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    • 1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固探究一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in search ofbelong tobe at warby designin returnthink highly oftake apartdebate withcare aboutbe worth1.Do you think the house was burnt down ?答案:by design2.The two families with each other.答案:are at war3.The brave boy for he had saved a girl being robbed in a clever way without being hurt.答案:was highly thought of4.All the parents their childrens safety and health.答案:care about5.Many old people having

      2、 received others presents often give some gifts ,showing politeness.答案:in return6.The worried parents who were their missing son felt a little easier for their son had been seen somewhere some days before.答案:in search of7.He his friends on the problems of life.答案:debated with8.This robots job is to bombs that may go off.答案:take apart9.The film seeing again because it is very instructive.答案:is worth10.It is easy to take away the possessions others on a crowded train when getting off.答案:belonging

      3、to二、单句语法填空1.The bill is under (debate) and hasnt been passed yet.答案:debate2.There was only one (survive) in the plane crash.答案:survivor3.As we all know,he is a famous (design).答案:designer4.Some students hold the view that universities should be centres of (cultural).答案:culture5.I have (rare) seen such a beautiful present.答案:rarely6.Finally we got several (prove) of his innocence.答案:proofs7.The price of the (wood) bed is reasonable,I think.答案:wooden8.We are to get together at the (enter) to our s

      4、chool at 8:00 a.m.答案:entrance9.With a bomb (explode),the people nearby ran away as fast as possible.答案:exploding10.Real friendship is more (value) than money.答案:valuable11.The smokers dont care the dangers of smoking.答案:about12.The teacher rather than the students (be) to blame for the failure of the experiment.答案:was13.Never before she seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.答案:has14.Though he is a murderer,he should receive fair trial.答案:a15.(evident) he is not equal to the job.答案:E

      5、vidently三、单句改错1.Begin to build your confidence,and then work through problems rather than to avoid them.答案:去掉than后面的to2.The machine didnt function suddenly.I took apart it and saw if I could find out what was wrong with it.答案:apart itit apart3.He doesnt like classic music,nor I do.答案:I dodo I4.Our English teacher,whose humor always makes our class lively and interesting,is highly thought.答案:在thought后加 of5.Do you know the new rules are in debate?答案:inunder四、完形填空导学号72864005(思维品质语言能力)The Great Wall

      6、 of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world.It 1from west to east,2 mountains,3valleys and finally 4the sea.The Great Wall has a history of over two 5 years.People began to 6the wall 7 the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history.In about 221 BC Qin Shihuang had all the walls 8.9,the Great Wall came to the world.The Great Wall is 10 6,000 kilometres long,6-7 metres high and 4-5 metres wide.In most places it is 11 enough for five horses or ten men to walk 12 along the top

      7、.It was very 13 to build 14 a great wall in the old 15.Thousands of men 16when they built it.The Great Wall was made not only of stones,but of millions of 17.Today,the Great Wall has become a place18 interest not only to the Chinese but also to people all over the world.19 the Egyptians feel proud of their pyramids,20Chinese people also feel proud of our Great Wall.1.A.comes B.goesC.liesD.stands答案:B解析:go/run from west to east“从西向东”,此处指长城的走向。2.A.throughB.alongC.overD.across答案:C解析:over mountains“翻

      8、山越岭”。3.A.andB.fromC.toD.through答案:D解析:在表示穿过山谷、隧道、森林等时,常用介词through。4.A.getsB.comesC.reachesD.arrives答案:C解析:get,come和arrive都为不及物动词,reach“抵达”,为及物动词。5.A.thousandB.millionC.hundredD.billion答案:A解析:长城始建于春秋时期,距今已经有两千多年的历史。6.A.createB.designC.formD.build答案:D解析:在春秋时期开始修建长城。7.A.betweenB.atC.inD.on答案:C解析:in the Spring and Autumn Period意为“在春秋时期”,在朝代前面应用介词in。8.A.made upB.joined upC.sent upD.put up答案:B解析:make up“构成,编造”;join up“连接”;send up“发射”;put up“搭起,张贴”。此处意为“秦始皇把长城连接起来了”,即had all the walls joined up。9.A.Since then onB.Now and thenC.From then onD.Before then答案:C解析:since then“自从那时起”,后面不接on;now and then“时而”;from then on“从那时起”;before then“在那之前”。此处意为“自从那时起,长城就形成(问世)了”。10.A.no more thanB.not more thanC.less thanD.more than答案:D解析:no more than“仅仅”;not more than“至多”;less than“少于”;more than“不止,多于”。此处意为“长城有6000多千米长”。11.A.wideB.longC.highD.tall答案:A解析:由后面的“for five horses or ten men to walk”这一信息可知,此处应该是指长城的宽度。12.A.one by oneB.day by dayC.side by s


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