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    • 1、Unit 2The Olympic GamesSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课后篇巩固探究一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空compete withtake part instand foras wellbe admitted toevery two years1.Do you know what the meaning of CPU is?It Central Processing Unit.答案:stands for2.He is a good actor and an excellent director of TV plays .答案:as well3.Usually they have to be replaced .答案:every two years4.Every year only a few new members our organization.答案:are admitted to5.As a student,he not only devotes himself to his stud

      2、y,but also all kinds of activities after school.答案:takes part in6.How many runners will us in the marathon to be held next month?答案:compete with二、单句语法填空1.Excuse me.But can you tell me what ATM stands ?答案:for2.The Classic Everlasting (host) by Sa Beining is very instructive to students.答案:hosted3.Will you join us the discussion or take part in the evening party to be held at Toms?答案:in4.No one admitted (responsible) for the attacks.答案:responsibility5.About 2,000 singers competed each other six me

      3、dals in the National Singing Competition.答案:against/with;for6.The girls (admit) into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.答案:admitted三、同义句改写导学号728640161.Some famous athletes in the world took part in the Asian Games.Some famous athletes in the world the Asian Games.答案:competed in2.Tom and I will go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.Tom I will go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.答案:as well as3.Mike admitted that he had made a mistake and apologized to

      4、me.Mike admitted a mistake and apologized to me.答案:having made4.The workers will be replaced by some robots.The workers will be by some robots.答案:taken the place of5.Each of you should be responsible for what you have done.Each of you should what you have done.答案:take responsibility for四、语篇填空(语言能力)The five rings on the Olympic flag 1.(stand) for the five continents on the earth,2.means any country can take part in the Olympic Games.But only athletes who have reached the 3.(agree) standard for th

      5、eir event 4.(admit) as competitors.All the 5.(athlete) are aware that the harder they work,the 6.(close) their dreams will become.Volunteers who 7.(offer) help for the Olympics are becoming more and more popular 8.well.They do a lot of voluntary work,for example,taking charge 9. the accommodation of the athletes.10. my opinion,they are all worth respect.答案:1.stand2.which3.agreed4.will be admitted5.athletes6.closer7.offer8.as9.of10.In五、阅读理解导学号72864017(思维品质)Montgomery County Special Olympics held

      6、its eighth yearly show of unified(联合的) basketball at Blessed Sacrament School.The gym was filled with cheerleaders(啦啦队队员),parents and friends.The walls were covered with posters made by third-and-fourth-graders at the school.And all the elementary,middle and high school unified teams were playing hard and having fun.Every basket,no matter which team scores,is cheered and celebrated.Special Olympics support more than 20 unified games.What are unified games?They are programs designed for players w

      7、ith special needs.In the games,they play with kids who are volunteers,called unified partners.The special athletes are unable to play normally like other healthy kids,and some of them are wheelchair(轮椅) users.In basketball,the unified partners rebound(抢得篮板球),pass and sometimes push a special athletes wheelchair.As Brian Ross,a seventh-grader at St.Albans School in Washington,says,“You just try to help and get everyone to take part.”Some special athletes have come a long way to be where they are.

      8、Caleb Head is a 15-year-old special athlete.When he started,Caleb would only stand at the door and watch.Then Caleb began to practice his shooting but still would not play in the games.Now Caleb runs up and down looking for his shot.The special athletes are not the only ones who benefit(受益) from unified sports;the unified partners do,too.Marla Grusin,whose son Tyler is a special athlete,says every kid should come to a Special Olympics game.If they do,they will learn “to share the ball” and that

      9、“the game is not all about me”.Not a bad lesson for any athlete.1.The first paragraph is about .A.the meaning of unified gamesB.Special Olympics developmentC.the benefits of playing basketballD.an exciting unified basketball game答案:D解析:段落大意题。根据首句及对体育馆内比赛场景的介绍,可知是在介绍一场联合篮球赛。2.Special Olympics are especially held for students who .A.are disabledB.love cheerleadingC.know little about ball gamesD.want to become a star player答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第五句“The special athletes are unable to play normally like other healthy kids.”可知应选A项。3.According to the text,Brian Ross is most p


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