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    • 1、Section Grammar 课后篇巩固探究巩固探究 一、单句语法填空 导学号 72864021 1.The child (take) to the hospital by his mother tomorrow. 答案:will be taken 2.The old house which has a history of 100 years in my hometown (rebuild) next month. 答案:will be rebuilt 3.I (praise) if I finish the work within one week. 答案:shall be praised 4.The students (not allow)to leave if they dont have their teachers permission. 答案:will not be allowed 5.Some new computers (send)back to the factory tomorrow. 答案:will be sent 6.The water (pollute)f

      2、urther unless the government takes action. 答案:will be polluted 7.Sir Denis,who is 78,has made it known that much of his collection (leave) to the nation. 答案:is to be left 8.More efforts,as reported, (make) in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. 答案:will be made 9.Thousands of jobs (lose)if the factories close. 答案:will be lost 10.The problem (solve)if you really understand it and find the right method. 答案:will be solved 二、单句改错 1.A speech on how to learn English well wi

      3、ll be given us all in our school hall this afternoon. 答案:在 us 前加 to 2.An English play will be put at the party to be held this weekend. 答案:在 put 后加 on 3.If spare time is made full use in your study,you will make progress. 答案:在 use 后加 of 4.These kinds of books will be taken good care by people. 答案:在 care 后加 of 5.The mistakes in the exercises will be cross by the teacher. 答案:crosscrossed 6.The meeting will be held until next Monday. 答案:willwont 7.The book is very popular among the students,so it i

      4、s sold well. 答案:is soldsells 8.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people will be persuaded to eat more fruits and vegetables. 答案:第二个 will beare 三、将下列句子变为被动语态 1.They will finish the work next Sunday. 答案:The work will be finished by them next Sunday. 2.Mr Li will visit the Summer Palace tomorrow. 答案:The Summer Palace will be visited by Mr Li tomorrow. 3.They will pay more to the athletes. 答案:More will be paid to the athletes by them. 4.That country will host the 32n

      5、d Summer Olympic Games in 2020. 答案:The 32nd Summer Olympic Games will be hosted by that country in 2020. 5.They will finish the job in three hours. 答案:The job will be finished by them in three hours. 6.We will take good care of your boy when you are out. 答案:Your boy will be taken good care of by us when you are out. 7.If you buy that computer,I will give you some money. 答案:If that computer is bought (by you),some money will be given to you (by me). 8.How will you deal with this problem? 答案:How w

      6、ill this problem be dealt with (by you)? 9.Where will they build the hospital? 答案:Where will the hospital be built by them? 10.Will you allow your son to play computer games? 答案:Will your son be allowed to play computer games(by you)? 四、将下列句子变为主动语态 1.His new book will be published next month by them. 答案:They will publish his new book next month. 2.Can you tell me by whom this lecture will be given this afternoon? 答案:Can you tell me who will give this lecture this afternoon? 3.These dictionaries

      7、wont be taken out of the library again by you. 答案:You wont take these dictionaries out of the library again. 4.An exhibition of painting is going to be held at the art museum when he comes back from abroad. 答案:He is going to hold an exhibition of painting at the art museum when he comes back from abroad. 5.The students are going to be examined on everything they have learnt this term by the teacher. 答案:The teacher is going to examine the students on everything they have learnt this term. 6.Our h

      8、omework will be finished this evening. 答案:We will finish our homework this evening. 7.My computer will be repaired by my friend. 答案:My friend will repair my computer. 8.Tomorrow the room will be cleaned by Tom. 答案:Tomorrow Tom will clean the room. 五、阅读理解 A (2018 安徽安庆高一期中试题) (思维品质) David Beckham was born in 1975 in London,at a place called Leytonstone.When he was a young boy,his greatest passion was in football.He played it whenever he had the chance.Sometimes he would go and watch a game with hi

      9、s friends.When David Beckham was 12 years old,he won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award.This was an important step forward for this young boy,and it led him to go for a visit to a football training camp in Spain.As a boy he played for schools of Essex and also for his county team. In 1991,he became a trainee with Manchester United.This meant that he could practice football as much as he wanted to and play for the highly successful Manchester United Youth Cup team and Under- 21 team.In April,1995 he played his first football league game against Leeds Untied.During 1995 and 1996,David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both football seasons,with David scoring many goals. His goals made him a household name.In the first game of the 1996-1997 season,he scored a surprising goal from beyond the halfway line.Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal,Beckham became famous overnight.He continued


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