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    • 1、Section Grammar课后篇巩固探究一、单句语法填空1.Why dont you go to the reading room?Because it (decorate) now.答案:is being decorated2.These elephants (hunt) at such a speed that they will disappear soon.答案:are being hunted3.Listen!English songs (teach) in the classroom now.答案:are being taught4.Look!The young trees (water) over there.答案:are being watered5.You should turn back,because the road (repair)now.答案:is being repaired6.In the earthquake area many new houses (build) now.答案:are being built7.I dont know what

      2、time is it know.My watch (repair).答案:is being repaired8.Are we about to have dinner?Yes,it (serve) in the dinning room.答案:is being served9.Can we move into our new house now?No,because it (paint).答案:is being painted10.Look! A number of Dongfeng trucks (ship) abroad.答案:are being shipped二、把下列句子改成被动语态1.I have to go to work by taxi because Wayne is repairing my car at the garage.答案:I have to go to work by taxi because my car is being repaired at the garage by Wayne.2.The US government is making grea

      3、t efforts to improve the living conditions of Americans.答案:Great efforts are being made to improve the living conditions of Americans by the US government.3.Our teacher is correcting our papers in her office.答案:Our papers are being corrected by our teacher in her office.4.These nurses are taking good care of the elderly.答案:The elderly are being taken good care of by the nurses.5.People are hunting too many animals these years in some places.答案:Too many animals are being hunted by people these ye

      4、ars in some places.6.Mary is operating a machine in the factory.答案:A machine is being operated by Mary in the factory.7.She is teaching James English.答案:James is being taught English by her.8.They are destroying the farm.答案:The farm is being destroyed by them.9.She is telling Tom an interesting story.答案:An interesting story is being told to Tom by her./Tom is being told an interesting story by her.10.Some factories are polluting the nearby rivers.答案:The nearby rivers are being polluted by some f

      5、actories.三、语篇填空Working with elephants is one of the most popular volunteer activities in Thailand.And for good reason,these 1 (amaze) creatures are huge,cute,and very intelligent.Often elephants 2 (look) as gentle animals,but its good to remember that this isnt always the case.3 (sad),many elephants have faced terrible treatment,beaten into 4 (give) performances or overworked at money-hungry tourist attractions.A terribly-treated elephant can become angry and kill people if it feels threatened.A

      6、ll that being said,volunteering for elephant 5 (protect) can be a very rewarding experience.The important thing is to find the right opportunity.There are 6 number of elephant sanctuaries (动物保护区) and parks,especially in Thailand.There you can do meaningful work 7 (improve) the lives of elephants.The key is to do your research and watch out for places 8 promise you big money.If the volunteer organization seems to be paying more attention 9 elephant rides and the elephants giving performances,be c

      7、areful 10 it is probably not a group with the elephants best interests in mind.答案:1.amazing2.are looked3.Sadly4.giving5.protection6.a7.to improve8.that/which9.to10.that四、阅读理解A(思维品质)George Watford works at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in New York City.He gets some unusual phone calls.One day,he got a call about a mountain lion living in a small building.“We didnt believe it,” Watford said.“But when we got there,sure enough,there was a mountain lion sitting

      8、 at the front window looking out at us.” The big cats owner knew that his neighbours were unhappy about the animal.He didnt try to stop us taking it away.In one year,the ASPCA took in 9,459 different animals,not counting cats and dogs.That number includes a lot of rabbits and monkeys,but the ASPCA has also taken many other exotic (外来的) pets from peoples homes,These animals cant be set free into the wild because they wouldnt survive.The ASPCA tries to find homes for them in zoos or special areas

      9、for animals.Its against the law to sell wild animals in New York City.Many buildings dont even allow dogs or cats,not to mention more exotic animals.Still,the ASPCA takes away most of the exotic animals not because of complaints (怨言),but because the pets owner needs help.A lovely baby lion or bear will finally grow up to be dangerous.“When they bite,it isnt because they hate you.Its because theyre wild animals,” said exotic animal expert Kathi Travers.Travers is quick to give speeches against raising wild animals as pets.Too often people think that caring for a wild animal is the same as caring for a dog or


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