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2017-2018高中英语北师大版必修1:Unit 1 Section Ⅴ Lesson 4

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    • 1、Section_Lesson_4原文呈现Debbie is an accountant in a large company in the centre of London.I need to be in my office by nine oclock so I usually get up at seven oclock. I travel to work on “the tube”. Thats what people call the underground in London. It takes about fifty minutes. Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.I just stand. Im always tired before I arrive at work. I dont like the underground!I spend all morning checking numbers. Lunch is always simple. I often get a sandwic

      2、h in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee. Then in the afternoon, I return to the paperwork in the office. 读文清障accountant/kantnt/n.会计,会计师by prep.到为止tube/tjub/n.(英)地铁what引导表语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语。It takes . (to do sth.)(做某事)花费crowded/kradId/adj.拥挤的so . that .句式,表示“如此以至于”。be tired感到劳累be tired out非常疲倦(very tired)be tired with sth.因某事而劳累be tired of doing sth. 厌倦做某事Sb. spend(s) time (in) doing sth.某人花费时间做某事。nearby/nIbaI/adj.附近的adv.在附近放在被修饰词的前面或后面都可以。return v返回returngo ba

      3、ck,不能说return back。第13段译文黛比是伦敦市中心一家大型公司的会计。我需要在9点钟前赶到办公室,所以我通常7点钟起床。我乘地铁上班。那就是人们所说的伦敦地铁。乘地铁大约需要50分钟。通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。我只好站着。在到办公室之前,我总是感到很疲倦。我不喜欢乘地铁!每天上午我要计算数字,核对账目。午饭总是很简单,我常在附近的三明治店买个三明治,或只吃些饼干,喝杯咖啡。然后下午我返回办公室处理文字资料。On Monday nights, I have dance classes, and on Wednesday nights, I go to the gym. I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, I have French classes. I work for a French company so I think studying French will help me in my job.I g

      4、o to the cinema almost every weekend. Sometimes, if the weather forecast is good,my friends and I drive to the countryside for a weekend break. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.That fresh air is so good for my lungs. I love it.need在此是实义动词,意为“需要”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式。enough adj.& adv.足够(的)enough修饰形容词、副词时需后置。otherwise/waIz/adv.否则;另外so连接两个并列分句,表因果关系。在第二个分句中,含有省略that的宾语从句;而动名词短语studying French在宾语从句中作主语。sometimes adv.有时(at

      5、 times)forecast/fkst/n.& v预报;预测forecast的过去式、过去分词都为forecast或forecasted。if引导条件状语从句。drive to the countryside 开车去乡下far away from . 远离far from 远非crowd/krad/n.人群 a crowd of 一群where引导地点状语从句。 lung/l/n.肺第45段译文星期一晚上我上舞蹈课,而星期三晚上我去健身房。我需要运动,因为如果我不运动的话,我的运动量不够。星期二和星期四晚上我上法语课。我在为一家法国公司工作,所以我认为学法语对我的工作有益。几乎每个周末我都去看电影。有时,如果预报天气好的话,我会和朋友们开车去乡下度周末。我们喜欢去那些远离城市、风光秀丽、幽静的地方,喜欢在没有商店、人群、地铁的地方漫步。那里的新鲜空气对肺部有好处,我喜欢新鲜的空气。Paul lives in a small village in the north of England.I usually get up at four oclock every morning whe

      6、n its still dark. I live and work on the farm so I dont need to travel. After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and Im already at work.There are many things to do on the farm all day. We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have. We do jobs when they need to be done and that could be early in the morning or late at night. I have cows, sheep, pigs and chickens on my farm. I have to make sure they are free of sickness. I also grow wheat and vegetabl

      7、es so there are many things to look after.in the north of 在北部表方位时,in表示在范围之内,on表示接壤,to表示在范围之外。on the farm 在农场at work 在工作;在运转that引导定语从句,修饰work hours。the same修饰定语从句的先行词时,若强调同一事物,引导词用that;若强调同类事物,引导词用as,译为“像一样”。when引导时间状语从句。need to be done 需要被做(need doing)that指代前面所提到的情况。late at night 半夜(at late night)make sure 确定,确保be free of . 免于;免除sickness/sIknIs/n.疾病动词不定式短语作定语,修饰things。第68段译文保罗住在英格兰北部的一个小村庄。我通常凌晨4点天还黑着的时候就起床。我在农场生活、工作,不用乘车上下班。在家里饱餐一顿早饭之后,我走出前门,开始一天的工作。在农场整天都有很多事要做。我们的工作时间和在城市办公室工作的人们不同,我们的工作时间依需要

      8、而定,可能在一大早,也可能是在半夜。我的农场里有牛、羊、猪、鸡,我必须确保它们不生病。我也种麦子和蔬菜,所以我有很多事情需要料理。In the evening, I like to play with my children. I have two children, a boy and a girl. They are six and eight years old. I also like to study. Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning. I am very interested in China and its my dream to see the Great Wall one day.I love movies. My wife calls me a “movie fan”. But there isnt a cinema in my village so I dont get the chance to go very often. I go about twice a year, usually

      9、 when I go to London with my family. We take a weekend break there when I am not too busy on the farm. My wife loves looking in the clothes shops and I like all the crowds and the noise. I also like to buy a few cigars. Unfortunately, my wife isnt as fond of them as I am. My son and daughter love to ride on Londons red buses and they especially love to go on the tube!play with . 和玩耍right now 此刻,现在;立即,马上(right away)distance learning 远程学习distance/dIstns/n.距离be interested in 对感兴趣it作形式主语,to see .是句子的真正主语。movie fan 影迷chance n机会;运气by chance 偶然动词不定式短语作定语,修饰the chance。when引导时间状语从句。take a break 休息一下(take a rest)love doing 喜欢做cigar/sI/n.雪茄烟unfortunately adv.遗憾地;不幸的是UnfortunatelyIt

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