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2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Parties(含解析)

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-13
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    • 1、.单词拼写1Our school gave a reception for the foreign visitors.2My father will retire at the age of 60.3You cant apply these rules to every case.4She has got a job with a salary of $25,000 a year.5I offered him my congratulations on his success.单句语法填空1You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.2You look very smart in your new suit.3He is the boy asking(ask)for help.4Hes a man who can be depended on/upon in a crisis.5My sincere congratulations to you on your promotion.阅读理

      2、解Going camping is a tradition in summer for many kids.You might go to a traditional camp,where kids swim,do crafts,put on plays,and sit around the campfire at night.Or maybe youre going to a special interest camp,where youll work on your sports skills,learn more about computers,outer space,or art.No matter which kind of camp youre going to,youre probably excited,and maybe a little nervous if its your first time.Be proud of yourself for being grownup enough to go to camp.Its a chance to try new t

      3、hings,like horseback riding,canoeing,playing tennis,or dancing in a dance contest!But camp is even more than just friends and fun.Its also an opportunity to learn a little more about being independent.Many kids go to day camps during summer.They can be a lot of fun,but the schedule is familiar.You start camp in the morning and go home in the afternoon.Sometimes,a bus takes you or you might get a ride from one of your parents or someone elses parents.Like anything,it may take you a little while t

      4、o get used to the place,the camp counsellors (顾问),and the kids.Camps offer some other excitement because youll be there all day and night,eating your meals there and sleeping over.Its a kind of vacation,but without your parents.Youll probably sleep in a small room or dorm with other kids attending the camp.Youll probably eat together in a large cafeteria and youll have to share the bathroom with the other kids at your camp.1If you want to improve a special skill,you may attend .Aan evening party

      5、 at schoolBa traditional campCa special interest campDa concert解析:根据第一段最后一句可知答案。答案:C2Summer camps can offer you not only entertainment but also .Aknowledge and skillsBskills of farming and gardeningCchances to meet many kind farmersDchances to learn about rural habits and customers解析:根据第三段内容可知答案。答案:A3We may conclude from the passage that .Ait is practical and interesting for a kid to go campingBkids had better stay together with their parents while going campingCgoing camping may also bring abou

      6、t danger to kidsDa good plan is the first thing before going camping解析:文章介绍了野营对孩子的益处,孩子从中可以得到娱乐,并能学得一定的技能,故可推断孩子参加野营具有实际意义并有一定的趣味性。答案:A4The writers purpose of writing this passage is to .Atell his own experience in a sleepaway campBadvertise for a touring companyCintroduce an interesting activity to kidsDremind kids of what to pay attention to while camping解析:文章重点介绍了一种活动方式野营。答案:C.阅读填空Life is beautiful once you learn to change your view a little.1 Complaining about what is wrong with an almost pe

      7、rfect picture stops you from seeing the beauty of the picture.2 Having the wisdom of knowing what you can change,what you can control and what you cant is happiness.Being a good person is important. Being a good person at heart is more important.No one is loved by all or hated by all 3 Even God gets a bad name.We humans are social animals.Its not easy or possible to get along with everyone.The point is who draws the line of your life,you or someone else.Before doing that ask yourself whether the

      8、 thing you believe in is right or wrong.4Go on living,smile,cry when you have to,and take joy in small things of life.Welcome and learn to see positive things happening around you.5 Love yourselves.Maybe you feel disappointed sometimes,but dont let that take a long time with you and your life.Learn to take pride in who you are because you are beautiful,no one can be like you and no one can live your life better than you do.AIf its really worth the pain.BLife is full of happiness and sorrow.CEver

      9、yone has their goods and bads.DEveryone should avoid the negative aspect of life.EAppreciating it is better than focusing on its negatives.FNo one,including even the wealthiest and the most beautiful people,has a perfect life.GDistinguish between want and need,and adjust to what life throws at you.答案:15 GFCAD.语法填空Drug use in Britain 1.has increased(increase) by 30% in the last five years.Use of hard drugs,for example,cocaine and crack cocaine,is increasing 2.as a result of these drugs 3.becoming(become) cheaper and easier to buy.Many people in Britain are more 4.likely(like) than other Europeans to take 5.illegal(legal) drugs.UK teenagers are taking up to five times more drugs,for example,ecstasy tablets and cannabis,6.than in other European countries.7.The

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