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2017-2018高中英语北师大版必修1:Unit 1 Section Ⅴ Lesson 4

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-13
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    • 1、Section_Lesson_4 原文呈现 Debbie is an accountant in a large company in the centre of London. I need to be in my office by nine oclock so I usually get up at seven oclock. I travel to work on “the tube”. Thats what people call the underground in London. It takes about fifty minutes. Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.I just stand. Im always tired before I arrive at work. I dont like the underground! I spend all morning checking numbers. Lunch is always simple. I often get a san

      2、dwich in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee. Then in the afternoon, I return to the paperwork in the office. 读文清障 accountant/kantnt/n.会计,会计师 by prep.到为止 tube/tjub/n.(英)地铁 what 引导表语从句,并在从句中作 call 的宾语。 It takes . (to do sth.)(做某事)花费 crowded/kradId/adj.拥挤的 so . that .句式,表示“如此以至于” 。 be tired 感到劳累 be tired out 非常疲倦(very tired) be tired with sth.因某事而劳累 be tired of doing sth. 厌倦做某事 Sb. spend(s) time (in) doing sth.某人花费时间做某事。 nearby/nIbaI/adj.附近的 adv.在附近 放在被修饰词的前面或后面

      3、都可以。 return v返回 returngo back,不能说 return back。 第 13 段译文 黛比是伦敦市中心一家大型公司的会计。 我需要在 9 点钟前赶到办公室,所以我通常 7 点钟起床。我乘地铁上班。那就是人们所说的 伦敦地铁。乘地铁大约需要 50 分钟。通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。我只好站着。在 到办公室之前,我总是感到很疲倦。我不喜欢乘地铁! 每天上午我要计算数字,核对账目。午饭总是很简单,我常在附近的三明治店买个三明治, 或只吃些饼干,喝杯咖啡。然后下午我返回办公室处理文字资料。 On Monday nights, I have dance classes, and on Wednesday nights, I go to the gym. I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, I have French classes. I work for a French company so I thin

      4、k studying French will help me in my job. I go to the cinema almost every weekend. Sometimes, if the weather forecast is good,my friends and I drive to the countryside for a weekend break. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.That fresh air is so good 21 22 for my lungs. I love it. 23 need 在此是实义动词,意为“需要” ,后接名词、代词或动词不定式。 enough adj. otherwise Ive finished. 3Tell John not to leave the house unless he makes sure that

      5、the lights are turned off. 4As I was seated there waiting to be interviewed, many thoughts crowded into my mind. 5We all envy children, for they are free of/from worries and sadness usually. .完成句子 1There was so_much_work_to_do (如此多的工作要做) that everybody got bored. 2Our new teacher, who now lives nearby my house, came_from_a_nearby_city (来自附近的一个 城市) 3What_surprised_me_most (让我最吃惊) was his way of speaking. 4They chanced/happened_to_stay (碰巧待在) at the same hotel yesterday. 5In_the_distance (在远处), th

      6、e sky was beginning to brighten. 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 .单词拼写 1She works as an accountant (会计师) in a big company and she deals with figures all day long. 2The bus is so crowded (拥挤的) that there is no room to stand. 3His sickness (疾病) made him stay in hospital for four weeks! 4After the accident, the driver was sent to a nearby (附近的) hospital at once. 5Right now Tom is studying Chinese by distance (远程) learning. 6He was having a meeting, otherwise (否则) he would have come over to help us. 7I heard on the

      7、TV that day that there was a forecast (预报) for rain the next day. 8Surprisingly, the man died of lung (肺) cancer, but he never smoked. .单句语法填空 1Church bells rang in the distance; the sound could be easily heard at a distance of two miles. 2Its not as hard as I thought. 3I met my old friend by chance while shopping there. 4What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son. 5The doctor thought it would be good for you to have a good rest. 6As a matter of fact, all the boys are

      8、 not interested in playing (play) football. 7Dave is such a smart boy that we all like to play with him. 8Jims very fond of telling other people what to do. .选词填空 far away from, be fond of, set free, play with, take a chance, make sure of, crowd in, in the distance 1The factory where his father works is far_away_from my hometown. 2When traveling in Yunnan Province, visitors always see mountains covered by white snow in_the_distance. 3He was_fond_of drawing when he was a child. 4He is just taking

      9、_a_chance to walk on such a thin rope now. 5She tried to sleep, but too many thoughts crowded_in on her. 6He said he had done it, but we couldnt make_sure_of it. 7All the war prisoners have been set_free. 8After he had finished the homework, the boy went out to play_with his little fellows. .课文语法填空 Debbie is an accountant in a large company in London. She often travels to work by tube. Usually, it is so crowded (crowd) that she cant find anywhere to sit. She often spends all morning checking (check) numbers. For lunch she often gets a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop. She often attends dance classes and goes to the gym in order to get enough exercise. At the weekend she sometimes drives to the countryside with her friends if the weather forecast is good. Debbie and her friends like to go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube. And the fresh air i

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