she was burnt to deat

      7、h by the English in 1431”可知选D项。答案:D.完形填空In Mr Allens high school class,all the students have to“get married”However,the wedding ceremonies are not real ones but imitations(模拟)These ceremonies sometimes become so noisy that the loud laughter _1_ out the voice of the “minister”_2_ the two students getting married often begin to laugh quietly.The teacher,Mr Allen,believes that marriage is a difficult and _3_ business.He wants young people to understand that there must be many _4_ after marriage.He

      8、believes that the _5_ for these psychological and financial adjustments (心理和财政调节)should be understood before people _6_.Mr Allen doesnt only _7_ his students to major problems faced _8_ marriage such as illness or unemployment.He also lets them know the _9_ problems they will face every day.He wants young people to know about all the difficulties and troubles that can throw marriage to the _10_ point.He even familiarises his students with the problems of divorce and the _11_ that divorced men mu

      9、st pay child _12_ money for their children and sometimes pay monthly some money to their _13_.It has been nervous for some of the students to _14_ the problems that a married couple often faces._15_ they took the course,they had not felt much _16_ about the problems of marriage._17_ both students and parents feel that Mr Allens course is _18_ and have supported the _19_ publicly.Their statements and letters supporting the class have made the school more firmly believe that its necessary to _20_ the course again.1A.makes BdrownsCdies Dtakes解析:这里应该表示“淹没”之意。答案:B2A.Just BYetCStill DEven解析:句意:甚至两个要结婚的学生也经常带头发笑。表示“甚至”,应该用even。答案:D3A.funny BterribleCserious Dbeautiful解析:从上下文的内容可以看出艾伦老师对结婚的态度是严肃的。答案:C4A.changes Bevents

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